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    20 October 2020 Volume 40 Issue 4-5
    Reflection on Construction and Management of National Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Teams
    Li Yuanhui, Liu Yulong, Yu Jun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  2-6. 
    Abstract ( 178 )   PDF (821KB) ( 181 )  
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    The basic management system, responsibility assignments, action basis, and ability status and deficiencies in China's national nuclear emergency medical rescue team construction are combed. Combined withproblems and experience exposed in the health emergency response to COVID-19, corresponding opinions and suggestions for the future construction are put forward.
    Thoughts on Improving Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Medical Rescue in China
    Bai Guang, Liu Yulong, Cao Yi, LiaoYuanxiang
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  7-10. 
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF (796KB) ( 234 )  
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    We outline the importance and main tasks of medical rescue for nuclear and radiation emergencies, and discuss its need for radiation protection, radiology, critical care and clinical medicine. It's proposed that only multidisciplinary communication and multi-unit complementary cooperation can truly improve the level of medical rescue for nuclear and radiation emergencies.
    Radiation Monitoring and Hazard Assessment for Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue
    Sun Liang, Liu Yulong, Bai Guang
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  11-15. 
    Abstract ( 103 )   PDF (827KB) ( 464 )  
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    For the purpose of reducing the damage of nuclear accidents to workers and the public, and ensuring the health and safety of rescuers and the public, from the perspective of radiation monitoring and hazard assessmeand, we discuss the framework, content and significance of multidisciplinary communication and multi-unit cooperation with regard to the identification of radiation source terms and the determination of threat types in emergency rescue. It's expected to provide expertise and decision-making basis for a more efficient and safe nuclear emergency rescue.
    Multidisciplinary Cooperation in Development of Nuclear Emergency Medicine
    Jiang Zhiqiang, He Zaiqing, Bai Guang, Liu Yulong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  16-21. 
    Abstract ( 157 )   PDF (842KB) ( 171 )  
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    We put forward the concept of multi-disciplinary communication and multi-unit cooperation, so as to allow full play to the technical strengths of relevant specialties and reinforce mutually, work together to do good in nuclear emergency medical rescue and treatment. This is on account of the principles of nuclear emergency medical rescue, including those of diagnosis and treatment of body surface contamination, radiation damage, internal contamination and compound injuries. At the same time, the capacity building of relevant departments serving as on-site rescue units of nuclear emergency medicine and taking on specialized medical treatments, including first aid and critical care medicine, radiology, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy and other clinical disciplines, is integrated.
    Establishment and Application of National Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Unit Evaluation Index System
    Liu Kai, Jing Qi, Pan Yongjun, Guo Li, Zhang Yan, Lin Xiujing
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  22-24. 
    Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (778KB) ( 208 )  
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    In order to further understand the current status of capacity building of national nuclear emergency medical rescue units, wehave established an evaluation index system and scoring standards, and evaluated a unit based at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University. The assessment focuses on 7 first-level indicators, including policies and regulations, organizational structures,contingency plans, command and control, emergency facilities and equipment, emergency response actions, as well astraining and drill. With the status quofound out and problems identified, suggestions have been made on the capacity building and assessment, such as rescue plans, material and equipment allocation and management, training and drill.
    Application of Virtual Simulation in Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Training
    Cheng Ying, Liu Hu, Gao Fu, Cui Jianguo, Liu Cong, Du Jicong, Yang Yanyong, Li Bailong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  25-28. 
    Abstract ( 115 )   PDF (1552KB) ( 150 )  
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    Organizing nuclear emergency medical rescue training is an important means to improve the capacity of medical personnel involved and promote their mastery of the disposal process. In view of many deficiencies currently existing in the organization of on-site training, such as high cost of training time and expense, too many constraints, and potential radiation damage, a helmet and handlebased interactive virtual simulation training system is developed, to assist rescue training. The practical experience of the system in recent years is summarized. It has been proven to have significantly improved the rescue training level, and has been playing an important role in promoting the mastery of disposal processes and the improvement of disposal capacities.
    Design, Training and Implementation of Health Rescue Drills for Nuclear and Radiation Emergency
    Fu Ximing, Chang Chunhui, Yuan Long, Chen Huifang, Lei Cuiping
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  29-33. 
    Abstract ( 108 )   PDF (1517KB) ( 165 )  
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    By summarizing the experience of nuclear and radiation health emergency rescue drills carried out in the past, we analyze the design, training and implementation of the drill with reference to relevant technical guidelines at home and abroad. The design steps and method, the essentials for pre-drill training by subject, the main tasks and considerationsof the drill are then given, and analyzed with concrete examples.It is suggested that China should carry out more diversified medical rescue drills for nuclear and radiation emergencyto further improve its response capability.
    Design Key Points of Accident Scenarios and Rescue Plans for Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Drills
    Wang Min, Jiang Zhiqiang, Chen Jing, He Zaiqing
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  34-37. 
    Abstract ( 97 )   PDF (806KB) ( 109 )  
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    With nuclear weapon explosions, nuclear accidents,and nuclear terror incidents taken as source terms,we analyze injurious factors involved, and discuss key points for the design of accident scenarios and rescue plans, so as to guide nuclear emergency medical rescue drills and improve the comprehensive medical rescue capability.
    Key Points of Equipment Use and Maintenance for Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Team
    Zhang Haichuan, Wang Min, Chen Jing, Sun Li, He Zaiqing
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  38-42. 
    Abstract ( 168 )   PDF (802KB) ( 90 )  
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    With respect to the use and maintenance of common equipment in nuclear emergency medical rescue units, an introduction is given by categorizing the equipment as radiation detection, medical rescue, motor vehicles, logistic materials and communication support. Combined with working experience of routine training, excercises and drill, as well as maintenance, we discuss how to improve equipment use and maintenance.
    Decontamination of Body Surface in Nuclear and Radiation Emergencies
    Xu Xiaohua, Qin Hongran
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  43-47. 
    Abstract ( 197 )   PDF (941KB) ( 186 )  
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    Decontamination is both an important means and a key link in nuclear and radiation emergency disposal and medical treatment. Whether the decontamination facilities can meet the technical requirements and the decontamination processes are standardized, is critical and necessary for preventing the spread of pollution and reducing the absorption of radionuclides. We mainly introduce the decontamination of body surface in nuclear and radiation emergencies, aiming to provide a certain reference for future emergencies.
    Triage and Transfer of The Woundeds during On-site Medical Rescue of Nuclear Emergency
    Zhao Fengling, Liu Yulong, Yang Jifeng, Lv Yumin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  48-51. 
    Abstract ( 139 )   PDF (795KB) ( 99 )  
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    The casualties of nuclear radiation emergencies are complex, which may involve external exposure of radiation injuries, contamination with radionuclides and conventional injuries. Triage in nuclear radiation emergencies will be initially based on the severity of medical conditions using conventional triage systems and not on radioactive exposure or contamination. Primary attention will always be aimed at life threatening conditions. According to the classification standards of radiation injuries and conventional injuries, triage was classified by the four levels of the first priority treatment, the second priority treatment, the delayed treatment and final treatment. During the transfer, the changes of the wounded should be observed and avoiding contamination with radionuclides. The transfer records, materials of the wounded should be done well.
    Discussion on Joint Military-Civilian Response Mechanism of Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue
    Chen Zhongmin, Li Fengsheng, Deng Zhirong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  52-55. 
    Abstract ( 107 )   PDF (814KB) ( 127 )  
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    We clarify the necessity and mode of joint military-civilian response to nuclear emergency medical rescue from perspectives of timing, response content, response channels and methods, so as to contribute theoretical support for, and method guidance on, improving the overall level of nuclear emergency medical rescue.
    Construction of Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Teams around the World
    Xing Zhiwei, Zhao Xinran, Yu Chengcheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  56-59. 
    Abstract ( 147 )   PDF (800KB) ( 202 )  
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    Nuclear emergency medical rescue is a part of disaster rescue medicine. We briefly review the development of disaster rescue medicine, the establishment and operation of foreign and domestic emergency medical rescue teams. We, on account of the Fukushima nuclear accident, highlight the general situation andoperation mode of nuclear accident rescue teams, the construction of on-site emergency rescue teams in nuclear facilities, as well as the training and drill of rescue teams, in Russia and the United States. On the other side, we sort out China's nuclear emergency rescue system of three-level rescue and four-level treatment, as well as the team formation at national level and above all the staffing and main tasks of on-site service units. We further analyze the current situation and existing deficiencies of training and dril, and provide suggestions for the capacity building of nuclear emergency rescue teams.
    International Comparison of Medical Emergency Management Systems for Nuclear and Radiation Accidents
    Cao Xiyuan, Cao Yi, Liu Yulong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  60-67. 
    Abstract ( 182 )   PDF (878KB) ( 167 )  
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    With the rapid development of nuclear energy and nuclear technology application in China, the medical emergency pressure is increasing along with the risk of nuclear and radiation accidents. The constitution of medical emergency management system for nuclear and radiation accidents in China is introduced. We also compare it with those of countries such as Japan, the United States, France, Russia and Canada, and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, we review the role of WHO and IAEA in medical emergency response to nuclear and radiation accidents. We then put forward some suggestions on improving the medical emergency management system and enhancing the medical emergency response ability.
    Practice and Reflection on Improving the Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Capability in Army Medical University
    Wang Xinmiao, Wang Junping, Ran Xinze
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  68-70. 
    Abstract ( 90 )   PDF (781KB) ( 247 )  
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    In order to effectively improve the medical rescue ability in response to public healthemergency arising from nuclear accidents, combined with many years' practice in our university, we explore and reflect on major respects such as talent training, rescue drill mode, personnel psychological intervention, and public radiation protection education.
    Technology and Equipment Analysis for Maritime Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue
    Liu Shufeng, Ma Dexun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  71-73. 
    Abstract ( 101 )   PDF (794KB) ( 85 )  
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    Wemainly analyze the characteristics of maritime nuclear emergency medical support missions and the requirements for capacity index construction, and propose the research path of key technologies, equipment and standards for nuclear emergency medical rescue. It's expected to provide theoretical reference for the construction and development of the nuclear emergency medical support system which combines peacetime with wartime and serves both military and civilian purposes.
    Analysis of the Status Quo of Nuclear & Radiological Emergency Medical Rescue System in Shandong Province
    Yang Shuhui, Liu Wei, Zhu Jianguo, Li Hailiang, Zhang Lin, Chen Yingmin, Wang Xiaoshan, Min Nan, Niu Fei
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  74-78. 
    Abstract ( 103 )   PDF (871KB) ( 234 )  
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    The organization, team building, and equipment allocation for the nuclear and radiological emergency medical rescue system in Shandong Province, as well as the measures taken to maintain and improve the emergency response capability, is presented. With exsting problems found out, we put forward suggestions for the next step.
    Construction of Municipal Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Teams in Northeast Sichuan Province
    Chen Jianguo
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  79-83. 
    Abstract ( 89 )   PDF (819KB) ( 59 )  
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    The experience of building medical rescue teams for nuclear emergency in five prefectural cities of northeast Sichuan Province is shared. It's proven that, under the leadership of government, as well as with the support of competent authorities and the cooperation of relevant departments, a nuclear emergency medical rescue team with actual combat capability can be established by means of system construction, team building, personnel training, equipment construction, actual maneuvers, exchanges and learning.
    An Introduction to the Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Team of Nuclear Industry 417 Hospital
    Wang Shouzheng, Zhang Huisheng, Du Fengtao, Li Li
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  84-88. 
    Abstract ( 200 )   PDF (799KB) ( 93 )  
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    With the view of minimizing nuclear accident-induced loss and adverse consequences, emergency medical rescue mainly covers prompt and effective medical treatment of the exposed personnel and the seriously injured, protection of the public and emergency workers, and reduction of all kinds of injuries to personnel. Here we introduce the establishment and development process of the nuclear emergency medical rescue unit of Nuclear Industry 417 Hospital, also summarize and analyze previous rescue drills for the reference of personnel undertaking nuclear emergency medical rescue.
    Reflection on Capacity Building of Nuclear Emergency Medical Rescue Teams in Secondary Level General Hospitals
    Pang Hua, Qiu Jianguo
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  89-93. 
    Abstract ( 87 )   PDF (818KB) ( 91 )  
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    A medical rescue team for nuclear and radiation emergencies, established in Beijing Nuclear Industry Hospital,has participated in emergency rescue drills and handling in a nuclear institute for many times. We analyze and summarize the role of level II general hospitals in nuclear and radiation emergency medical rescue, so as to provide reference for the hospital to further improve relevant capacity building.
    Investigation and Reflection on Psychological Status of Nuclear Power Plant Workers during COVID-19
    Xiao Tianqing, Li Min, Liu Yulong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  94-96. 
    Abstract ( 136 )   PDF (794KB) ( 101 )  
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    During the COVID-19 outbreak, we conducted an online questionnaire survey of the general state among workers in 16 nuclear power plants. Using the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), the 12-item General Health Questionnaires (GHQ-12) , Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ), Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and, etc, we obtained their psychological state and designed relevant psychological intervention programs. The results showed that,in those days,their mental state were generally stable and psychological quality was better than that of the general population, while the operators were the best.
    Application of Dicentric Chromosome Analysis in Nuclear/Radiation Emergency Biodosimetry and its Progress
    Wang Ping, Han Lin, Li Jie, Zhao Fengling, Lyu Yumin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  97-102. 
    Abstract ( 126 )   PDF (856KB) ( 308 )  
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    Dicentric chromosome analysis, recognized as the gold standard of bio-dose estimation, has been applied to nuclear/radiation victims for nearly 60 years, and has accumulated a wealth of data. We review the status of its application and progress for both manual and automatic methods. It's expected to provide reference for dicentric chromosome based bio-dose estimation in China.
    Thinking on Medical System Construction for Nuclear Emergency from “4.26” 60Co Radiation Accident Treatment in Henan Province
    Lu Zhijuan, Li Xugaung, Hao Jiangxiu, Jiang Bo, Jiang Enhai, Jiao Lin, Zhao Fengling
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(4-5):  103-106. 
    Abstract ( 135 )   PDF (812KB) ( 85 )  
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    With a summary of the successful treatment experience of “4.26” 60Co radiation accident in Henan, we propose that the construction of medical emergency system for nuclear and radiation accidents needs to improve the timeliness and level of treatment, while the success of treatment requires the participation of multiple departments and technical professionals, as well as efficient and unified command, which should be continuously developed and improved in practice.