
Table of Content

    20 December 2020 Volume 40 Issue 6
    Expert Forum
    History has Witnessed the Resplendence of the 125th Anniversary of X-Ray DiscoveryOn the 125th Anniversary of X-ray Discovery
    Zheng Junzheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(6):  1-16+29. 
    Abstract ( 360 )   PDF (2576KB) ( 732 )  
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    On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the discovery of Roentgen rays, contemplation and chanting this unprecedented great epoch-making achievement in the history of human science and technology, It has profoundly influenced and changed the world, to the scientific and technological progress and social civilization has brought incomparable brilliant results. Looking back on the past, combining with the continuous new developments in related fields at home and abroad, this paper reviews the development trend in four aspects, to express our reverence and remembrance, pray for enlightenment and benefit. Foresee the future by reivewing the past, based on ionizing radiation technology is a double-edged sword, therefore, it is a great honor to escort the development of nuclear science and technology and its wide application.On the 125th anniversary of the discovery of the Roentgen ray, this unprecedented epoch-making achievement in the history of human science and technology has profoundly influenced and changed the world, and brought incomparable brilliant fruits to the progress of science and technology and social civilization. Looking back at the past, closely combining with the outstanding achievements in related fields at home and abroad, we would like to follow up and comment on relevant developments and trends from four aspects, to express our respect and memory, and hope to obtain valuable enlightenment and benefit. Having learned from the past that ionizing radiation technology is a double-edged sword, I am deeply honored to be able to unswervingly safeguard the development of nuclear science and technology and its extensive application.
    Research Progress and Prospects of the Impact of Nuclear Power Plant Discharge Water on Surrounding Aquatic Organisms
    Zhang Yefeng, Xue Huiyuan, Li Shengri, Wan Jun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(6):  17-24. 
    Abstract ( 338 )   PDF (811KB) ( 749 )  
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    With the development and utilization of nuclear energy, people pay more and more attention to the impact of discharge water from nuclear power plants on the surrounding ecosystems, and related studies are gradually increasing. We outline the related work of 4 nuclear power plants, including Qinshan, Daya Bay, Ignalina and Almaraz, and summarize the impact of their discharged water on the surrounding ecosystems. It is concluded that the effect of nuclear power plant discharge water on the aquatic ecosystem is mainly affected by the dilution capacity of the water body. When the amount of discharged water is small and the interaction of the receiving water body is strong, the radioactivity level of the surrounding water bodies and organisms will decrease, and the water temperature increase will not be obvious. On the contrary, when the radionuclides in the discharged water are not sufficiently diluted and diffused, the radioactivity level will be significantly higher than the background, and obvious accumulation will occur, and even radiation effects may happen. The water temperature near the discharge port will also rise significantly, resulting in a gradual decrease in the number of constant temperature species of fish and algae. while warm water species become the main body of the community gradually. In addition, with the rapid development of modern computer technology, the use of big data for simulation calculations and selection of model biological experiments for verification will help us better understand the impact of discharged water on aquatic ecosystems, and provide references for nuclear power environmental impact assessment.
    Economic Analysis Model for Radioactive Waste Minimization
    Song Yunlong, Wu Zhifeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(6):  25-29. 
    Abstract ( 96 )   PDF (833KB) ( 75 )  
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    Radioactive waste minimization technology is becoming more and more comprehensive, refined and diversified. The cost analysis of it can no longer be measured simply by calculating the amount of waste reduction. In order to make an accurate economic analysis of such a complex technology, it is decomposed into four optimization links, and the key points of cost and benefit were analyzed one by one. An economic analysis model is then formed, which can be used to quickly and accurately grasp the economy of radioactive waste minimization technology.
    Analysis and Calculation of Operational Intervention Level for Emergency in Reprocessing Plants
    Xu Xiaoxiao, Zhang Jiangang, Wang Xuexin, Li Guoqiang, Sun Hongchao, Zhuang Dajie
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(6):  30-34. 
    Abstract ( 108 )   PDF (708KB) ( 72 )  
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    The operational intervention level is based on the principle of radiation protection optimization. It uses environmental monitoring data to implement response actions, so that protective actions meet actual emergency needs. As an important basis for emergency response, the operational intervention level is, therefore, a key link in the spent fuel reprocessing plant emergency plan. According to the characteristics of reprocessing plant operational intervention level, we adopt two methods to derive it's value, with the avoidable dose and the expected dose employed respectively. With the avoidable dose used as the protective action criterion for concealment and eevacuatio, the calculated value of OIL1 for the operational intervention level of serious accidents in reprocessing plants is very small, and below the detection limit of commonly used gamma dose rate meters. Taking the Russian Tomsk red oil explosion accident as the source term, we obtained the values of OIL1, OIL2 and OIL3 using the method of avoidable dose. It can provide guidance for off-site public protection actions, improve emergency preparedness and management, in reprocessing plants.
    Monitoring of Tritiated Steam in Controll Area of a PWR Nuclear Power Plant
    Ma Laishan, Zhang Zhiqiang, Cui Jin, Li Wenguo
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(6):  35-38. 
    Abstract ( 92 )   PDF (685KB) ( 69 )  
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    Some tritium in the primary coolant circuit of a pressurized water reactor can be discharged into the working environment through liquid waste and gas emission systems. The monitoring results of vaporous tritium in the controll area of a PWR nuclear power plant is presented. It comes out that, during operation and outrage, the concentration of vaporous tritium was <LLD-9.21×102 Bq/m3 and <LLD-3.14×103 Bq/m3 , respectively. This indicates the tritium concentration in the initial working environment is relatively low, and there is no need to take additional protective measures for working stuff and conduct tritium internal dose monitoring.
    Construction and Application of Data Management Information System for Geological Environment Radiation Monitoring in Guangdong Province
    Que Zesheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2020, 40(6):  39-43. 
    Abstract ( 104 )   PDF (8973KB) ( 17 )  
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    Using C# development language, VisualStudio 2010 and ArcGIS Engineering 10.2 as the development environment, Oracle 11G as the data repository, ArcSDE 10.2 for spatial data exchange, we constructed a data management information system for geological environment radiation monitoring in Guangdong Province, through system integration, with terrestrial Gamma radiation dose rate, in-place gamma energy spectrum, as well as water body, mud, soil, rock and other sample sub-banks included. It has the advantages of complete function, strong universality, stable system, high operating efficiency, intelligent drawing, friendly and beautiful interface, etc., which provides a reliable technical support for radiation environment supervision and management in the region.