
Table of Content

    20 February 2021 Volume 41 Issue 1
    Research Progress on Doped Hydroxyapatite Dosimetry
    Bi Xiaoguang, Wu Ke
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(1):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (625KB) ( 71 )  
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    Ionising radiation can induce free radicals in doped hydroxyapatite. The radiation dose can thus be measured via detection of free radicals by electron spin resonance (ESR) technology. We review the dosimetric characteristics and its research status of doped hydroxyapatite, and analyse and discuss its feasibility as a new radiation dosimeter material.
    Emergency Rescue System Construction for Road-Sea-Railway Multimodal Transportation of Spent Fuel
    Liu Yiqing, Wang Renze, Liang Boning, Su Pengwen
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(1):  6-9. 
    Abstract ( 115 )   PDF (583KB) ( 66 )  
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    Spent fuel transportation is a key link in the nuclear industry chain. With the rapid development of nuclear power in China, the allocation capacity of spent fuel transportation is significantly lagging behind. We urgently need to build a road-sea-railway multimodal transportation mode for spent fuel. Based on the emergency rescue system for spent fuel road transportation in China, the constructions of emergency rescue system for railway, sea transportation and transshipment of spent fuel are discussed, and main functions of emergency rescue decision support system for combined transportation are also discussed.
    Japan's Efforts to Improve Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power
    Gao Zhiting, Deng Shaogang, Wang Yongxian, Xiong Xiaowei
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(1):  10-15. 
    Abstract ( 78 )   PDF (2801KB) ( 285 )  
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    In March 2011, the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan caused an “anti nuclear” storm all over the world. The analysis shows that the loss of public trust in nuclear power plants has directly led to a decline in the acceptance of nuclear power. The openness and transparency of relevant information, the active communication with the public and the promotion of public participation have become the decisive factors to improve the public's trust in nuclear power plants. In order to improve public trust after the Fukushima nuclear accident, Japan has made great efforts. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, Japan's work in information disclosure, public participation and public communication was investigated. The problems of nuclear energy information disclosure and public participation in China were also analyzed, and suggestions for improving the public acceptance of nuclear energy in China were put forward.The occurrence of Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in March 2011caused an “anti nuclear” storm around the world. Analyses show that the loss of public trust in nuclear power has directly led to a decline in its acceptance. The openness and transparency of relevant information, as well as active communication with the public and promotion of public participation, have become decisive factors to improve public's trust in nuclear power. Japan has made great efforts to enhance public trust in view of this. We investigate Japan's work in information disclosure, public participation and public communication after the accident. We then analyze some problems of nuclear energy information disclosure and public participation in China, and put forward suggestions on how to improve the public acceptance of nuclear energy in China.
    Radiation Environment Monitoring of a NORM Development and Utilization Enterprise in Guangdong
    Sun Gongming, Lin Jian, Li Guanchao
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(1):  16-21. 
    Abstract ( 53 )   PDF (1777KB) ( 216 )  
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    We report the radiation environment monitoring of an enterprise developing and utilizing monazite in Guangdong Province. The results show that in 2019 and 2020, the air absorption dose rate of γ radiation in the surrounding area is 113-263 nGy/h. The concentrations of radon and thorium in air are less than 3.7-25.4 Bq/m3 and 5.9-14.2 Bq/m3 respectively. The contents of U, Th and 226Ra are 0.99-4.85 mg/kg, 31.4-90.0 mg/kg and 18.9-57.9 Bq/kg, respectively. The contents of U, Th and 226Ra in groundwater were < 0.04-0.10 μg/L, <0.05-0.16 μg/L and <2.0-5.7 mBq/L, respectively. The total amount of U and Th in wastewate is far less than the standard discharge limit of pollutants in rare earth industries.
    Investigation on Radiation Protection of Medical Staff in Radiology Department of Medical Institution in Xi'an
    HU Fengyuan, LU Xiaoxiao, MU Xuechen, LI Peng, XIN Xueya, LI Wanqing, DUAN Yunyan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(1):  22-29. 
    Abstract ( 61 )   PDF (6654KB) ( 90 )  
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    From September to December 2019, radiology departments of 30 medical institutions in Xi'an were randomly selected for a questionnaire survey on radiation protection, and required 214 valid data. According to the survey objects' demographic and sociological characteristics and occupational characteristics, working environment, radiation protection knowledge, personal suggestions and other survey items, this paper aims to discusses the current situation of radiation protection in medical institutions and radiology medical staff at all levels in Xi'an city, and provides corresponding solutions to the problems. The results showed that there are still defects in radiation protection of medical staff in the radiology department of xi'an medical institutions at all levels. It is necessary to strengthen the training of radiation protection awareness of medical staff, improve the radiation protection for medical staff, popularize the radiation protection management system in the radiology department and supervise the implementation of the radiation protection system.From September to December 2019, radiology departments of 30 medical institutions in Xi'an were randomly selected for a questionnaire survey on radiation protection. Based on the demographic sociological and occupational characteristics, working conditions, radiation protection knowledge, personal advices and other items, we discuss the current situation of radiation protection in medical institutions and radiology staff at all levels in Xi'an city, and provide corresponding solutions to the problems. The results showed that there are still some shortcomings in the respect. It is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of radiation protection awareness of medical staff and improve radiation protection for medical staff, popularise the radiation protection management system of radiology departments and supervise the implementation of radiation protection system.
    Cause Analysis for Reactor Pool Water Turbidity Before Fuel Unloading of a Nuclear Power Plant Overhaul
    Jiang Lei, Yin Longjiang, Hu Zilong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(1):  30-33. 
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (4048KB) ( 104 )  
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    We review a reactor pool water turbidity event before fuel unloading of a nuclear power plant overhaul. The causes involved are analysed from aspects such as operations before turbidity appeared, source of substances causing water turbidity, and the pollution process. And the treatment measures are introduced as well.
    Overview of Conventions Formulated by the International Atomic Energy Agency
    Zhang Yuhang, Wang Yongxian
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(1):  34-40. 
    Abstract ( 100 )   PDF (620KB) ( 282 )  
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    In order to accelerate and expand the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity around the world and to promote nuclear exchanges among countries, the IAEA has developed a series of conventions covering various aspects of nuclear safety, nuclear security, nuclear responsibility, cooperation and assistance. The purpose, background and main contents of these conventions are introduced. Since joining the International Atomic Energy Agency, China has actively participated in the International Atomic Energy Agency Convention, demonstrating to the world its status as a responsible nuclear power.In order to expand the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity around the world and to promote nuclear exchanges among countries, the the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) has developed a series of conventions. These conventions cover nuclear safety, nuclear security, nuclear responsibility, cooperation and assistance, etc. We introduce the purpose, background and main contents of various conventions. Since its accession to IAEA, China has actively participated in IAEA conventions and earnestly implemented them, demonstrating to the world its status as a responsible nuclear power.