
Table of Content

    20 April 2021 Volume 41 Issue 2
    Progress and commentary
    Dose Coefficients for Occupational Internal Dose Assessment Provided in Latest ICRP Series Reports
    Wang Chuangao, Chen Qianlan, Xia Yihua, Wang Wei, Pang Hongchao, Luo Zhiping, Chen Ling
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(2):  1-10. 
    Abstract ( 225 )   PDF (566KB) ( 149 )  
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    The internal dose, which couldn't be directly measured, can only be calculated from the biokinetics model, dose model and related parameters based on the activity measurement results. Since the 1880's, there have been lots of changes in the relevant fields of dose models, biokinetics models, and radiological decay related parameters, thus forming a new calculation framework. Since its No.130 published in 2015, ICRP has released a series of reports to replace ICRP No.30, No.68, No.54 and No.78 (not yet finished), giving the dose coefficient under this framework and the latest results on the interpretation of biological sample measurements, such as the Z(t) function, which can be directly used to calculate effective dose based on the activity measurement results. We select 32 common nuclide to compare the old data with the new calculation results of ICRP. It can be seen that the dose coefficients of various nuclides given in the new publications have basically changed, and the absorption types are more diversified.
    Development and Application of an Integrated Contamination Monitoring & Dose Management System for Nuclear Power Plants
    Yang Ceming, Zhang Lizhi, Li Linshan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(2):  11-18. 
    Abstract ( 73 )   PDF (1241KB) ( 179 )  
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    With increasing localization of electronic dosimeters, contamination monitoring equipments at entrances of control areas, TLD readers and whole body counters, a nuclear power plant may connect them together to form a data system. This provides a probability to manage centrally, long-term store and in-depth apply data according to the needs of radiation protection management, and efficiently complete the management work, originally completed manually, through information and intelligence. We present the composition and basic functions of the integrated contamination monitoring and dose management system in a nuclear power plant along with its internal and external data interface design. We then analyse its application effect, and propose further application in personal dose investigation and intervention, optimisation performance feedback, collective dose and alarm information management and trend analysis, etc.
    A Technology for Rapid Measurement of Neutron Spectrum
    Lei Ming, Fen Xiaobo, An Yanlong, Liu Jianzhong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(2):  19-22. 
    Abstract ( 115 )   PDF (2676KB) ( 227 )  
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    In order to obtain neutron spectrum quickly and measure the dose rate of neutron radiation field accurately, an Bonner sphere spectrometer was designed. The system can measure neutron spectrum online and display neutron dose rate in real time. The spectrometer was verified in a Am-Be reference radiation field. The result was in good agreement with the standard spectrum, and the deviation between the measured dose rate and the true value after conversion was less than ±7%.
    Radiation Protection Design and Verification of a Nuclear Technology Utilization Project in Hunan
    Cao Jiayi, Wang Wenwen
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(2):  23-28. 
    Abstract ( 52 )   PDF (1207KB) ( 99 )  
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    In order to meet the requirements of the “Basic Standards for Ionizing Radiation Protection and Radiation Source Safety” (GB 18871—2002), a radiation protection shielding calculation design was carried out for a nuclear technology utilization project in Hunan and the radiation environment monitoring verification was carried out on the basis of the design. The monitoring results show that the radiation protection design of the project meets the requirements of relevant standards or regulations.In order to meet the requirements of the “Basic Standards for Ionizing Radiation Protection and Radiation Source Safety” (GB 18871—2002), the calculation and design of radiation protection shielding for a nuclear technology utilization project in Hunan province was carried out. It’s then verified via radiation environment monitoring The results show that the design meets the requirements of relevant standards or specifications.
    Observation on Monitoring of Weak Penetration Radiation During Overhaul of a Nuclear Power Plant
    Bai Han, Dong Zhengpeng, Cui Yuwen
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(2):  29-31. 
    Abstract ( 72 )   PDF (495KB) ( 75 )  
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    During the overhaul of nuclear power plants, there is high weak penetration radiation in some places with open equipments. For such a concern, a nuclear power plant performed relevant radiation monitoring. We present its contents and results, and provide evaluation and protection suggestions.
    Considerations and Suggestions on Site Selection and Design of Radiation Environment Supervisory Monitoring Systems in Nuclear Power Plant
    Yao Peilin, Guan Qingtao
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2021, 41(2):  32-36. 
    Abstract ( 69 )   PDF (2548KB) ( 50 )  
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    Based on the practice of the construction of the supervisory monitoring system of a nuclear power plant and the experience feedback of other nuclear power plants, this paper analyzes and discusses the key issues which are easy to be neglected in the process of site selection and scheme design of the system, and puts forward relevant suggestions, which can be used as reference for the relevant work of nuclear power plants.Based on the construction practice of a certain nuclear power plant supervisory monitoring system, and referring to the experience feedback of other nuclear power plants, we analyze and discusse the key issues which are easy to be neglected , and need to be paid attention to, in the process of site selection and scheme design of the system. We then put forward relevant suggestions, which can be used as a reference for other nuclear power plants to carry out the similar work.