
Table of Content

    20 February 2023 Volume 43 Issue 1
    Progress in Bio-remediation of Uranium Contaminated Soil
    Yuan Han, Qiao Xinyan, Cao Shaofei
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(1):  1-8. 
    Abstract ( 108 )   PDF (737KB) ( 31 )  
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    With the rapid development of nuclear power, the prevention and remediation of radioactive uranium contaminated soil has become an urgent problem to be solved. The current bio-remediation technologies for uranium contaminated soil were summarized in this paper through literature reiew, including phyto-remediation, microbial remediation, phyto-microbial combined remediation, as well as phyto-microbial-chelating agent combined remediation technology. Finally, according to the research results and current work, it is proposed that the future research direction should focus on the following aspects: (i)Improvement of chelating agent; (ii)Cultivate hyperaccumulation plants with engineering application value and shorten the plant growth cycle; (iii)use the existing laboratory research results to the field remediation of large-area uranium contaminated soil to achieve the purpose of engineering application; (iv)Reasonable volume reduction, harmless treatment and reuse of the remediation plants are carried out to find new technologies for the treatment of the remediation plants.
    Research Progress on Aerosol Migration Rules
    Zhao Yong, Chen Ling, Luo Zhiping, Xiang Yubo, Zhang Jintao
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(1):  9-14. 
    Abstract ( 97 )   PDF (689KB) ( 22 )  
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    With the development of nuclear power, radiation hazard caused by transuranic nuclide aerosol becomes the problem that cannot be ignored. How to find the aerosol migration rules is the key to solve this problem. The research results on influence the act of aerosol migration and migration rules are synthetically analyzed in this paper, aerosol migration is found to be primarily affected by the characteristics of aerosol’s self, carrier airflow state, and the influence of external physical field. The research about the influence of aerosol's self characteristics on migration focuses on aerosol characteristics on sedimentation, diffusion and coagulation in process of migration, which belongs to the study of aerosol migration rules under ideal conditions. The research about the influence of carrier airflow state on aerosol migration focuses on the movement state of carrier airflow, and the two-phase flow between carrier airflow gas and aerosol particles, which mainly describe the distribution of aerosol particles in carrier airflow under carrier airflow state. The research about influence of external physical field on aerosol migration focuses on temperature field, magnetic field, electric field and humidity field, which is suitable to describe the aerosol migration state in the actual process. Through analyzing influential factors of aerosol migration, it is considered that aerosol migration behavior under multi-factor, migration rules and model of aerosol under multi-physical field coupling have not been studied.
    Contents of Radionuclides in Corn and Rice and their Annual Effective Doses in Shizuishan of Ningxia
    Dou Zhijuan, Li Zuoyou, Zhao Decai, Yang Xiulong, Ye Mingsheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(1):  15-20. 
    Abstract ( 72 )   PDF (4854KB) ( 35 )  
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    Objective In order to know the levels of radionuclides in corn and rice in the studied area, and their annual effective dose to the local residents caused by different crops, so as to provide a scientific basis for improving food safety and protecting people’s health. Methods According to the methods specified in the national standards, the three natural radionuclides of 238U, 226Ra, and 232Th were measured in 30 corn and rice samples, and the results were processed and analyzed. Results The average activity concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, and 232Th in corn were 0.003 5, 0.063, and 0.004 Bq/kg respectively; the average activity concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, and 232Th in rice were 0.108 8, 0.751, and 0.135 Bq/kg respectively. Conclusion Rice is easier to accumulate natural radionuclides than corn. Activity concentration of radioactive substances in corn and rice samples in the studied area is much lower than the limit specified in the national standard and the world average. The internal radiation dose of residents caused by ingestion is much lower than the personal dose guidelines for food-induced exposure under existing exposure conditions, and it will not affect the health of residents after ingestion.
    Staffing Analysis for Different Operating Conditions at Reactor Building of Hualong One Nuclear Power Unit
    Zhang Zhiqiang
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(1):  21-26. 
    Abstract ( 45 )   PDF (653KB) ( 22 )  
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    In the operation stage of a nuclear power plant, reasonable staffing at the reactor building under different conditions is of great significance for balancing productivity and the safety of personnel therein. We analyzed comparatively the situations of CPR1000 and EPR, and formulated a scheme for Hualong One nuclear power unit. It can be used in actual commercial service of the unit, and also provide reference for other domestic NPP units.
    Review of Environmental Thermoluminescence Cumulative Dose Monitoring in Zhejiang Province from 2016 to 2020
    Hu Chenjian, Huang Guofu, Liu Gongye, Cao Longsheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(1):  27-32. 
    Abstract ( 32 )   PDF (1020KB) ( 18 )  
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    We review environmental thermoluminescence cumulative dose monitoring in Zhejiang Province from 2016 to 2020. For all cities with districts, the dose rate ranges from 74.2 to 169 nGy/h. In Qinshan nuclear power base, it's from 64.5 to 113 nGy/h. Both of them indicate no abnormality.
    Radiation Safety and Protection in Radioisotope Water Absorption Profile Logging in Northern Shaanxi
    Wang Zixin, Men Meng, Zhao Quanzhong, Liu Jiang, Liu Zhongping, Zhao Kui
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(1):  33-38. 
    Abstract ( 34 )   PDF (3247KB) ( 11 )  
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    We briefly introduce the principle of radioisotope water absorption profile logging and its application in northern Shanxi, analyze pollutants and pollution routes caused by normal working and accident conditions in the logging process, and put forward corresponding radiation safety and protection measures and radiation safety management measures.