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    20 August 2017 Volume 37 Issue 4
    The Formation Mechanism of Plutonium Aerosol
    Xie Bo, Xiong Wang, Hu Sheng, Long Xinggui
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(4):  1-11. 
    Abstract ( 54 )  
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    Nuclear science research, nuclear power plant accidents and nuclear terrorist attacks release plutonium aerosols, which are harmful to the public and environmental safety. Grasping the mechanism ofthe formation of plutonium aerosols is not only the theoretical basis for assessing and preventing the effects of radiation, but also an important prerequisitefor plutonium aerosol sampling and characterization. Based on the three modal distribution theories of aerosol particles, two control steps of gas phase nucleation and coagulation & aggregation in plutonium aerosol formation are summarized.The aerosolization of plutonium in different scenarios such as oxidation, combustion and high energy events is reviewed, including the development of chemicalprocess research, with a view to assisting subsequent efforts.
    TENORM Status and Radiation Environment Supervision in Linxiang, Western Yunnan, China
    Yu Yilin, Li Jinzhu
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(4):  12-18. 
    Abstract ( 17 )  
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    According to the radiation environmentsurveys carried out for Germanium coal mining and utilization in western Yunnanover the years, it's concluded that Linxiang has become a typical TENORM area,and Yunnan Xinyuan Germanium Industry Co., Ltd is a typical NORM corporate. In recent years, through the concerted efforts of multiple local administrations, radiation environment management effect is remarkable.
    NP Resin Synthesis and Experimental Study on the Adsorption Properties of Uranium
    Wang Zhihui, Tian Chunyu, Li Weihang, Zhao Yishu, Tang Shuangling
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(4):  19-24. 
    Abstract ( 21 )  
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    In order to improve the ability of urea formaldehyde resin to adsorb uranium, it was modified with asparagine to synthesize NP resin, which was used to enrich uranium in wastewater and improve the monitoring efficiency of uranium in water. The results showed that, in the case of a F/U molar ratio of 0.8 and an amount of asparagine of 5%, the adsorption capacity of the NP resin was 46.98 mg/g with the temperature, pH and equilibrium time set to 25 ℃, 5, and 210 min respectively.
    Discussion on Complying with the National Stdandards on Discharging Wastewater Arising from Mines with NORMs
    Deng Fei, Chen Zhidong, Chen Wentao
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(4):  25-29. 
    Abstract ( 18 )  
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    This paper introduced the National Standards that should be implemented in managing radioactive wastewater produced bythe mines associated with NORMs. The paper analysze the difficulty of complyingwith the not-less-than1 Bq/L of imits of gross alpha concentration in wastewater, as given in the National Standards GB 8978—1996. The rationality of the limits is discussed, along with the suggestion being given to revise the Standards.
    Regulation of Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning in US and Suggestions to China
    Zhang Lu, Zhang Ailing, Wang Ping, Sun Hongtu, Peng Hao, Huang Minjie, Liao Yunxuan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(4):  30-33. 
    Abstract ( 15 )  
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    The regulatory requirements of the USNuclear Regulatory Commission on the decommissioning of nuclear power plants isintroduced. Combined with the actual situation in China, some suggestions on strengthening the licensee's responsibility, regulatory system construction, verification of final states, funding management, and R&D on technology are put forward.
    Discussion on Pre-work Management of Nuclear Power Project
    Chen Yu, Mao Yuanyi
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(4):  34-37. 
    Abstract ( 33 )  
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    The preliminary management of project is briefly introduced, based onthe actual progress at Guangxi nuclear power company. The overall management structure, integrated business management, main business management, personnel training, staff management ideas and other aspects are discussed. And possible improvement measures are proposed.
    Analysis of Water Turbidity after Reactor Pool Filling during Nuclear Power Station Overhaul
    Sun An
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(4):  38-41. 
    Abstract ( 19 )  
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    The phenomenon of turbid water in reactor pool during overhaul of nuclear power plant is introduced. The possible causes involved are analyzed, and improvement measures are put forward.