RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 25-29.

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Discussion on Complying with the National Stdandards on Discharging Wastewater Arising from Mines with NORMs

Deng Fei, Chen Zhidong, Chen Wentao   

  1. Guangdong Environment Radiation Monitoring Centre, Guangzhou, 510300)
    Jia Zhiwei Kong Lingfeng (Guangdong Environmental Protection, Guangzhou, 510630
  • Received:2017-03-20 Online:2017-08-20 Published:2021-11-30

Abstract: This paper introduced the National Standards that should be implemented in managing radioactive wastewater produced bythe mines associated with NORMs. The paper analysze the difficulty of complyingwith the not-less-than1 Bq/L of imits of gross alpha concentration in wastewater, as given in the National Standards GB 8978—1996. The rationality of the limits is discussed, along with the suggestion being given to revise the Standards.

Key words: Wastewater with Radioactivity, Emission limit value, Mines associated with radioactivity

CLC Number: 

  • TL75+2.1