
Table of Content

    20 October 2017 Volume 37 Issue 5
    Application of Foam Technology in Refueling Pool Decontamination at NPP
    Deng Kechun, Qin Shirong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  1-4. 
    Abstract ( 35 )  
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    After the fuel handling during nuclearpower plant (NPP) overhaul, the refueling pools are required to be decontaminated due to the need for maintenance work. The application of a new technology offoam at Ningde NPP is presented in this regard. It shows that the foam technology has greatly promoted collective dose control, loose contamination removal andradioactive waste minimization, compared with conventional decontamination processes.
    Clarification on Some Key Technical Issues in the Regulation of Occupational Radiation Hazards
    Cao Lei, Ling Changjun, Zhang Weijun, Deng Jun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  5-8. 
    Abstract ( 29 )  
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    Several key technical issues confronting the regulation of occupational radiation hazards are analyzed, against the background of function adjustment in Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases. Further work suggestions are put forward on aspects such as professional team building for radiation protection, management form of and countermeasures for regulatory limbo, public security inspection induced radiation hazards, and hot spots in occupational exposure control.
    Radiation Monitoring for Nuclear Accident Medical Emergency Rescue
    Yin Aimin, Ma Dexun, Wang Li, Liu Shufeng, Cao Wuri, Chen Jigang
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  9-12. 
    Abstract ( 35 )  
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    Radiation monitoring is one of the basic tasks of nuclear accident medical emergency rescue. Combined with the practical mission and training requirements thereof, the important role and function ofradiation monitoring are briefed. The basic requirements for and suggestions onthis topic are also introduced.
    Medevac Medical Evacuation of Submarine Nuclear Accident Casualty
    Ma Dexun, Zhao Yuling, Song Ping, Wang Li, Chen Jigang, Yin Aimin, Cao Wuri, Yao Yebao, Liu Shufeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  13-16. 
    Abstract ( 39 )  
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    In the event of a submarine nuclear accident at sea, due to rescue difficulties, professional and technical difficulties, the rapid transport of critical personnel by medevac play an important rolein improving the overall rescue time-effect. With a medevac of Straight 8-type as an example, it’s briefed on how to do a good job of radioactive contaminationcontrol and casualty rescue in the process of evacuation of nuclear accident emergency.
    Discussion on Working Methods of Triage and Evacuation in Nuclear Accident Emergency Medical Rescue
    Chen Jigang, Ma Dexun, Wang Li, Yin Aimin, Cao Wuri, Liu Shufeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  17-19. 
    Abstract ( 28 )  
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    The military nuclear accident medicalrescue organization power is an important force branch of the national nuclear emergency organization system. Combined with experiences gained in professional module training for early triage and evacuation of radiation wounded by the nuclear accident medical rescue team in our hospital, the principle and method for early triage and evacuation are introduced, along with the relevant first aid technology and psychological assistance that should be mastered, with a view to provide references for military emergency medical rescue organizations to carry outactual combat tasks.
    Analysis of the Feasibility of the AG-600 Aircraft for Emergency Rescue in Maritime Nuclear Accident
    Sun Changquan, Ma Dexun, Liu Chengjun, Yin Aimin, Liu Shufeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  20-22. 
    Abstract ( 31 )  
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    Jiaolong 600 is a large amphibious plane, its successful development provides a realistic solution to the maritime accident emergency rescue. This paper preliminarily discusses the feasibility of AG-600 for the emergency rescue of nuclear accidents at sea.
    Clinical Nursing of Tumor Patients with Radiation Injury from Radiotherapy
    Luo Yingying, Ma Dexun, Yin Aimin, Chen Jigang, Wang Li, Liu Shufeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  23-27. 
    Abstract ( 28 )  
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    Radiation therapy is one of the main methods for the treatment of tumor. However, radiotherapy of tumors in differentparts of the head and neck, chest and abdomen in patients may bring about radiation injury to normal tissues around the site, which in turn cause a lot of sideeffects. With radiodermatitis, radiation-induced oral mucositis, radiation pneumonitis and radiation proctitis taken as examples, the clinical nursing researchstatus of radiation injury after radiotherapy in different parts of tumor patients is introduced.
    Uncertainty Evaluation of Polonium-210 Analysis in Aerosol Samples
    Li Jun, Xiao Peng, Zhang Wenqian, Yu Zhengwei
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  28-31. 
    Abstract ( 23 )  
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    Polonium-210, an important natural radionuclide, attracts extensive attention of environmental monitors due to its widely presence in the biosphere and extreme toxicity. In order to determine the uncertainty of polonium-210 analysis in aerosol, the evaluation process of uncertainty was introduced, and the contribution of each component to uncertainty wasdiscussed. The results show that the uncertainty is mainly from the sampling volume of aerosol samples, the preparation and transfer of tracer solution, the measurement by α counting and other aspects.
    Spent Radioactive Source Management in an Irradiation Plant
    Wu Junde, Zhang Jieping, Zhao Jiancheng, Xu Shuhe
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  32-36. 
    Abstract ( 18 )  
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    The management of spent 60Co sources was carried out in an irradiationplant in 2012, which mainly involved characterization, preparation before collection, collection, inspection after collection, packaging, and sending for storage. There were 166 sources, after verification, with a total activity of 6.39×1014 Bq. They were smoothly placed into 3 lead containers and delivered forstorage.
    Radiological Protection Evaluation of Four Newly Built X-RayDiagnostic Apparatus at a Hospital
    Lin Xiaohui
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2017, 37(5):  37-40. 
    Abstract ( 21 )  
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    In accordance with the requirements ofrelevant national standards, a project of four diagnostic medical apparatus ata hospital was evaluated for acceptance, with respect to environmental protection monitoring and the radiological protection effect in the workplace. Based on dose data of measurement points, the annual doses for radiation staff and publicare calculated to be 1.8 mSv/a and 0.004 8 mSv/a, respectively, which are both lower than the relevant constraint values. It turns out that the project is compliance with national standards, concerning the radiation level and machine room radiation protection devices, and the conditions of completion acceptance are met.