辐射防护 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 356-366.

• 辐射防护监测 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐辉1, 佟晶1, 李飞1, 王冠2, 李苗1, 康晓晗1   

  1. 1.北京市核与辐射安全中心,北京 100089;
    2.生态环境部核与辐射安全中心,北京 100082
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-16 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-08-05
  • 作者简介:徐辉(1971—),女,1993年毕业于中国人民解放军信息工程大学电子技术专业,正高级工程师。E-mail:crystalbjmemc@126.com

Preliminary analysis on area ambient electromagnetic fields in part of Beijing by vehicle survey

XU Hui1, TONG Jing1, LI Fei1, WANG Guan2, LI Miao1, KANG Xiaohan1   

  1. 1. Beijing Municipal Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Beijing 100089;
    2. Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100082
  • Received:2024-04-16 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-08-05

摘要: 为推进全面监测与评估区域电磁环境质量,利用车载巡测技术开展了北京市800 km2局部区域0.1 MHz~6 GHz的电磁环境水平监测,获取了90万个点位的巡测数据,包括全频段、射频和长中短波的电场强度总值,基站、5G基站等的选频数据,通过SPSS统计软件和ArcGIS制图软件进行了大数据分析,了解区域电磁环境总体水平、空间分布规律、不同环境功能区电磁环境特点、电磁环境贡献源、时间变化趋势及热点集中区域的电磁辐射源溯源。发现巡测区域全频段电场强度总值为(1.08±0.59)V/m,84.00%点位测值<1.5 V/m,射频总值与长中短波总值分别占全频段总值的68.2%和31.8%,而基站电场强度为0.63 V/m,占射频总值的76.70%,因此区域内环境中电磁辐射最大的贡献源为基站;全频段总值和射频总值空间分布特征基本一致,与人口密度、基站建设分布呈显著正相关,长中短波电磁辐射值受大中型长中短波发射源影响较大,但范围较小;基站全天电场强度均值总体上居民区>工业区,说明居民区基站分布相对密集,昼间7:00—18:00工作时段5G基站电场强度值工业区>居民区,而休息时段居民区>工业区;利用热点图可解析发现多家运营商移动基站共址等的电磁辐射设施集中区域,通过频谱解析溯源了除大型广电设施之外的长中短波电磁辐射源及周围受影响区域。

关键词: 车载巡测, 区域电磁环境, SPSS分析, 空间分布, 时间变化趋势, 频谱分析

Abstract: The electromagnetic fields ranging from 0.1 MHz to 6 GHz were measured by vehicle survey within the area of 800 km2 in Beijing, in order to promote the monitoring and evaluation of area ambient electromagnetic quality. The vehicle survey gathered 900,000 values including global electric fields of total frequency bands, Radio Frequency and long, medium, and short waves, as well as selective electric fields of total base stations and 5G base stations. Mass data were analyzed by SPSS and ArcGIS to understand general ambient electromagnetic quality level, spatial and temporal distribution pattern, electromagnetic fields characteristics of various functional regions, electromagnetic source contribution and trace to the Electromagnetic sources for hot points. The analysis reveals that the electric field of total frequency band of this area is(1.08±0.59) V/m,84.00% of all points values are less than 1.5 V/m, and the total value of RF and the long-medium-short waves accounted for 68.2% and 31.8% of the total value of the total frequency band respectively, while the electric field of the base station is 0.63 V/m, accounting for 76.70% of the total radio frequency value, which means the most contributed source of electromagnetic radiation in the region is base stations. The spatial distribution of the total value of the full frequency band and radio frequency band basically have the same trend, which is significantly positively correlated with the population density and the distribution of base stations, while the electric field strength of long-medium-short waves in the ambient is mainly influenced by the relative radiated facilities within small ranges. The intensity of the full-day electric field strength of the base stations in residential area is generally above industrial zone which shows that the distribution of the base stations of the residential area is relatively dense. From 7: 00—18: 00 working hours, the electric field strength of 5G base stations in industrial area is greater than that of residential area. And during the rest time period, the electric field strength of 5G base stations in residential area is greater than that of industrial zones. Analysis of hot-spot map can position concentrated areas of electromagnetic radiation facilities such as mobile base stations of multiple operators, and trace back to the long-medium-short wave electromagnetic radiation sources and surrounding affected areas through spectrum analysis.

Key words: vehicle survey, area ambient electromagnetic radiation, SPSS analysis, spatial distribution, temporal variation trend, spectrum analysis


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