辐射防护 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 336-342.

• 辐射防护监测 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵原1,2,3, 刘立业2,3, 李华4, 刘学刚5, 程锦锋2,3, 王晓龙2,3, 龙泽宇2,3, 李会4, 陈凌1   

  1. 1.中国原子能科学研究院,北京 102413;
    2.中国辐射防护研究院 辐射安全与防护山西省重点实验室,太原 030006;
    3.中国辐射防护研究院 中核集团辐射防护技术重点实验室,太原 030006;
    4.中国辐射防护研究院 核药研发转化与精准防护山西省重点实验室,太原 030006;
    5.清华大学 核能与新能源技术研究院,北京 100084
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-28 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-08-05
  • 通讯作者: 刘立业。E-mail: liuliye@cirp.org.cn
  • 作者简介:赵原(1987—),男,2009年毕业于清华大学核工程与核技术专业,2012年毕业于中国辐射防护研究院辐射防护及环境保护专业,获硕士学位,现为中国原子能科学研究院辐射防护及环境保护专业在读博士研究生,副研究员。E-mail: zhaoyuan881@163.com

Study on radiation field measurement technique by utilizing total station positioning

ZHAO Yuan1,2,3, LIU Liye2,3, LI Hua4, LIU Xuegang5, CHENG Jinfeng2,3, WANG Xiaolong2,3, LONG Zeyu2,3, LI Hui4, CHEN Ling1   

  1. 1. China Institute of Atomic Energy,Beijing 102413;
    2. Shanxi Key Laboratory for Radiation Safety and Protection, China Institute for Radiation Protection,Taiyuan 030006;
    3. CNNC Key Laboratory of radiation protection Technology, China Institute for Radiation Protection,Taiyuan 030006;
    4. Shanxi Provincial Key Laboratory for Translational Nuclear Medicine and Precision Protection, China Institute for Radiation Protection,Taiyuan 030006;
    5. Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084
  • Received:2024-03-28 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-08-05

摘要: 在核设施检修或退役中,往往需要对现场的辐射剂量场进行测量。传统的剂量率仪不支持空间坐标测量,需要额外的坐标测量工具,且剂量测量和坐标测量不同步,使得测量效率受到限制。针对该问题,提出了一种基于全站仪定位的测量方法,可同时测量剂量率和对应的空间坐标,定位精度为mm级,研制了测量系统样机。使用样机对某个水泥固化放射性废物桶进行了测试实验,与蒙特卡罗计算结果进行对比,测量值与模拟值的相对偏差遵循正态分布,平均偏差为12.8%,标准偏差为9.37%,数量大约占96%的测量点位的相对偏差在[-30%,5%]的范围内,体现了较高的测量精度。对某核设施厂房的另外两个较为复杂的场景进行辐射场测量,使用对数变换普通克里金方法对离散的测量点进行辐射场插值计算,三维辐射场重构结果的平均相对偏差可控制在50%左右。结果表明通过基于全站仪的辐射场测量系统可对现场的三维辐射场进行重构,精度可以满足三维辐射场的应用需求。

关键词: γ辐射场测量, 三维辐射场重构, 全站仪定位, 辐射防护最优化

Abstract: During the maintenance or decommisioning of nuclear facilities, it is often necessary to measure the radiation dose rate field on site. Traditional dose rate meters do not support spatial coordinate measurement and require additional coordinate measurement tools. Additionally, dose rate measurement and coordinate measurement are not synchronized, which limits measurement efficiency. A measurement method based on total station positioning was proposed, which can simultaneously measure dose rates and corresponding spatial coordinates with a positioning accuracy of mm level. A prototype measurement system was developed. The prototype was used to conduct testing experiments on a cement solidified radioactive waste container, and the outcomes were compared against Monte Carlo calculations. The discrepancy between the measured and simulated values conforms to a normal distribution, with an average deviation of 12.8% and a standard deviation of 9.37%. The relative deviation of approximately 96% of the measurement points is within the range of [-30%, 5%], reflecting high measurement accuracy. Radiation field assessments were also conducted in two other intricate settings within a nuclear facility structure. The interpolation of radiation fields at discrete measurement points was performed using the logarithmic transformation ordinary Kriging method. When measurement points were appropriately chosen, the average relative deviation in the three-dimensional radiation field reconstruction results could be maintained at approximately 50%. The results indicate that the radiation field measurement system based on total station can reconstruct the 3D radiation field on site, and the accuracy can meet the application requirements.

Key words: γ radiation field measurement, reconstruction of three-dimensional radiation field, total station positioning, ALARA


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