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    20 August 2019 Volume 39 Issue 4
    Occupational Exposure Dose Analysis of Fuqing NPP from 2014 to 2018
    Xu Minghua, Jin Weiyang, Dai Shengqian, Zhou Tienan, Gong Lei
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2019, 39(4):  1-4. 
    Abstract ( 83 )   PDF (580KB) ( 156 )  
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    The occupational exposure monitoring data of Fuqing NPP from 2014 to 2018 was analyzed, and its occupational dose status was evaluated. Based on the results, specific radiation protection control suggestions and measures are proposed to provide reference to improve its degree of radiation protection optimization.
    Monoenergetic Electron Microdosimetry Simulation Based on Geant4-DNA Package
    Wang Yidi, Zhang Shuyuan, Li Zhanpeng, Tang Wei, Li Xiang, Sun Liang
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2019, 39(4):  5-12. 
    Abstract ( 104 )   PDF (1123KB) ( 405 )  
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    The influence of different physical process factors on low-energy electrons in liquid water was analyzed and evaluated using the latest Geant4-DNA package, providing theoretical support for establishing a basic database of microdosimetry concerned with radiotherapy and radiation protection. In the latest version of the package, there are 7 physical models to simulate the transport of electrons in liquid water. According to the characteristics of different models, 5 suitable ones were selected to simulate the transport process of monoenergetic electrons (0.1-20 keV). The specific information of track structure recorded by each model was compared, including the total number of interaction processes, the number of ionization and excitation, and the proportion of corresponding deposition energy. Factors, such as the model option, the particle radius at sampling sites and the interaction process, were analyzed with respect to their impacts on the mean lineal energy. It shows that the simulation results between Option0 and Option2, and also, between Option4 and Option5 are basically consistent. Due to the different interaction cross sections of each model, there is difference for the track information and the mean linear energy. The influence of the model on the mean linear energy decreases with the increase of particle radius at sampling sites. The effort would be helpful and instructive for users to select the appropriate model to simulate low energy monoenergetic electrons according to their needs, and provide a powerful basis for further establishing a monoenergetic electronic database to evaluate the biological effects of ionizing radiation in microscopic scale.
    Applicability Analysis of WRF Model Parameterization Schemes to Wind Field Simulation for a Coastal Site
    Guo Huan, Xu Xiangjun, Niu Yanjing, Chen Longquan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2019, 39(4):  13-22. 
    Abstract ( 102 )   PDF (10954KB) ( 23 )  
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    The simulation effect of WRF model on the low-level wind field is closely related to the choice of parameterization schemes for the boundary layer and land surface processes. To find an optimal wind field simulation scheme suitable for a certain coastal site under different climatic backgrounds, 9 sets of experiments were designed by combining several commonly used boundary layer schemes (YSU, ACM2, MYNN 2.5) and land surface process parameterization schemes (RUC, Noah, Pleim-Xiu) in the model. The wind field in four representative months, namely, January (winter), April (spring), July (summer) and October (autumn) of 2016, was simulated, and compared with the wind observation data of 10, 30, 50, 70 and 100 m tower layer at the site. The results show that: 1) All 9 schemes can simulate the daily variation trend of wind speed and the simulated value is slightly high. For the wind speed in January, April, July and October, the root mean square error is respectively 2.61-2.95 m/s, 2.47-3.13 m/s, 2.78-3.45 m/s and 3.34-3.77 m/s, while the average absolute error is 2.27-2.64 m/s, 2.04-2.63 m/s, 2.21-2.92 m/s, 3.09-3.52 m/s respectively. 2) The simulated wind rose diagrams are in good agreement with the actual measurements. 3) The optimal wind speed simulation combination is MYNN 2.5 + Pleim-Xiu in January, April and October, and YSU + Pleim-Xiu in July. 4) There is little difference in the wind direction simulation between the schemes. 5) Pleim-Xiu in the land surface process parameterization schemes is more appropriate for the wind field simulation of this site. In the case, the accuracy of simulation results can be improved by choosing reasonable boundary layer schemes.
    Preliminary Discussion on Nuclear Emergency Management of Nuclear Power Plant after Fukushima Nuclear Accident
    Wang Bing, Zeng Huibin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2019, 39(4):  23-26. 
    Abstract ( 145 )   PDF (633KB) ( 145 )  
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    The Fukushima nuclear accident has had a huge impact on the global nuclear power industry, countries around the world and relevant international organizations have conducted profound reflections. China has also introduced a number of rectification measures, published many documents and strengthened nuclear emergency management. With our own work practice combined, we analyze and discuss the issues concerned in the nuclear emergency work after this improvement, for the reference of nuclear emergency practitioners.
    Radiation Level of a PWR Nuclear Fuel Element Production Line and Its Health Impacts on Operators
    Liu Zhongshu, Li Hong, He Liangguo, Wen Xiangmin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2019, 39(4):  27-32. 
    Abstract ( 79 )   PDF (617KB) ( 317 )  
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    According to the relevant national standards and methods of radiation health, in order to protect the health of radiation workers and the public, occupational hazard factors were identified in the workplace of a pressurized water reactor nuclear fuel element production line. And the gamma dose rate at sites, the average level of alpha and beta surface contamination on main process production posts, the concentration of alpha aerosol were monitored. The exposure dose and occupational health examinations of the workers were investigated as well. The results show that it is a project with serious occupational hazards. In normal operation, however, the radioactivity level of the workplace is in line with the requirements of Basic Standards for Ionizing Radiation Protection and Radiation Source Safety. It will not cause radiation damage to workers’ body.
    Personal Dose Monitoring of a Nuclear Power Plant in 2018
    Zhou Tienan, Xie Wenjin, Xu Minghua, Gong Lei, Dai Shengqian, Wang Li
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2019, 39(4):  33-36. 
    Abstract ( 72 )   PDF (599KB) ( 111 )  
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    The method and quality control measures for occupational exposure monitoring of a nuclear power plant were introduced. The results in 2018 were analyzed in terms of the number of monitored workers, the dose range and the average personnel dose, the overhaul dose and the professional dose. It’s expected to provide reference for personal dose monitoring and control in NPPs.
    Personal Dose Monitoring for Occupational External Exposure in a 3A Hospital in Xi’an City in 2017 and 2018
    Du Fengtao, Zhang Huisheng, Lu Chiqiao, Gou Wenbin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2019, 39(4):  37-38. 
    Abstract ( 65 )   PDF (566KB) ( 91 )  
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    In accordance with the requirements of the national standard Specifications for Occupational External Exposure Individual Monitoring, personal dose monitoring for occupational external exposure was performed on radiation workers in a 3A hospital in Xi’an City, using the thermoluminescence measuring method. The results show that their annual effective dose in 2017 and 2018 was lower than the investigation level of 5 mSv/a.
    Investigation and Analysis of Steam Reforming Reactor Forms
    Zhang Yu, Ruan Jiasheng, Zheng Bowen, Yang Lili, Xu wei, Chu Haoran
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2019, 39(4):  39-48. 
    Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (2242KB) ( 397 )  
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    A literature review on existing forms of waste steam reforming reactor, including tube furnace, fixed bed, fluidized bed, spouted bed, rotary kiln, and screw reactor, is presented. Their characteristics and limitations are compared and analyzed. In practical applications, the appropriate form should be selected according to the specific treatment objects and working conditions.