
Table of Content

    20 December 2016 Volume 36 Issue 6
    The Biological Effect Mechanism of Combined Radiation Injury
    Long Shuang, Ran Xinze
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(6):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 19 )   PDF (1627KB) ( 11 )  
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    Combined radiation injury mainly occurs in nuclear accident, nuclear explosion, depleted uranium weapon and nuclear terrorist attacks. Because of the resulted heavy injury, rapid deterioration, andhardship to diagnose and treatment, it has become one of the most challenging medical problems. In this study, we evaluated the change in hematopoietic system,immune system and the effect of wound care of combined radiation injury, to explore the biological effect mechanism and seek effective treatment strategies.
    Parameter Sensitivity Analysis in Numerical Simulation of Warm Water Drainage
    Zhu Xueqiang, Huang Chengpeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(6):  6-10. 
    Abstract ( 21 )   PDF (1870KB) ( 20 )  
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    Water surface evaporation coefficient,roughness, eddy viscosity and thermal diffusion coefficient are important parameters in the process of numerical simulation of warm water drainage. Correct selection and calculation of them may affect the accuracy of simulation results directly. Taking a coastal nuclear power plant as an example, the effect of parameter selection on simulation results of the maximum temperature rise area of 1 ℃was analyzed. The sensitivity of each parameter is also analyzed. It expects to provide reference for the numerical simulation of warm water drainage in future coastal nuclear power projects.
    Shielding Calculation for Low-and-intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
    Xie Zhanjun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(6):  11-15. 
    Abstract ( 38 )   PDF (1192KB) ( 24 )  
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    For the design of near surface low-and-intermediate level radioactive waste repository, the principle of multi barriers, which considering both natural and engineered barriers, should be held. From the point of view of radioprotection, the design of a low-and-intermediate level radioactive waste disposal unit is demonstrated. Point kernel integration method QAD and Monte Carlo method MCNP were used to calculate the dose rate outside the walls with different thickness of disposal unit. Based on the calculation, the proper thickness of disposal unit wall was decided, and the application scope of each method was worked out.
    Monitoring of Gross Alpha and Beta Radioactivity in Atmospheric Aerosol at a NPP
    Sun Wei, Li Fuping, Ye Ming
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(6):  16-20. 
    Abstract ( 23 )   PDF (1007KB) ( 17 )  
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    The atmospheric aerosol radioactivitymonitoring was presented for a NPP. Statistical analysis of the results providedseasonal variation of gross alpha and Beta radioactivity, decay pattern and K value method to quickly determine abnormal results.
    Operation Maintenance and Work Planning of Radiation Environment Automatic Monitoring Stations in China
    Niu Yunlong, Yang Weigeng, Wang Kan, Zhang Xinyu, Chang Weixi, Zhao Jun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(6):  21-25. 
    Abstract ( 30 )   PDF (2742KB) ( 15 )  
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    Dealing with the running status and demand characteristics of environment radiation monitoring automatic stations in China, the operation maintenance work was summarized and explored for reform. Some existing problems, such as inconsistent degree of attention among provinces, high-failure-rate equipments of expired warranty, as well as lack of professional maintenance staff, were analyzed. Thoroughly inventorying and other work aresuggested accordingly.
    Establishment of Ionizing Radiation Measurement Criteria at Hongyanhe NPP
    Lǚ Jun, Xie Wenming
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(6):  26-29. 
    Abstract ( 21 )   PDF (989KB) ( 15 )  
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    Gamma radiation standard devices and alpha/beta surface contamination monitor verification equipments were set up in accordance with Hongyanhe NPP's claim for instrumentation calibration and verification. Results of performance test show that they meet the relevant national standards with respect to all kinds of technical indicators and performance. Some practical samples were explored furthermore.
    Difficulties in Setting up RCA of Fuqing NPP Unit 1 and Optimized Measures
    Guo Hang, Hu Ling, Li Gang, Yang Wei, Du Rui, Chen Jing
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(6):  30-34. 
    Abstract ( 37 )   PDF (1359KB) ( 10 )  
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    As one of the essential conditions ofunit loading, setting up radiation control area (RCA) is an important task for NPP radiation department, from commissioning preparation to reception and operation. The basic requirements are outlined, emphatically on renovation and operation of RCV gateway, acceptance of RCA boundary gates, establishment of RCA entityisolation, setting up and management of clean control area, at Fuqing NPP unit 1. The related engineering construction work in the respect is introduced. The difficulties and optimized measures are analyzed and summarized pertinently.
    Dose Calculation Method Analysis of HARSHAW6600
    Guan Hongzhi, Zhang Ling, Zhang Maolin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(6):  35-37. 
    Abstract ( 26 )   PDF (665KB) ( 12 )  
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    Harshaw6600 is a more widely used thermoluminescent dosimeter system currently in China. A series of parameters is setinside of the system, to calculate the dose data and to ensure the accuracy ofcalculation. The definitions of these parameters are briefly introduced. Its principle of dose calculation is analyzed, and the accuracy of dose calculation isverified. Some suggestions on dose calculation for radiation of low energy ray are provided.