
Table of Content

    15 May 2019 Volume 39 Issue 3
    Optimization study on the design objective of public radiationdose for HPR1000 nuclear power plants
    WANG Xiaoliang, ZHENG Pinghui, ZHENG Wei
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  177-183. 
    Abstract ( 201 )   PDF (827KB) ( 244 )  
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    An optimization study of design objective of public dose for new-built NPPs is described based on the design and actual release source terms of the new-built third generation HPR1000 PWRs in China at operational state,in consideration of the release characteristics of reactors and various environmental and meteorological conditions at coastal and inland sites. The results show that the optimum design objective of public doses achieved by HPR1000 for coastal site conditions is comparable to that set out by regulatory bodies of Europe and USA. Due to different environmental conditions, the optimization design objective for inland sites should be further studied based on the optimization of radioactive waste management system. For tritium and C-14 release source terms, more operational feedback data should be collected and analyzed to make the environmental impact assessment results more acceptable. Moreover, suggestions on release source terms follow-up and assessment methodology of HPR1000 are put forward. They will play an active role in enhancing the environmental friendliness and advancement of HPR1000.
    Consideration on constructing mathematic models about releasesource terms from containment building of HPR1000
    WEI Guoqiang, LI Lu, ZHENG Wei
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  184-191. 
    Abstract ( 133 )   PDF (3763KB) ( 103 )  
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    The models regarding gaseous effluent source terms from the containment building of M310 and AP1000 units were studied in this paper. The operational modes of containment cleanup System, small sweep, large purge, and other relevant systems of HPR1000 were analyzed. Combining with the operational experiences from other similar plants, the structure schemes and developing procedures of the mathematical model about the gaseous radioactive release source term from the containment building of HPR1000 were provided. The results of release source terms for three modes were estimated according to the design and experience parameters of the virtual plant. The reasons for the differences of the estimated results by different modes were analyzed. Finally the suggestions on model selection were put forward.
    Assessment of deposit source term of activated corrosionproducts for HPR1000 nuclear power plants
    ZHANG Liying, LI Xiaojing, ZENG Jinzhong, JIN Weiyang, MAO Yawei, MI Aijun
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  192-197. 
    Abstract ( 174 )   PDF (3680KB) ( 172 )  
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    Based on domestic and foreign experience data of deposit source terms on main pipes of nuclear power plants, the variation tendency of two main radionuclides Co-58 and Co-60 is analyzed. Furthermore, the deposit source term of activated corrosion products in primary loop of HPR1000 is assessed via a source term calculation software of activated corrosion products in primary loop, compared with those of the widely operated M310 type reactors in China. It is found that the control of deposit source term of HPR1000 is better than domestic generation II reactors and close to international generation III reactors, though the three of them are on the same magnitude.
    Discussion on the method of indoor radon measurement
    WANG Qianxue, WU Wenbao, YUAN Xiumei, WANG Xiyuan
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  198-201. 
    Abstract ( 222 )   PDF (2365KB) ( 274 )  
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    The measurement methods of civil building indoor radon are discussed. The comparison and analysis are made between the original national standard method and the new radon measurement technology and method. Four suitable radon Measurement methods and their On-Site usage requirements are proposed.
    Study on outdoor radon level in Chejiang copper mine
    ZHOU Zidan, XIAO Detao, XIAO Yongjun, SUN Changhao, SONG Shiyu, WANG Libin, LI Weiwei
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  202-206. 
    Abstract ( 112 )   PDF (5147KB) ( 156 )  
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    An aerial survey of Hengyang 272 tailing ponds and its surrounding areas were carried out by—Ministry of Environment Protection in 2014 and it showed that there was an abnormal radiation level in a region to the southwest of the tailing ponds and near the upper reaches of Xiangjiang river, an area used to be identified as Chejiang copper mine. In order to investigate the radon concentration level and radon sources in Chejiang copper mine surroundings, soild nuclear track detectors and activated carbon boxes were used to measure the radon concentration and radon exhalation rate. Radon exhalation rate was continuously measured by the activated carbon box and was calibrated. Our study found that the average radon concentration measured at all sampling points in winter and summer were 31.0Bq·m-3 and 22.9 Bq·m-3, respectively. From the perspective of regional distribution, the farmland area had the highest radon concentration, followed by the original mining area. The farmland area also showed the highest radon exhalation rate from soil though which is far lower than the limit of 0.74 Bq·m-2·s-1 for radon exhalation rate in uranium tailings. In addition, the daily variation of radon concentration was in parallel with that of radon exhalation rate. Therefore, the high outdoor radon concentration in Chejiang copper mine area is related to radon exhalation from its soil.
    Liquid-to-gas discharge of liquid effluent from NPPs in the arealacking receiving water: the concept and its application principles
    LIU Xinhua, ZHANG Ailing, XU Chunyan, FANG Lan, ZHU Zhaowen
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  207-212. 
    Abstract ( 118 )   PDF (1540KB) ( 141 )  
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    The relevant management requirements for inland nuclear power plants with receiving water have been specified in the national standards GB 6249—2011 and GB 14587—2011. Recently, some nuclear power corporations in China have been carrying out site selection for new plants in areas lacking receiving water. Aiming at solving the bottleneck problems of site selection and construction of nuclear power plants in these areas, the concept of liquid-to-gas discharge of liquid effluent is introduced, several potential liquid-to-gas discharge processes are proposed, and some basic application principles are suggested.
    Practice and research on minimization of radioactivewaste amounts in Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant
    YU Dawan, XU Hongming, ZHOU Chenhao, GUO Xiliang, YU Dayu, JIANG Chunhui
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  213-220. 
    Abstract ( 268 )   PDF (3941KB) ( 556 )  
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    The practices of radioactive waste minimization in Qinshan Nuclear Power Base are introduced, including the clearance flowcharts of spent resins from steam generators and metal frameworks of ventilation filters, improvements on their cementation processes, package containers using metal drums to replace original cement drums. The development of some minimizing measures are also introduced, for example, the storage-decay method and multi-in-one drum method for wet spent filters treatment. The drum filling process with a “Sandwich” type mode and super compaction is also used to improve the utilization efficiency of packaging containers. Comparative analyses for treatment technologies of concentrates, spent resins, technological wastes, organic liquid wastes are accomplished and recommendations are provided, for example, drying compaction for concentrate wastes, steam reforming for spent resins, incineration for combustible wastes and organic liquid wastes, etc. The total waste amount is expected to reduce from 541 m3/a approximately to 94 m3/a in Qinshan Nuclear Power Base.
    Derivation of activity concentration upper limits forlow level solid radioactive wastes
    LIU Jianqin, WEI Fangxin, AN Hongxiang, XIONG Xiaowei
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  221-227. 
    Abstract ( 187 )   PDF (4071KB) ( 152 )  
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    A derivation method and process of activity concentration upper limits are introduced in this paper. It is for low level solid radioactive wastes at any time before and after the three-hundred-year surveillance period in near surface disposal facilities when their radiation doses are less than the dose limits for individual public or intruders through various exposure pathways. Taking Yaotian disposal site and Beilong disposal site as reference sites, the radionuclide transfer processes and exposure pathways of various scenarios following the closure of disposal facilities are analyzed based on basic safety requirements for near surface disposal of radioactive wastes. Their conceptual model and mathematical model of radionuclide transfer are established, and effective doses to human from various scenarios are calculated. Under the assumption of a linear relationship between activity concentration and dose rate, the activity concentration upper limits of various scenarios are derived for each radionuclide meeting dose criteria. The smallest upper limit is selected to determine the magnitude of upper limits of activity concentration for each radionuclide in low level solid radioactive wastes.
    Preliminary dose estimation for medical staff during the emergencytreatment of patients with recurrent papillary thyroid cancer treatedwith radioiodine (131I) radiotherapy
    YANG Suyun, HU Tingting, WANG Hongli, SHI Xiaoli,LIU Lina, TANG Guohua, CHI Cuiping
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  228-233. 
    Abstract ( 144 )   PDF (6171KB) ( 161 )  
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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the radiation doses received by medical staff during the emergency treatment of patients with recurrent papillary thyroid cancer received radioiodine (131I) radiotherapy, by using a real-time radiation monitoring system, for the purpose of radiation protection of occupational exposure. The patient was treated with radioiodine (131I ) for the second time and larynx edema occurred after treatment of 131I. There were three nurses and seven doctors participating in the emergency treatment of the patient and none of them wore a radiation dosimeter. In order to retrospectively assess the doses received by the medical staff, a new patient undergoing the same 131I radiotherapy was selected to simulate the radiation scenario of the original case. Real-time radiation monitoring system contained three personal dosimeters loaded with the function of delivering data by wireless to the repeater, where the signals were magnified and went through the radiation shielded wall of the ward to the hub, finally to the main unit of the system at the nurse station. One of the dosimeters was worn by the patient at the anatomic position of the sternal angle, the other two were laid at 20 cm (the bedside cupboard) and 150 cm away ( the wooden sill). Data of dose equivalent of the three dosimeters and corresponding accumulated dose equivalent were collected by the monitoring system. Data analyzing and graph making were performed with Microsoft Excel. The dose received by each medical staff was given by the sum of accumulated dose equivalent at different periods according to data at 20 cm or at 150 cm. The monitoring time was 86.4 hrs long after the patient was treated with 131I. Time -dose equivalent and -accumulated dose equivalent curves were made with average 6 000 data points for each curve. The fitting curves present exponential functions for time-dose equivalent courses, and logarithmic functions for time-accumulated dose equivalent courses. As a result, three nurses N1, N2, N3 received accumulated dose equivalent of 4 μSv, 7.5 μSv, and 4.8 μSv; and the seven doctors , D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, 8.2, 0.8, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 0.1 and 0.1 μSv, respectively. Among them, N1, N2, N3 and D1, staff of Department of Nuclear Medicine, were received relatively larger doses. The definitions and association of dose equivalent and effective dose were reviewed. The dose equivalent value at the 10 mm depth, Hp (10) could be considered a conservative or appropriate value for effective dose when the incident radiation present AP, LAT and ISO position to ICRU slab phantom, and the scatter radiation could contribute 2% dose equivalent to the 10mm deep site. Taking all together, under this case, we think even the doses received by medical staff were small compared to the dose limit for occupational exposure, however, personal dosimeter should be worn, and lead clothes should be prepared in the department of nuclear medicine, in order to implement the principle of as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). This real-time monitoring system is proved to be necessary and effective tool for instant adjustment and optimization of the medical treatment procedures.
    Cardiovascular interventional application and radiation protectionin Sichuan Province:A cross-sectional survey
    YANG Yujuan, LIN Zhimin, XU Wenli, WANG Qiong, HE Zhimin, LAN Yajia, WANG Yongwei
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  234-241. 
    Abstract ( 157 )   PDF (1611KB) ( 148 )  
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    In order to reveal the application of cardiovascular intervention and the current situation of radiation protection in Sichuan Province, and to explore the key points of supervision and the inadequacies of protection, an investigation was conducted in 2015. 46 hospitals and 484 staff of cardiovascular intervention in Sichuan Province were selected for questionnaires and on-site investigations to obtain basic information on cardiovascular intervention, including the composition of the hospital, the equipment, basic conditions of employees, knowledge of radiation protection, allocation and use of radiation protection products, as well as personal dose monitoring. In 2015, there were 46 hospitals engaged in cardiovascular interventional radiology (42 Grade 3A hospitals) and 65 interventional radiology devices were equipped in Sichuan Province. A total of 69,868 cases of cardiovascular interventional therapy were performed in hospitals across the province, with coronary interventions accounting for 67.2%, and the total application frequency of cardiovascular interventional was 8.53 person-times per 10 000 population. The awareness rate of radiation protection knowledge of cardiovascular intervention workers was 43.8%. The rate of self-report workers without lead rubber aprons, lead rubber hats and lead glasses were 3.3%, 20.5%, 18.8%, respectively. The usage rates of lead rubber aprons, lead rubber hats, lead glasses and auxiliary protective facilities were 71.9%, 63.2% and 72.9%. In 2015, the personal dose inside the lead clothes in Sichuan Province did not exceed the national limit, but the medical institutions did not carry out personal dose monitoring outside lead coat and wrist personal doses requested by regulations. Efforts should be made in Sichuan Province to allocate radiological protective equipment, to perfect the personal dose monitoring, and to improve the knowledge of radiation protection and the use of protective equipment for medical staff.
    The protective effect of two kinds of marine polysaccharides onthe 60Co radiation-induced damage to mice
    YU Tao, WANG Lei, JI Jianda, YANG Qingchuan, ZHANG Fei, XU Chen, XU Jianzhong
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  242-248. 
    Abstract ( 144 )   PDF (2500KB) ( 186 )  
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    With the rapid development and application of nuclear technology in China, the treatment to the potential danger of nuclear radiation has become a hot topic in the fields of medicine, health and society. In this study, we tried to investigate the protective effect of oligomeric chitosan and fucoidan on radiation-induced damage in the male Kunming mice. The mice were randomly divided into 6 groups: normal control group, irradiation control group, oligomeric chitosan low dose group (0.9 mg kg-1 BW d-1), oligomeric chitosan high dose group (3 mg kg-1 BW d-1), fucoidan low dose group (0.9 mg kg-1 BW d-1) and fucoidan high dose group (3 mg kg-1 BW d-1). They were given polysaccharides by gavage for 25 days except the mice in normal control group and irradiation control group were given deionized water in the same way. On the 17th day, the mice in all groups except normal control group were irradiated with 4 Gy 60Co γ ray. Immune index, genetic index and antioxidant activity were detected at the 1th and 7th day after radiation. The results showed that the thymus index and the spleen index of mice given oligomeric chitosan and fucoidan increased significantly, but no obvious dose-effect relationship was observed. It suggested that the two polysaccharides might have a protective effect on organ damage in irradiated mice. The amount of bone marrow DNA in the femur increased significantly in the groups of polysaccharide, especially the group of high dosage of oligomeric chitosan, indicating that the two kinds of polysaccharides can reduce the genetic damage induced by radiation. The content of GSH increased significantly, and the MDA content reduced significantly of the heart, liver, and kidneys in the groups of polysaccharide, which indicated that the two kinds of polysaccharides had significant antioxidant effects. The results suggested that oligomeric chitosan and fucoidan had protective effects on damage in γ ray irradiated mice. The possibility for the development of health care products in the future needs to be further explored.
    Protective effect of Laminaria Japonica Polysaccharideson vessel in cerebral cortex
    CHAI Rong, ZHANG Siqin,LIU Wenqi, XU Yang, WEI Li, CHEN Chen, FU Zhenlin
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(3):  249-253. 
    Abstract ( 116 )   PDF (12734KB) ( 36 )  
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    In order to observe the effect of Laminaria Japonica Polysaccharides (LJP) on microglia and vessel in cerebral cortex after radiation,120 female Kunming mice were randomly divided into four groups:control group, LJP group, radiation group and LJP+radiation group. The model of radiation-induced brain injury of mice was established by using 60Co γ ray. The mice in the radiation and LJP+radiation groups were injected intraperitoneally with LJP at the dose of 100 mg/kg body weight everyday, while those in the control and LJP groups received solvent only. At 1 day, 7 day and 14 day after localized irradiation, brain tissues were collected for immunohistochemistry. Results showed that Laminaria japonica polysaccharides can effectively inhibit microglia activation and increase microvessel density in the cerebral cortex after irradiation. Laminaria japonica polysaccharides may be expected to become a safe and effective radiation protect agent.