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    Calculation of internal exposure dose coefficients for Chinese adult reference phantom
    YAN Shuchang, QIU Rui, WU Zhen, LUO Xiyu, ZHANG Hui, LI Junli
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 323-335.  
    Abstract127)      PDF(pc) (11091KB)(153)       Save
    In the fields of nuclear science and technology, nuclear energy and nuclear medicine, accurate assessment of internal exposure dose received by relevant public, professionals, and patients is an important guarantee for personnel health and safety during work, nuclear accidents, and radiation therapy. Referencing the ICRP biokinetic model and radionuclide information, the internal dose coefficient is obtained by calculating the Specific Absorbed Fraction (SAF). The correctness of the calculation method is verified using the ICRP reference human phantom. Finally, based on Chinese adult reference human phantom, a database of internal radiation dose coefficients for Chinese adult reference human is calculated. The database obtained includes the Specific Absorbed Fraction (SAF) of α, β, and γ rays for Chinese adult reference human, the committed equivalent dose coefficients for sensitive organs (tissues) of Chinese adult reference human, and the committed effective dose coefficients for Chinese adult reference human. The calculated results were compared and analyzed with the internal dose conversion coefficients provided by GB 18871—2002. It was found that using the internal radiation dose conversion coefficient database of Chinese adult reference human can more accurately assess the internal dose caused by the intake of radioactive nuclides by Chinese adults.
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    Study on radiation field measurement technique by utilizing total station positioning
    ZHAO Yuan, LIU Liye, LI Hua, LIU Xuegang, CHENG Jinfeng, WANG Xiaolong, LONG Zeyu, LI Hui, CHEN Ling
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 336-342.  
    Abstract122)      PDF(pc) (8453KB)(93)       Save
    During the maintenance or decommisioning of nuclear facilities, it is often necessary to measure the radiation dose rate field on site. Traditional dose rate meters do not support spatial coordinate measurement and require additional coordinate measurement tools. Additionally, dose rate measurement and coordinate measurement are not synchronized, which limits measurement efficiency. A measurement method based on total station positioning was proposed, which can simultaneously measure dose rates and corresponding spatial coordinates with a positioning accuracy of mm level. A prototype measurement system was developed. The prototype was used to conduct testing experiments on a cement solidified radioactive waste container, and the outcomes were compared against Monte Carlo calculations. The discrepancy between the measured and simulated values conforms to a normal distribution, with an average deviation of 12.8% and a standard deviation of 9.37%. The relative deviation of approximately 96% of the measurement points is within the range of [-30%, 5%], reflecting high measurement accuracy. Radiation field assessments were also conducted in two other intricate settings within a nuclear facility structure. The interpolation of radiation fields at discrete measurement points was performed using the logarithmic transformation ordinary Kriging method. When measurement points were appropriately chosen, the average relative deviation in the three-dimensional radiation field reconstruction results could be maintained at approximately 50%. The results indicate that the radiation field measurement system based on total station can reconstruct the 3D radiation field on site, and the accuracy can meet the application requirements.
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    Analysis of key technical points and difficulties in the process of emergency response to radiation accidents
    ZHANG Yan, QIAO Qingdang, YANG Duanjie
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 423-429.  
    Abstract120)      PDF(pc) (2664KB)(179)       Save
    The response process to radiation accidents includes several important action steps. This article analyzes the technical key points of each main step in the process of radiation accident emergency response, combines with practical experience, and provides countermeasures and suggestions for the existing difficulties. This analysis could provide reference for further improvement of radiation accident emergency response in the future.
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    Preliminary analysis on area ambient electromagnetic fields in part of Beijing by vehicle survey
    XU Hui, TONG Jing, LI Fei, WANG Guan, LI Miao, KANG Xiaohan
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 356-366.  
    Abstract113)      PDF(pc) (16458KB)(95)       Save
    The electromagnetic fields ranging from 0.1 MHz to 6 GHz were measured by vehicle survey within the area of 800 km2 in Beijing, in order to promote the monitoring and evaluation of area ambient electromagnetic quality. The vehicle survey gathered 900,000 values including global electric fields of total frequency bands, Radio Frequency and long, medium, and short waves, as well as selective electric fields of total base stations and 5G base stations. Mass data were analyzed by SPSS and ArcGIS to understand general ambient electromagnetic quality level, spatial and temporal distribution pattern, electromagnetic fields characteristics of various functional regions, electromagnetic source contribution and trace to the Electromagnetic sources for hot points. The analysis reveals that the electric field of total frequency band of this area is(1.08±0.59) V/m,84.00% of all points values are less than 1.5 V/m, and the total value of RF and the long-medium-short waves accounted for 68.2% and 31.8% of the total value of the total frequency band respectively, while the electric field of the base station is 0.63 V/m, accounting for 76.70% of the total radio frequency value, which means the most contributed source of electromagnetic radiation in the region is base stations. The spatial distribution of the total value of the full frequency band and radio frequency band basically have the same trend, which is significantly positively correlated with the population density and the distribution of base stations, while the electric field strength of long-medium-short waves in the ambient is mainly influenced by the relative radiated facilities within small ranges. The intensity of the full-day electric field strength of the base stations in residential area is generally above industrial zone which shows that the distribution of the base stations of the residential area is relatively dense. From 7: 00—18: 00 working hours, the electric field strength of 5G base stations in industrial area is greater than that of residential area. And during the rest time period, the electric field strength of 5G base stations in residential area is greater than that of industrial zones. Analysis of hot-spot map can position concentrated areas of electromagnetic radiation facilities such as mobile base stations of multiple operators, and trace back to the long-medium-short wave electromagnetic radiation sources and surrounding affected areas through spectrum analysis.
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    Investigation on radon concentration in Chengdu metro
    XU Lipeng, CHEN Li, WANG Xianliang, LI Jie, PENG Yi, LIU Min, LI Chunyang, YANG Qiang, GU Yi, LI Jianying
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 367-373.  
    Abstract111)      PDF(pc) (1299KB)(92)       Save
    To understand the radon concentration levels in the Chengdu metro environment, instantaneous methods and cumulative methods were used to conduct an investigation to the radon concentration levels at 31 subway stations. The results showed that the radon concentration of 279 measuring points in Chengdu metro as measured instantaneously ranged from 9.1 to 39.0 Bq/m3, with an average of (19.7±7.8) Bq/m3. The radon concentration of 124 measuring points at the subway stations as measured cumulatively twice ranged from 9.7 to 32.5 Bq/m3, with an average of (18.4±4.3) Bq/m3. The radon concentration level was significantly lower than the standard reference value. It was found that the radon concentrations inside the subway cars were lower than that at the subway stations on the corresponding line, with a positive correlation reaching 0.84 (P<0.05), and the radon concentrations at the upper security inspection points were lower than that at the lower platforms of the corresponding line, with a positive correlation reaching 0.81 (P<0.05). The radon concentrations in the open ticket halls were lower than that in the control rooms in the enclosed area on the same floor of the corresponding line. Analysis revealed that ventilation is effective in reducing the level of radon concentration in the subway. The annual effective dose of radon and its progeny in the ambient air of the Chengdu metro to the subway staff and passengers is estimated to be 0.15 mSv and 0.05 mSv respectively.
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    Expert consensus on radiation biodosimetry by semi-automatic analysis of dicentric chromosome
    Nuclear Emergency Medicine Branch of Chinese Nuclear Society, Chinese Society of Radiological Medicine and Protection of Chinese Medical Association, Radiological Health Professional Committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Response Branch of China Society of Radiation Protection
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 199-209.  
    Abstract106)      PDF(pc) (2111KB)(73)       Save
    Over the past ten years, semi-automatic analysis of dicentric chromosome (dic) has been widely used for estimating radiation biological dose internationally due to its technical maturity. However, there are still no relevant technical specifications and standards in China, although both technical reports published by the IAEA and technical standards published by the International Organization for Standardization have recommended this method for dose estimation. The present technical consensus of biological dose estimation was established from the aspects of the dic semi-automatic analysis principle, main technical content, factor analysis, and application examples, based on more than 30 years of practical experience for dic manual and semi-automatic analysis at home and abroad. Compared with the existing national standard GB/T 28236, it could significantly improve the efficiency of biological dose estimation, and could also reduce the requirements for technical proficiency of professionals, thus could be better promoted and applied. Similar to manual analysis, dic semi-automatic analysis could be used to estimate and reconstruct the exposed dose under different radiation exposure scenarios including acute uniform, local, extensional irradiation, and delayed sampling. Considering the inefficiency of current domestic dose estimation which cannot meet the needs of clinical classification and diagnosis for large-scale nuclear and radiation accidents that have a large number of exposed people, the promotion and application of dic semi-automatic analysis might solve these bottleneck problems and provide technical support for further development of relevant national standard.
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    Research on regional environmental electromagnetic radiation monitoring technology
    WANG Guan, MIAO Erkang, XU Hui, GAO Peng
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 224-232.  
    Abstract99)      PDF(pc) (10710KB)(99)       Save
    With the continuous improvement of information technology in society, complex and changeable electromagnetic wave signals fill the whole space. How to obtain electromagnetic environment monitoring data accurately and effectively has become the key to scientific assessment of regional environmental electromagnetic radiation level. Based on the characteristics of environmental electromagnetic radiation and the existing standards and monitoring practices as well as the work of the international organization, regional environmental electromagnetic radiation monitoring by means of vehicle-borne survey and grid monitoring are discussed. This study not only provides guidance for further improving the existing work of electromagnetic environment monitoring, but also provides a technical reference for improving the regulation efficiency of Chinese electromagnetic environment.
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    Research on the calculation method of full-energy peak efficiency of point source and volume source by hybrid Monte Carlo method
    ZHANG Lei
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 445-453.  
    Abstract97)      PDF(pc) (3409KB)(88)       Save
    Based on the integral expression of the efficiency of the high purity germanium detector, the full-energy peak linear attenuation coefficients are calculated theoretically. Combined with the different tracks of gamma photons in the detector, the Monte Carlo method is used instead of the numerical integration to obtain the expected value of the full-energy peak efficiency. Firstly, the full-energy peak efficiencies of N-type and P-type high purity germanium spectrometers at the axial position of 5 cm from the point source to the detector are simulated and verified. The deviations between the simulation results and the experimental results are within ± 5.24%, which prove the accuracy of the method for calculating the full-energy peak efficiency of point source. On the basis of the point source efficiency simulation, the full-energy peak efficiency of volume source is simulated by the efficiency transfer method. The method is verified by the standard sources of four different media, namely resin, silica, coffee ash and aerosol filter in the laboratory. Except for the relative large deviations at low energy regions of the P-type detector, the calculation deviations of the other energy detection efficiencies are less than ±6.67%. Compared with the whole-process Monte Carlo simulation method, this method does not require professional modeling programs and expensive commercial software, and can calculate the full-energy peak efficiencies of point sources and volume sources through simple programming, which has great practical significance for quantitative analysis of radioactivity under emergency conditions.
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    Discussion on key technologies of portable on-line monitoring equipment for low-level radioactive waste water in NPPs
    ZHOU Jianwang, YOU Chengmao, MEI Xiangjie, ZHOU Kebo, ZHANG Sujie, YIN Wangming
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 349-355.  
    Abstract92)      PDF(pc) (2713KB)(118)       Save
    Based on the situation and demand of a NPP, the features of LLRW are summarized. The technical requirements for portable online radioactive monitoring equipment are specified. The most important requirement is to meet the low detection limit (minimum detectable activity concentration, MDAC≤8 Bq/L) and portability of the equipment (total weight of the equipment should be≤50 kg). Key technologies such as measurement mode, detector selection and calibration method are then discussed. The measurement mode is generally sampling mode. The detector is generally large volume NaI crystal. The calibration methods are usually standard liquid source method and representative point method. Finally, the current online monitoring equipment for LLRW is investigated. It is found that the weights of all the existing equipment are more than 200 kg, which is far from the requirement of NPPs. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new on-line monitoring equipment with low MDAC and excellent portability. Three research directions are suggested, which are the application of new detector types, the development of new detector structure, and the development of new measurement methods. In order to improve the detection efficiency, a new detector structure based on annular NaI crystal is proposed. The weight of the new equipment and the MDAC is discussed preliminarily. It is expected to meet the requirements of NPPs.
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    The correlation analysis on tritium in the air and rainwater around Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant
    GUO Yinglai, WANG Hu,CHEN Yunfeng, LIU Hanhan,WU Chunyuan, HUI Miaomiao
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 244-247.  
    Abstract92)      PDF(pc) (6280KB)(92)       Save
    Based on the environmental monitoring data of tritium in air and rainwater around Tianwan nuclear power station (TNPS) over the years, the correlation is analyzed with the distance, season and gaseous tritium emission from the sampling station. It is found that the activity concentration of tritium in air and rainwater around the nuclear power station is negatively correlated with the distance from the nuclear power station, and is positively correlated with gaseous tritium emission. The monitoring statistical results in the third quarter are the lowest.
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    International status of the development of transportable small modular nuclear reactors and transportation safety
    SUN Hongchao, LI Guoqiang, WANG Pengyi, MENG Dongyuan, WANG Changwu, WANG Zhipeng, ZHUANG Dajie, SUN Shutang, ZHANG Jiangang
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 210-216.  
    Abstract91)      PDF(pc) (3021KB)(90)       Save
    The transportable nuclear power reactors (TNPPs), as a kind of small modular reactors (SMR, generally below 30 MW), can produce electricity for remote and small local communities. TNPPs can be transported by land or other means of transportation, and can operate on the transport vehicle or after unload from the transport vehicle. Thanks to meeting diverse energy needs, TNPPs have been attracting the attention of all countries. In this paper, the development status of TNPPs was introduced, and the features of different types of TNPPs, the problems and challenges to TNPPs development were summarized. The problems arising in the transport safety of TNPPs and countermeasures were mainly discussed.
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    Investigation and risk assessment of soil radioactivity levels at a rare earth refining factory and surrending area
    ZHU Xiaojiao, XIAO Bifu, GU Hong, LV Yingfu, LIU Pei, ZHOU Wei, LI Yuandong, TANG Hui
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 233-239.  
    Abstract89)      PDF(pc) (2105KB)(66)       Save
    In order to find out the range and harm of radioactive contamination in soil of a rare earth refining factory and its surrounding soil, the mass activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 226Ra in soil of a rare earth refining factory and its surrounding soil were investigated. The radionuclide contamination of soil in the study area was evaluated by geological accumulation index method, single factor pollution index method and Nemerow comprehensive pollution index method. The health risk assessment model of US EPA was used for risk calculation. The results showed that the mass activity concentration ranges of 238U, 232Th and 226Ra were 20.9-92.6 Bq/kg, 25.1-565.5 Bq/kg, 17.3-83.1 Bq/kg, respectively. The geological accumulation index method showed that the two sampling points downstream of the outlet and west side of the plant were mono-nuclide pollution. The single factor pollution index method and Nemerow comprehensive pollution index method showed that the comprehensive pollution of soil at each site reached mild pollution. Health risk assessment showed that the maximum risk values caused by 238U, 232Th and 226Ra were all less than 10-6, and all were within the acceptable range. The main exposure routes were ingestion routes, and the greatest risk came from 232Th. The investigation shows that the health risk of 238U, 232Th and 226Ra in a rare earth refining factory and its surrounding soil is within the acceptable range.
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    Status and enlightenment of eye lens dose monitoring for radioactive workers in foreign nuclear facilities
    XUE Xiangming, WU Xiaoyan, YANG Xue, Gu Xiaona, ZHAN Jingming
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 217-223.  
    Abstract88)      PDF(pc) (1089KB)(98)       Save
    International community has revised the eye lens dose limit for more than 10 years, during which several countries have integrated the new eye lens dose limit into their national law. Data from abroad show that the eye lens dose of some job in nuclear facilities may be high. Some countries have put forward specific monitoring programs, but relevant domestic information is lacking. On the basis of sorting out the dose levels of eye lens among occupational populations in foreign nuclear facilities, this article reviews the monitoring objects, requirements for monitoring dose levels, and monitoring methods proposed by foreign institutions, in order to provide reference for the revision of eye lens dose limits and related work in China’s nuclear facilities.
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 264-264.  
    Abstract88)      PDF(pc) (581KB)(5)       Save
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 0-0.  
    Abstract84)      PDF(pc) (16764KB)(155)       Save
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    Analysis on tritium discharged at Tianwan Nuclear Power Station VVER reactor
    GUO Yinglai, WANG Hu, CHEN Yunfeng, HUI Miaomiao, LIU Hanhan, WU Chunyuan
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 240-243.  
    Abstract84)      PDF(pc) (2846KB)(95)       Save
    This article analyzes gaseous tritium discharge and liquid tritium discharge since the operation of TNPS Unit 1&2 (VVER). It was found that the tritium discharge and normalized discharge meet the standard's requirements. After the 18-month fuel cycle, the annual emission of gaseous tritium did not change significantly, but the annual discharge of liquid tritium increased. Liquid tritium discharge is the main way at TNPS Unit 1&2, and the proportion of liquid tritium discharge is greater than 90% of total tritium discharge. In each fuel cycle, the monthly discharge of liquid tritium changes periodically, while the monthly emission of gaseous tritium does not change significantly.
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    Design and performance test of secondary standard ionization chamber for β radiation personal dose equivalent Hp(3)
    LI Yin, WANG Chuan, YI Hengguan, LIU Xinhao, WANG Zhen, DUAN Jiayu
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 454-460.  
    Abstract76)      PDF(pc) (2675KB)(49)       Save
    In this paper, a secondary standard ionization chamber for β radiation personal dose equivalent Hp(3) is developed. Different from the extrapolation structure design of the primary standard extrapolation ionization chamber, the secondary standard ionization chamber adopts the structure of a flat plate ionization chamber with a phantom, and takes into account high measurement accuracy (relative inherent error <2.0%) while greatly simplifying the complexity of the test process. The radiation performance test results show that relative inherent error within the individual dose equivalent rate of beta radiation Hp(3) from 5 mSv/h to 170 mSv/h does not exceed ±1.5%; with regard to beta radiation Hp(3), for measurement range of at least 5 orders within the personal dose equivalent rate of 0.5 mSv/h-1.5 Sv/h, the relative inherent error does not exceed ±4.0%; the relative deviation of the response under the incident angle of β radiation ±60° does not exceed ±5%; measurement repeatability of the ionization chamber is 0.6%; relative expanded uncertainty of the measurement with flattening filter at 30 cm for the 90Sr/90Y source is Urel=3.9% (k=2). In addition, it was found experimentally that the Hp(3) ionization chamber has a relatively high response to low-energy contamination photons.
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    Consideration and suggestions on improving China’s nuclear emergency training and exercise in the new era
    LIU Yulong, WANG Youyou, HOU Yuhan, BIAN Huahui, LIU Chang
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 416-422.  
    Abstract73)      PDF(pc) (1032KB)(85)       Save
    The Chinese government attaches great importance to nuclear emergency training and exercises. As an important component of nuclear emergency management system, this article takes nuclear emergency training and exercises as the starting point, useing the national “Shendun” series of nuclear emergency joint exercises as case analysis, Based on the key points of nuclear emergency core capacity building, this article proposes ideas and suggestions on improving China’s nuclear emergency training and exercise in the new era.
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    Study on the measurement method of radon emanation coefficient in uranium mine tailing and the main influencing factors
    DENG Hao, ZHANG Qingxian, JIN Yifan, GU Yi
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 275-281.  
    Abstract72)      PDF(pc) (5324KB)(57)       Save
    During the mining process of radioactive minerals and their associated radioactive minerals, the crushing of rocks alters the original physical structure of the ores, leading to changes in the radon emanation coefficient and its migration characteristics. This causes environmental issues such as excessive radon emissions from tailing. Determining the radon emanation coefficient of tailing and studying the main factors affecting the emanation coefficient are of great significance for the protection and management of radon in tailing. This paper focuses on the radon emanation coefficient of uranium mine tailing, establishes a measurement device for the emanation coefficient, and uses the device to measure the emanation coefficient of samples under different particle sizes and temperature conditions. Based on experimental data, relationships and empirical formulas between emanation coefficient and temperature and particle size were established. The experimental results show that within the particle size range of 5 to 30 mesh, the emanation coefficient is in a power-law relationship with the sample size, thus increasing as the sample size decreases; there is a positive correlation between the emanation coefficient and temperature, with a certain linear relationship within the temperature range of 20-40 °C. The empirical formulas derived in this paper can be used for simulating radon concentration in uranium mine tailing, providing basic data for the management of radon in tailing.
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    Study on the formation mechanism and preparation of 110mAg colloid in the primary circuit of PWR nuclear power plant
    SUN Yun, XIAO Yan, LI Fuhai, LIN Genxian, LIU Canshuai, SONG Lijun
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 248-256.  
    Abstract71)      PDF(pc) (10677KB)(98)       Save
    Under the condition of the simulating water quality of the primary circuit of PWR, colloidal silver nanoparticles were prepared by using lithium borate solution as the medium and hydrazine to reduce silver nitrate. The effects of reducing agent, boric acid, concentration of Ag+, temperature and irradiation conditions on the properties of colloidal silver were investigated. The results showed that boric acid and reducing agent hydrazine can effectively stabilize the colloidal particles. When the molar ratio of hydrazine to silver is 1.0-2.0, the reduction rate of Ag+ is the highest and the colloid is the most stable. The higher the concentration of silver ions, the more negative charges on the surface of colloidal particles, therefore there will be less particle aggregation, and the colloidal stability will be enhanced. Under high temperature and high pressure water environment, it is easier to form colloidal particles with larger particle size. While the irradiation dose ranges from 0.9 kGy to 7.2 kGy, colloidal silver can be formed with or without hydrazine.
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    Acceptability analysis of public radiotion risk for HPR1000
    WANG Mengxi, LIU Xinjian, LIN Hongtao, XUE Na, QIU Lin, ZHAO Bo
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 374-382.  
    Abstract70)      PDF(pc) (19115KB)(86)       Save
    After the Fukushima nuclear accident, more and more attention has been paid to the public radiation risk assessment of NPPs. With the “going out” initiative of China’s independently developed GEN-III technology HPR1000, Argentine Atomic Energy Commission and other foreign regulatory agencies have clearly requested to carry out level-3 PSA for NPPs. Public radiation risk assessment has been an important indicator to judge whether the plant safe or not. Combined with the level-2 PSA source terms, demographic, meteorological and topographic data, using the self-developed accident consequence assessment code based on the CALPUFF model, personnel exposure dose and radiation risk at different distances from the NPP site are quantitatively simulated. The results show that the public radiation risk after serious accidents is lower than 10-8/a, which meets the relevant requirements of criteria in Argentina, the United States and the United Kingdom, etc. This paper provides technical support for the safety review of HPR1000 technology, and promotes the safe and effective global deployment of HPR1000. Meanwhile, suggestions have been made for regulatory authorities to formulate quantitative risk acceptance criteria.
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    Numerical simulation of the effect of cooling tower plume on the air flow and diffusion around a nuclear power plant
    PEI Juan, LI Ruojie, ZHANG Junfang, ZHAO Dan, WANG Xue, PU Xiang
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 383-390.  
    Abstract69)      PDF(pc) (8595KB)(61)       Save
    In this paper, a nuclear power plant is taken as the research object. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is used to study the influence of natural ventilation cooling tower on the flow and pollutant diffusion around the nuclear power plant, and the results are compared with the wind tunnel experiment results to verify the validity of the model. The results show that on the leeward side of the cooling tower, the wind speed in the near wake region (including the re-circulation zone) decreases significantly, and the turbulence intensity increases significantly. When the cooling tower is located in the downwind direction of the stack, the plume emission has a great influence on the pollutant diffusion of the stack. The pollutant is naturally sucked through the cooling tower, and the secondary emission phenomenon occurs. When there is plume emission, the ground axis diffusion factor is less than that without thermal plume emission before 1 000 m.
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    Study on the irradiation resistance of hollow fiber membrane materials for membrane distillation
    YANG Wenwen, GAO Ge, WANG Chenxiao, CHENG Weiya
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 290-297.  
    Abstract67)      PDF(pc) (3674KB)(30)       Save
    Theeffect of γ ray on the properties of polypropylene (PP), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane materials was studied. The dose rate of 5.1 kGy/h and the doses of 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 30, 50, and 60 kGy were used to irradiate three kinds of membrane materials respectively. The relevant performance characterization parameters of the samples before and after irradiation were tested and compared. The results showed that after irradiation treatment, the thickness, maximum pore size, water permeability pressure and gas flux of the three membrane materials basically have not been changed, while the mechanical properties and hydrophobicity have been changed significantly. With the increase of irradiation dose, the fracture strength, elongation and fracture pressure of PP and PTFE membranes showed a downward trend, while the fracture strength, elongation and fracture pressure of PVDF showed an increasing trend first and then decreasing; When the irradiation dose of the three kinds of membrane materials is 50 and 60 kGy, the water contact angle of some membrane wires will drop significantly, and even hydrophilicity will occur. This shows that 0-60 kGy γ irradiation dose was not enough to change the pore structure of the membrane, but could destroy the surface properties of the membrane and form hydrophilic groups and unsaturated bonds. Through comparison, it is determined that the most suitable material for membrane distillation before irradiation is polyvinylidene fluoride; At the same time, among the three materials, the most radiation resistant material is polyvinylidene fluoride, followed by polypropylene, the most sensitive to radiation is polytetrafluoroethylene.
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    TCAD simulation and irradiation effect study on low gain avalanche detector
    ZHANG Xiangming, SUN Shifeng, ZHANG Ao
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 265-274.  
    Abstract67)      PDF(pc) (9411KB)(40)       Save
    The Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) is a new type of fast timing detector designed to overcome the slow response and poor irradiation resistance of conventional silicon detectors under heavy hadron radiation. This study aims to analyze the variation of LGAD related electrical parameters under different temperature and neutron flux irradiation, including leakage current, dark count rate, transient signal, gain, etc. The physical model of LGAD is constructed by using Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) tool, and a new “three-trap body damage model” is introduced to study it. The results show that LGAD has better performance at low temperature. After irradiation, the leakage current increases, the dark count rate increases, the transient collection signal deteriorates and the gain decreases. The defects caused by irradiation affect the space effective charge and internal electric field of the LGAD, which can be reduced by increasing the voltage and decreasing the temperature. The effect of different temperature and irradiation on the performance of the detector obtained by this study has some guiding significance for the follow-up research and radiation hardening design of the detector.
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    A brief introduction to the fire accident research facilities for nuclear fuel cycle safety at CIRP
    SUN Hongchao, LIAN Yiren, LI Guoqiang, CHEN Lei, MENG Dongyuan, SUN Shutang, ZHUANG Dajie, ZHANG Jiangang
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 430-436.  
    Abstract67)      PDF(pc) (2519KB)(53)       Save
    Fire accident is a typical postulated accident in nuclear fuel cycle facilities, and is the focus of international nuclear fuel cycle safety research. A series of fire research facilities were constructed in China Institute for Radiation Protection (CIRP). The small-scale facility consists of a 200 L cylindrical combustion chamber, and is mainly used for testing the basic parameters of combustibles. The middle-scale and large-scale facilities consist of 20 m3 and 120 m3 rectangular combustion chambers respectively, both of them are mainly used to carry out tests for combustion rate, temperature distribution, radioactive gas and aerosol release share, nuclide release share and filtration efficiency of HEPA. This paper briefly introduces the characteristics of the three experimental facilities, and the research capabilities of each facility were summarized. Further research plans were put forward.
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 0-0.  
    Abstract67)      PDF(pc) (217KB)(58)       Save
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    Discussion on radiation protection for PWR second-loop steam supply for industrial application
    ZHUANG Yaping, LIU Weili, FANG Yuan, WU Fang, MIAO Zhengqiang
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 410-415.  
    Abstract66)      PDF(pc) (1879KB)(57)       Save
    Nuclear power reactor units have the ability to provide large-scale, stable industrial steam. Laboratory measurements show that, under the condition of no leakage in the heat transfer tube of the steam generator, the concentration of radionuclides in the condensed water of the second-loop steam is not different from that in the environmental water sample except for tritium. Based on the drinking water standard, this article proposes to control the target value of radionuclide management for industrial application of second-loop steam at 3.0 Bq/kg; A high-sensitivity radiation monitor was set up on the steam generator drainage pipeline and technical renovation on the main steam pipeline N-16 radiation monitoring channel was carried out, with the aim to provide timely, effective, and reliable monitoring of steam generator heat transfer tube leakage. It is interlocked with the control valve of the external steam supply pipeline at the factory boundary to prevent radionuclides from leakaging outside the factory area through the steam supply pipeline during operation and accident conditions.
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    Calculation efficiency optimization of point kernel integration method based on adaptive source term split up
    ZHAO Yuan, LONG Zeyu, LI Hua, SONG Peitao, WEI Jiafu, LIU Liye, CHEN Ling
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 490-498.  
    Abstract66)      PDF(pc) (3999KB)(77)       Save
    The point kernel integration method has the problem that it takes a long time to calculate complex scene with multiple source terms or the situation that the radiation field needs to be dynamically updated. To solve this problem, this study employs the point kernel integration program CIRPDose to simulate and calculate the variation law of errors resulting from the split up of source terms (a total of five types, including cylindrical source and cuboid source, etc.) in relation to the distance between the calculated point and the source, and proposes an efficiency optimization method for the point kernel integration based on adaptive source term split up. After integrating the method into the CIRPDose program, the method was tested through customized examples. The test results show that the calculation time of radiation field for each type of source term under the adaptive split up method is reduced by 96.77%, as opposed to the conventional fixed number split up method. Moreover, the maximum average deviation in the calculated results is only 3.19%, which verifies the reliability and effectiveness of the proposed method. The research presented in this paper can provide technical support for the rapid calculation of 3D gamma radiation fields in nuclear facilities.
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 0-0.  
    Abstract65)      PDF(pc) (203KB)(81)       Save
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    Sensitivity analysis of assessment parameters for dose calculations due to atmospheric tritium discharge
    YANG Jie, YUE Qi, GU Zhijie, LIAN Bing, WANG Yan
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 257-264.  
    Abstract64)      PDF(pc) (1456KB)(49)       Save
    Currently, specific activity model is used to assess the dose due to atmospheric tritium release, and the uncertainty of the selected model parameters will cause variability of the dose assessment results. Considering the differences in environmental parameters of different sites, the key parameters in the atmospheric tritium dose assessment model that are affected by the site were analyzed for sensitivity and uncertainty of the dose assessment results. The results show that the humidity of the ambient air at the site has the greatest influence on the dose evaluation results of atmospheric tritium. As the humidity of the site rises, the ingestion internal dose due to atmospheric tritium discharge decreases, and the uncertainty of the dose calculation results also decreases. It was also shown that at low humidity site, the focus should be on the measurement and selection of empirical constants for the proportion of HTO retained in the soil. At high humidity plant site, the focus should be on the measurement and selection of the crop water equivalent factor and the concentration ratios for HTO intake. Thus, the uncertainty of the dose assessment results should be minimized.
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    Performance verification of wide range neutron fluence rate measurement by fission ionization chambers for nuclear measurement
    WANG Chunchi, XIAO Wei, LIU Jiaqi, SHI Yunhao, HU Chan, QIU Shunli, GE Mengtuan, ZHOU Yulin, DONG Jincheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 343-348.  
    Abstract61)      PDF(pc) (5006KB)(44)       Save
    This article analyzes the working principle of the fission ionization chamber and various working modes of wide range measurement. Based on its characteristics of multiple working modes, the measurement technology of wide range neutron fluence rate is studied, and the test method in reactor is discussed. Performance verification was conducted on the fission chamber pulse mode and mean square pressure mode in the reactor. The test results showed that the detector has an ultra wide range, and the maximum linearity between the detector output and neutron fluence rate in pulse counting mode is 1.16%. The maximum linearity in mean square pressure working mode is 2.06%, and the upper limit of neutron flux measurement can reach the level of 1010 cm-2·s-1, which complies with the wide range usage requirements of the intermediate range channel of the AP series external nuclear measurement system, and can be widely used in nuclear power and marine external nuclear measurement and monitoring systems.
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    Landfill disposal of very low level soil waste containing 60Co
    XU Bin, BI Chaowen, WANG Yan, ZHU Jie, GU Hong, LIU Pei, LI Yuandong, TANG Hui
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 298-303.  
    Abstract60)      PDF(pc) (2213KB)(50)       Save
    Based on the source term analysis of 60Co containing very low level radioactive soil waste which was temporarily stored in urban radioactive waste repositories in Sichuan Province, a landfill disposal plan was determined through research on radioactive waste disposal sites in Sichuan Province and a design of landfill units was put forward. According to the landfill disposal plan, this batch of very low level soil waste containing 60Co was landfilled, and the radiation dose to the workers during the landfill process was estimated. After calculation, the total personal dose to the workers during this landfill operation is 103.07 μSv, that meets relevant dose control requirements.
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    CFD study on aerosol distribution characteristics of radioactive powder material scattering accident
    CHEN Jiachen, WANG Yan, LIAN Bing, YANG Jie, YUE Qi, MENG Binchi
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 562-572.  
    Abstract60)      PDF(pc) (12799KB)(52)       Save
    Based on CFD method, this paper studied the indoor air flow and particle movement after the radioactive powder material scattering accident in a closed workshop, and analyzed the influence of particle size, scattering speed and scattering height. The results show that the particle movement is mainly affected by the gas circulation inside the confined space. Most of the particles are deposited on the ground or attached to the wall and captured, and a small part of the particles will be floating and suspended indoors in the later period and move with the airflow. There is little difference in aerosol motion and distribution caused by different scattering velocities. Particles with small particle size are more likely to be separated from the mainstream area and form scattered dust under the influence of the drag force of the surrounding gas. Therefore, the smaller the particle size is, the larger the deposition range caused by the spraying lag is.
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    Analysis of the effect of residual heat removal system on the surrounding area during oxygenation in HPR1000 reactor
    LI Ming, SHI Shengchun, PANG Zongzhu, LIU Yu, JIANG Yanman
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 403-409.  
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    The radiation level of residual heat removal system will change significantly during reactor shutdown, and will reach the shutdown peak during oxygenation, which will affect the surrounding area. In this paper, the surrounding area radiation level of the HPR1000 residual heat removal system is calculated and compared with the measured maximum value. The influence on the radiation level in the surrounding area of residual heat removal system is analyzed comprehensively, and the corresponding optimization suggestions are put forward.
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    Study on the protective effect of hesperidin and hesperetin on radiation-induced cardiovascular injury in mice
    HU Weixiang, ZHAO Hongling, ZHANG Yu, MA Lanfang, ZHOU Pingkun, GUAN Hua
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 304-314.  
    Abstract57)      PDF(pc) (10016KB)(18)       Save
    This study investigates the protective effects of hesperidin and hesperetin on radiation-induced cardiovascular injury in C57BL/6J mice. The mice were randomly divided into eight groups: a blank control group (NC group), an irradiated control group (IR group), a hesperidin low-dose group (L group, 200 mg/kg), a hesperidin medium-dose group (M group, 400 mg/kg), a hesperidin high-dose group (H group, 800 mg/kg), a hesperetin low-dose group (L group, 50 mg/kg), a hesperetin medium-dose group (M group, 100 mg/kg), and a hesperetin high-dose group (H group, 200 mg/kg). Two hours before irradiation, the blank control group and the irradiated control group were given an equal amount of solvent by gavage method. Except for the blank control group, all groups of mice were exposed to a single dose of 2 Gy of 60Co γ-ray irradiation. At 24 h and 48 h after irradiation, indices related to immunity, antioxidant capacity, and DNA damage in the mice were measured. The results showed that compared with the irradiated group, the liver index of the mice given hesperidin and hesperetin was significantly reduced, without a clear dose-effect relationship, indicating that hesperidin and hesperetin may have a certain protective effect on the organs of irradiated mice. The levels of pro-inflammatory factors such as IL-1β and IL-6 in the serum of mice given hesperidin and hesperetin were significantly decreased and showed a dose-effect relationship, with the high-dose groups being more prominent. The administration of hesperidin and hesperetin significantly reduced the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the aorta of the mice, indicating that both treatments have significant antioxidant effects. The administration of hesperidin and hesperetin reduced the number of γ-H2AX foci in the aortic tissue after irradiation in a dose-dependent manner, indicating that both treatments can alleviate the DNA damage in the mouse aorta after irradiation. The results of this study suggest that hesperidin and hesperetin have a certain protective effect against radiation-induced vascular damage in mice, and the possibility of their development as health supplements requires further exploration.
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    Discussion on the clothing decay time and clothing decay room's spatial distribution of the 131I treatment area
    ZHANG Hansheng, YANG Suyun, WANG Mengting, HU Manman
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 530-536.  
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    In order to analyze the time required for the decaying of the surface contamination level of the clothing used by the patients who received 131I treatment to the clearance level, and to write the Python code to discuss the minimum area and optimal layout of the clothing decay room needed in the 131I treatment site in the department of nuclear medicine at different scales. 50 quilts used by patients with differentiated thyroid cancer treated in the Department of Nuclear Medicine of a Grade 3A Hospital in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province from August to September 2023 were selected and the surface contamination level of the quilt was measured at the same time period every day. Python code was written to discuss the minimum space area and optimal layout of clothing decay under different parameters. The surface contamination decay constant of clothes used by patients treated with 131I was 0.097 0±0.242 1. Two hours after discharge, the surface contamination level of the clothing ranges from 0.42 to 8.67 (2.23±1.64) Bq/cm2. The time required for the clothing to decay to the clearance level ranges from 0 to 24.57 (8.67±6.35) days. A set of Python code for calculating the minimum area of clothing decay room under different conditions is compiled, and the layout of the clothing decay room is divided into three types according to the number of storage shelves. Taking our institute in Grade 3A Hospital as an example, at least 7.5 m2 clothing decay room is needed. In clinical practice, by running Python code and defining relevant parameters, we can give reference to the area planning of clothing decay room, and provide some reference for the problems such as insufficient decay room and insufficient space in clinical work. The code is also applicable to the area planning and calculation of radioactive waste decay room or storage room.
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    The impact of total β discharge limits on Lu-177 nuclide therapy and recommendations for future optimization
    ZHANG Qi, GE Yuwen
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 546-553.  
    Abstract57)      PDF(pc) (1094KB)(31)       Save
    The current national standards in China stipulate that radioactive wastewater from medical institutions must be stored in a decay tank for some time. The wastewater can only be discharged when the total β-radioactivity level at the outlet of the decay tank is reduced to below 10 Bq/L (daily average). Lu-177, a β-nuclide accompanied by low-energy γ-rays, has broad application prospects in the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors. When medical institutions use Lu-177 for nuclide therapy, a portion of Lu-177 enters the decay tank through patient excreta and other means. The Lu-177-containing wastewater needs to be temporarily stored in the decay tank until the total β-radioactivity level is reduced to be below the discharge limit. This paper derives theoretical formulas for calculating the total activity of Lu-177 in the decay tank when the hospital is operating at full capacity under both inpatient and outpatient treatment modalities. Furthermore, it provides the minimum temporary storage time for wastewater and the required capacity of the decay tank that medical institutions should construct. The paper also reviews the regulations for the total β discharge limit in different historical periods in China and discusses the rationality and potential optimization paths for the current wastewater total β discharge limit.
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    Experimental study on the microbial remediation technology of uranium tailings based on biological reduction
    SUN Juan, AN Yifu, LIAN Guoxi, GAO Yang
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 282-289.  
    Abstract54)      PDF(pc) (5180KB)(28)       Save
    In this study, the factors of initial pH value, temperature, the added amount of bacterial liquid and the solid-liquid ratio on the remediation effect were explored by an experiment on the microbial remediation of uranium tailings, the uranium occurrence morphology and microbial community structure changes in the tailings before and after remediation were compared. The result shows that the SRB (sulfate-reducing bacteria) screened from the uranium tailings can reduce uranium concentration at seepage effectively; The effect of uranium tailings remediation was positively correlated with initial pH value, temperature, and added amount of liquid, but not significantly correlated with solid-liquid ratio; Under the adverse conditions of pH=3 or temperature at 15 ℃, the uranium concentration was reduced to 0.04 mg/L and 0.019 mg/L, the remediation efficiency could reach 96.9% and 93.6%, indicating good remediation efficiency. The residual uranium content increased by 14.6%-18.7%, the abundance of functional bacteria increased by 2.9%-12.2%, the mass proportion of insoluble uranium and the number and activity of reduction microorganisms increased significantly. The result shows that the remediation was stable. The result further verified that the microbial remediation technology of uranium tailings contamination is feasible.
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    Comparison of analysis and measurement results for a 250 MeV medical proton therapy facility shielding
    JIANG Wenhua, TU Yu, XUE Huiyuan, LI Yadong, ZHANG Jie
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 483-489.  
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    Proton energy in the range of 70-250 MeV are used for tumor therapy. The neutron spectrum, which has wide energy range and large angle distribution difference, generated in target object bombarded by protons which may escape or expected to be stopped in the target is the main source term for the shielding design of proton therapy system. In this paper, the point kernel model is adopted to estimate the ambient neutron dose equivalent rate outside the Probeam proton therapy system tunnel. Estimation results are compared with the measured results to verify the effectiveness of the shielding construction.
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    Numerical analysis of the effect of mesh scale on the tidal characteristics of coastal areas simulated by 3D hydrodynamic model
    LIU Jiaonan, HAN Lijuan, QIAO Jianhao, HAO Ruixia
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 391-402.  
    Abstract53)      PDF(pc) (23685KB)(26)       Save
    In this paper, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of Sanmen Bay is constructed. Different mesh scales are set up after comparing and analyzing the calculation results with the measured data, and the tidal current characteristics of three sections and four typical points are analyzed. The results show that: when the study water is a bay with many harbor branches and complex topography, the relative deviation of the numerical simulation value will increase with the mesh scale. When the mesh scale increases to a certain value, the relative deviation will stabilize due to the accumulation of multiple errors. The topography is a key factor affecting the calculation of tidal currents. The tidal range and current velocity values in the inter-tidal waters with drastic topographic changes and small water depths are relatively large, while in the flat areas with large water depths, they are almost unaffected by the mesh scale. The current direction has a low sensitivity to the mesh scale and has no obvious relationship with the mesh scale. The horizontal vortex viscosity coefficient is positively correlated with the mesh area and the mesh area has a greater effect on the current velocity deformation rate Sij at the larger places. Comprehensive analysis shows that, in the calculation of tidal currents, it is necessary to encrypt the mesh in the shore with complicated topography, inter-tidal zone with small water depth and islands, and to determine the appropriate mesh scale by considering the factors of calculation time, stable convergence of the model calculation and the accuracy of the calculated values, so as to make the calculation results meet the requirements of accuracy.
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    Hydrochemical control of primary circuit during the implementation of hydrogenation passivation process for HPR1000
    YE Wei, MIN Chun, DENG Yi, ZHENG Dechao, LIU Xiaojun, ZHAO Hongjie, MA Laishan
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 510-517.  
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    In order to meet the hydrochemical control requirements of primary circuit hydrogenation passivation process during HFT, the water quality control methods adopted in chemical platform, thermal shutdown platform and primary heating and cooling stages of HPR1000 unit are briefly described, and the implementation results are analyzed. The control results show that the water quality indexes of the HPR1000 unit are controlled within the expected range during the implementation of hydrogenation passivation.
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (4): 335-.  
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 303-303.  
    Abstract52)      PDF(pc) (607KB)(30)       Save
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    A combined rapid analytical method for strontium-89, strontium-90, iron-55, iron-59 and nickel-63 in liquid effluent of nuclear power plant
    FANG Chunming, JIANG Dong, GUO Xiaocui, MO Nian
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 469-475.  
    Abstract52)      PDF(pc) (3396KB)(41)       Save
    Strontium-89, strontium-90, iron-55, iron-59 and nickel-63 are the major radionuclides concerned in liquid effluent of nuclear power plant. In this study, a method for rapid analysis of strontium-89, strontium-90, iron-55, iron-59 and nickel-63 in liquid effluent by four-stage resin column was established. The cation in the sample was enriched by cation exchange resin; and then strontium was separated and purified by strontium resin; iron was separated and purified by TRU resin; nickel was separated and purified by nickel resin. The chemical recovery rate was determined by ICP-OES; radioactive counting rate was determined by LSC; and then the activity concentration of each nuclide in the sample was calculated. Under typical conditions, the amount of sample is 1.0 L, and the measurement time is 30 min, the minimum detectable activity can reach 0.07 Bq/L for strontium-89, 0.05 Bq/L for strontium-90, 0.34 Bq/L for iron-55, 0.11 Bq/L for iron-59, and 0.16 Bq/L for nickel-63.
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 297-297.  
    Abstract51)      PDF(pc) (598KB)(4)       Save
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    Correction of crosstalk influence in the sample measurement of total α/β used by ultra low background flow gas proportional counter
    XU Hailiang, CHEN Cheng, WANG Liang, ZHU Zhu, GUO Xuying, WANG Qian, SU Kunpu
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 461-468.  
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    The ultra-low background flow gas proportional counter is the ideal detector for total α/β sample measurement, but itself has strong crosstalk phenomenon, which affects the accuracy of sample measurement. This paper systematically studies the flow type proportional counter under the same mass thickness, different 241Am and 40K mass fractions α→β, β→α Cross channel influence. This paper established a binary equation for total α/β channel correction and compared it with the cover correction method and with the self-made 25 groups α/β simulate powder samples for measurement and channel correction. The results show that: The impact of α→β crosstalk is significant; The change with α counting rate is not constant; The influence of the β→α channel correction factor is relatively small, with an average value of 0.001. The accuracy of the measurement results is poor by using the cover correction method to correct the simulated powder β sample, with absolute relative deviation ranging from 1.4% to 45.0%. The binary equation correction method is used to correct the simulated powder β sample. The accuracy of the measurement results is relatively high, with an absolute value of relative deviation ranging from 0 to 5.5%.
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    Design and performance analysis of an elliptic iodine adsorber
    QIU Jilin, LI Yi, YU Jie, TIAN Lintao, ZHANG Yuan, WANG Jia, HAN Ming, ZHANG Zhiquan, SHEN Dapeng, WANG Ruiyun
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 524-529.  
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    In order to meet the needs of iodine adsorber in the ventilation system of nuclear facilities with confined space or small air flow rate, an elliptical iodine adsorber was designed. The internal flow field simulation analysis and overall performance test of the iodine adsorber were carried out. The experimental results show that the internal air flow distribution in the iodine adsorber is uniform, the structural design is reasonable, the volume is small, the weight is light, and the connection with the system is convenient and fast. Under the flow rate of 300 m3/h , the resistance is less than 300 Pa, the mechanical leakage rate is less than 0.01%, and the adsorption efficiency of the adsorber of radioactive methyl iodine is more than 99.99%. It generally meets the purification and treatment requirements of specified application of nuclear facility, and the engineering application is realized.
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 322-322.  
    Abstract49)      PDF(pc) (587KB)(25)       Save
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    Development and experimental research of fast ion loss detection system in HL-3 device
    XU Jia, ZHANG Jie, HAN Yuxiao, TANG Changjian, ZHANG Yipo
    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (5): 499-509.  
    Abstract47)      PDF(pc) (16951KB)(22)       Save
    Fast ion losses in tokamak plasma can reduce the heating efficiency. Fast ion loss detector (FILD) can simultaneously measure the loss rate, energy, and pitch angle of fast ions, making it one of the important means for monitoring and studying the phenomenon of fast ion losses. Based on the discharge parameters of the Chinese HL-3 device, the installation position of the probe is confirmed by simulating the motion trajectory of 80 keV deuterium ions in the HL-3 device with different initial pitch angles at first. Secondly, the collimator size is confirmed by simulating the motion trajectory of deuterium ions under different incident energy, magnetic field strength, and incident angles. Thirdly, by simulating the transverse and longitudinal maximum movement distance of deuterium ions on the silver-doped zinc sulfide ZnS(Ag) scintillator screen after passing through the collimator with designed size, the size of the scintillator screen is confirmed. Finally, the designed fast ion loss detector (FILD) based on the silver-doped zinc sulfide ZnS(Ag) scintillator screen is installed in the HL-3 device for experimental research. The research results show that the fast ion loss detector (FILD) can successfully measure the fast ion loss signal and monitor the fast ion loss induced by the toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) mode.
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    RADIATION PROTECTION    2024, 44 (3): 232-232.  
    Abstract46)      PDF(pc) (607KB)(2)       Save
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