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    15 July 2019 Volume 39 Issue 4
    Calculated simulation of the influence of liquid effluentfrom nuclear power plant on Yangjiang sea area
    LI Hua, LI Jiannan, GUO Jie, LIAO Tong
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  267-273. 
    Abstract ( 150 )   PDF (13041KB) ( 69 )  
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    Based on Yangjiang sea area, Chebyshev spectral method was used to calculate the tidal velocities and sea levels, and particle random walk model was adopted to simulate the concentration distribution of radionuclide 3H from liquid effluent of Yangjiang nuclear power plants. The calculated results show that the concentration of radionuclide 3H is smaller than 0.70 Bq/L near Hailing Island in Yangjiang sea area, which is coincident with the measured value 0.97 Bq/L in October 2015. The result indicates that there is no obvious impact on the Yangjiang sea area due to liquid effluent from Yangjiang nuclear power plants.
    Effect of different models on gamma-ray buildup factorfor energy absorption in water
    ZHAO Yuan, LI Hua, LIU Liye, XIAO Yunshi, XIONG Wanchun, WEI Xiaofeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  274-279. 
    Abstract ( 168 )   PDF (10370KB) ( 71 )  
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    Using the Monte Carlo simulation code Geant4, Energy absorption buildup factors in water under the infinite medium model and the infinite slab model were both calculated. The results of the two different kinds of buildup factors were compared and analyzed, and the quantitative relationship between them was established. The relationship is not influenced by the photon energy and mean free path (MFP), and the buildup factors under the infinite plate model can be calculated by using the corresponding values under the infinite medium model through a few parameters, which can effectively reduce the errors caused by the different models in the actual calculation and improve the practicability of the buildup factors. The work in this paper can provide reference for the related research in other materials.
    Energy response simulation and unfolding method research ofsingle sphere neutron spectrometer
    ZOU Yisheng, XIAO Detao, ZHANG Weihua, WANG Zhiqiang, LIU Yina, LI Chunjuan
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  280-286. 
    Abstract ( 152 )   PDF (16235KB) ( 71 )  
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    The principle and structure of the single sphere neutron spectrometer based on a spherical polyethylene moderator with 19 pairs of 6Li and 7Li scintillation detectors was described in this paper. Calculated neutron response functions by Monte Carlo Neutron-particle Transport Code showed that this spectrometer has good spatial symmetry, and the source location can be estimated by detector’s counts. Simulated spectrometer was exposed in 241Am-Be radiation field to obtain counts of each detector and to unfold the simulated results by using Unfolding with Maxed and Gravel (UMG) code to get the energy spectrum. Different algorithms and default spectrum were considered in unfolding process. Compared with expected spectrum, the spectrum unfolded by default spectrum of 241Am-Be standard source and maximum entropy method is the most accurate. The accuracy of response function is verified.
    Investigation on weak penetration radiation in site during outagesin Qinshan phase II nuclear power plant
    ZENG Jinzhong, WEI Yingjing, HE Junnan, ZHAO Pengfei, LIU Liye, WANG Chuan, ZHANG Qiang, GU Weigang, ZHAN Kun, LIU Jie
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  287-296. 
    Abstract ( 163 )   PDF (4188KB) ( 145 )  
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    Radiation source and weak penetrating radiation from pumps, reactor refueling pools, steam generators and valves were monitored during several outages in Qin Shan phase II nuclear power plant. Radionuclides such as58Co,60Co,54Mn,51Cr,95Nb,95Zr,124Sb,59Fe,57Co and 110mAg are mainly deposited on the surface of these devices. The emitted beta-ray energy is mainly in the range of 100 keV to 500 keV.$\dot{H}$·*(10),$\dot{H}$·′(0.07) and $\dot{H}$·′(3) values on the surface of monitored equipment are given. The average value of $\dot{H}$·′(3)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) of the three pumping equipment is 1.31±0.09,$\dot{H}$·′(0.07)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) average is 7.8±0.4. The average value of$\dot{H}$·′(3)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) of steam generator is 1.40±0.20,$\dot{H}$·′(0.07)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) average is 15.1±3.2. The average values of $\dot{H}$·′(3)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) of the four types of valve equipment is 1.32±0.17,$\dot{H}$·′(0.07)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) average is 14.6±3.5. The average value of $\dot{H}$·′(3)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) of the refueling cavity is 1.29±0.10,$\dot{H}$·′(0.07)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) average is 8.5±1.1. The overall average value of $\dot{H}$·′(3)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) of all weak penetrating radiation investigation equipment is 1.32±0.12,and the overall average value of $\dot{H}$·′(0.07)/$\dot{H}$·*(10) is 11.4±4.1. Combined with the measurement results,it is suggested that the maintenance personnel in reactor coolant pump,the residual heat removal pump,and the steam generator should carry out the monitoring of ocular lens dose and skin dose, so should the decontamination personnel in the changing pool.
    Research on neutron shielding engineering in ADS experimental hall
    LI Xiaoming, LUO Xiaowei, GUO Chaoxuan, LI Long, MENG Dongyuan, ZHOU Qi
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  297-303. 
    Abstract ( 121 )   PDF (25107KB) ( 73 )  
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    The shielding of the reactor hall of China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) was reconstructed on the basis of the existing critical experimental device at CIAE, for guaranteeing the smooth work of validation experiment research on the coupling features between spallation target of the accelerator-driven sub-critical system (ADS) and the reactor. A shielding device consisting of polyethylene, cadmium, lead, steel and concrete is constructed to prevent the radiation leakage from the critical device and to control radiation on workers at a reasonable low level. The optimum design of shielding structure is completed by MCNP simulation calculation. In addition, based on the composite shielding structure composed of channel steel support structure, lead shielding layer, cadmium shielding layer and polyethylene shielding layer, a simplified model is established. The ANSYS finite element analysis program is used to calculate and analyze the stress of each part, which is less than the allowable stress, and the stability meets the requirements. The verification of theoretical calculation is completed with an engineering practice,
    Numerical simulation and experimental studyon reactive coating decontaminant spray
    ZHANG Kun, HE Zeyin, ZHANG Tao, YANG Chuan, HUA Weixing, CAO Xingwei, LIU Hukai
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  304-308. 
    Abstract ( 107 )   PDF (6949KB) ( 38 )  
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    To solve the problem of nozzle blockage in spraying operation of a reaction type coating decontaminant, a method of spraying reactive coating decontaminant with compressed air was proposed, and a special spraying nozzle was designed. A fluid analysis model of nozzle spraying process was also established, and its pressure, velocity and spraying state of the internal flow field of nozzle under different inlet pressures were simulated based on a CFD method. The analysis shows that when the nozzle inlet pressure is higher than 2 MPa, its spraying of reactive coating decontaminant is uniform. In order to verify the rationality of structure design and analysis model, a spraying test device was built, and the spraying performance of reactive coating decontaminant was tested. Its actual spraying effect was close to the simulation result. The spraying atomization of decontaminant was more uniform and spraying effect was better than before.
    Application of MC-MC coupled method in neutron shielding analysis of NPP
    HUANG Qianqian, TANG Shaohua, YANG Shouhai
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  309-313. 
    Abstract ( 175 )   PDF (3026KB) ( 174 )  
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    The detailed neutron shielding design is one of the main radiation protection design features of the third generation reactor, which will directly affect equipment life located in radiation field and the radiation safety of the workers entering the plant during the power operation. So far, there is no effective neutron calculation method that can meet the engineering design requirements in China due to excessively time-consuming and poor accuracy caused by large scale and complex structure. The MC-MC coupling calculation method is proposed to make the large-scale complex neutron shielding calculation accurately, quickly and effectively. The difference between the results obtained by this method and those obtained by CEPR design shows that this method is reliable in engineering design. This method has been used in a 3rd generation PWR in China.
    Overview of OECD/NEA activities on radioactivewaste management and decommissioning
    LI Jinfeng, CHEN Ling
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  314-321. 
    Abstract ( 251 )   PDF (4754KB) ( 225 )  
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    The Radioactive Waste Management Committee (RWMC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) assists its member countries in developing strategic long-term management of all types of radioactive waste including spent nuclear fuel. Its work focuses on the cutting-edge research in the areas of regulations, safety case, interaction with stakeholders, characterization methodology on unconventional and legacy wastes, as well as technologies and cost estimation for the decommissioning of nuclear installations. China has become the country with the most nuclear power units being built. It faces many challenges in technologies, stakeholder communication and cost optimization in radioactive waste management and decommissioning. China could benefit from collaboration with the NEA to achieve the safe treatment and disposal of radioactive waste and to promote the national strategy of “going abroad” within the nuclear industry.
    Applicability analysis of Ceramic Melter technology in vitrification ofhigh level radioactive liquid waste from spent fuelreprocessing of nuclear power plants
    ZHANG Wei, DONG Hailong, RUAN Minzhi
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  322-330. 
    Abstract ( 163 )   PDF (20377KB) ( 53 )  
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    Ceramic Melter technology is used in the first vitrification plant in China to treat high level radioactive liquid wastes (HLLWs). As the development of nuclear power and the completion of nuclear fuel cycle in China, the demand for vitrification of HLLWs from spent fuel reprocessing of nuclear power plants (NPPs) also increases. To evaluate the applicability of Ceramic Melter technology in future vitrification projects in China, an analysis is conducted in the view of waste source term, melter characters, exchange and dismantling of melters. It concluded that the ceramic melter technology could be applied to vitrify the HLLWs from spent fuel reprocessing.
    Effects of Angelica sinensis and Radix Hedysari on heavy ion 12C6+irradiation of hepatoma cells DNA damage repair
    KOU Wei, LI Yingdong, DOU Chunjiang, GU Qiaoling, LIU Kai, CHEN Hong
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  331-337. 
    Abstract ( 127 )   PDF (5836KB) ( 166 )  
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    The paper is mainly about to observe the effect of Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Radix Hedysari (RAS-RH) on hepatoma cells H22 DNA damage induced by heavy ion 12C6+ irradiation, and to explore its possible mechanism. H22 cells were cultured in DMEM medium.They were then divided into control group, drug group(RAS-RH), radiation group(Gy) and combination group(RAS-RH + Gy). CCK-8 method, single cell gel electrophoresis, γ-H2AX immunofluorescence in situ hybridization and Western Blotting were used to study the correlation. The results showed that RAS-RH inhibited the proliferation of human hepatocellular carcinoma H22 cells in a time-and dose-dependent manner at concentrations of 0-72 h and 5-200 mg/L. The IC20 of RAS-RH was (117.6+2.15) mg/L. Single cell gel electrophoresis showed that the content of Head DNA in the combined group was higher than that in the radiation group, while Tail DNA, TM and OTM were lower than those in the radiation group. RAS-RH did not increase DNA damage induced by heavy ion 12C6+ radiation, but in 2-12 h, the repair of double strand breaks of DNA by γ-H2AX foci was inhibited by RAS-RH, and DNA damage persisted. Western Blotting showed that RAS-RH inhibited the aggregation of γ-H2AX by down-regulating the expression of Ku70/80 and Rad51 proteins. It was suggested that RAS-RH could down-regulate the expression of DNA damage repair related factors Ku70/80 and Rad51 in human hepatocellular carcinoma H22 cells.
    Protection effects of icaritin on HaCat cells of human skin radiation damage
    WANG Zeng, HONG Jinsheng, CHEN Jinmei, WU Jiandong, SU Li
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2019, 39(4):  338-344. 
    Abstract ( 159 )   PDF (6996KB) ( 48 )  
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    The study of the radiological protective effect of icaritin on HaCat cells was carried out. CCK-8 method was used to detect the change of cell proliferation; Annexin V-PI double staining was used to detect cell apoptosis; DCFH-DA probe was used to detect reactive oxygen species and thiobarbituric acid method was used to measure intracellular malondialdehyde levels. Inflammatory factor secretion levels were determined by real-time PCR and Elisa assay. After the HaCat cells were treated with 20 Gy of X-ray, the cell viability was decreased and apoptosis rate was increased. It was found that treatment with icaritin can stimulate its proliferation by increasing cell survival rate and reducing the proportion of apoptosis. The content of ROS and MDA in the cells increased significantly after irradiation, but the treatment with icaritin could reduce the content of both and protect the cells. Meanwhile, the amount of inflammatory factors IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α expressed and secreted by HaCat cells was significantly increased, and icaritin inhibited the expression of these factors and reduced the amount of secretion. The results indicated that icaritin had obvious radiological protective effect on HaCat cells. It has the ability to promote proliferation, inhibit apoptosis, anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory. It is expected to be a protective agent for traditional Chinese medicine against radiation-induced skin damage.