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    20 July 2020 Volume 40 Issue 4
    Comparison of response characteristics to γ rays of TLD-2007C and TLD-SWB LiF(Mg,Cu,P)thermoluminescence detector
    MA Yan,YU Qingyu
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  265-270. 
    Abstract ( 208 )   PDF (989KB) ( 171 )  
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    In this study, two kinds of LiF(Mg,Cu,P)thermoluminescence detector, namely the TLD-2007C and TLD-SWB TLDs, were irradiated in standard Gamma radiation field. The uniformity, repeatability and linearity of the response to γ rays were compared in order to ensure the measurements accuracy. The variation coefficient of their sensitivities under different absorbed doses were analyzed and the linear upper limit was obtained. The results indicated that the reading coefficient of variation of TLD-2007C and TLD-SWB was 3.5% and 3.2% respectively when the absorbed dose was 10 mGy,and the repeatability indicator was within 5%. The linear response upper limits of TLD-2007C and TLD-SWB were between 12 to 15 Gy and 10 to 12 Gy respectively. The sensitivity of TLDs changed little when reusing with radiation below the upper limit, but decreased for the radiation beyond the upper limit. If reused in radiation filed beyond the upper limit, the sensitivity of the TLD-2007C could maintain the new decreased level, while the sensitivity of the TLD-SWB continued decreasing. Completed integrated annealing cycle was necessary in order to recover its sensitivity. The results also indicated that the uniformity of the group of TLDs with consistency screening could remain well no matter their absorbed dose were beyond the upper limit.
    Establishment of tritium activity concentration standard device
    FENG Mei, WEI Yingjing, LI Dehong, WANG Yong, ZHANG Qingli, WANG Mingliang
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  271-277. 
    Abstract ( 171 )   PDF (2770KB) ( 312 )  
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    In order to solve the problem of the value transfer of tritium-in-air monitors in China,tritium activity concentration standard device was built up and the performance of the standard device was tested in laboratory. Testing results show that the device has a repeatability of 0.97%, a stability of 1.1%, activity concentration ranges between 5.0×104 Bq·m-3 to 2.0×108 Bq·m-3, and the relative extended uncertainty of 4.6%-5.0% (k=2) was achieved. This tritium activity concentration standard device has been authorized as social public measurement standard, which could be used for value transferring of tritium-in-air monitors in China.
    Investigation for radioactivity level during the exploitation and utilization of mines associated with radioactivity in Guangxi
    HUANG Yilin, HE Xianwen, FENG Liangliang, PENG Chong, CHEN Baocai, ZHOU Hualong, LIN Mingmei, LIN Wuhui, GUAN Yongjing
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  278-285. 
    Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (1359KB) ( 269 )  
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    Based on the investigation of 17 types of mineral resources in Guangxi, the radioactivity levels of 280 factories and mines had been measured and analyzed in this study. The results indicated that the average specific radioactivity in raw materials and products derived from the zircon ore, lead/zinc ore, germanium/titanium ore, and vanadium ore is greater than 1 000 Bq/kg. The average specific radioactivity in solid wastes produced in rare earth ore, zircon ore,lead/zinc ore, germanium/titanium ore, tin ore, and vanadium ore is greater than 1 000 Bq/kg. The gross α and gross β in waste water are higher than the discharge limit. The screening value of γ air adsorbed dose rate of 100 nGy/h was recommended to avoid missing of some industries with high radioactivity.
    Investigation and evaluation of radon activity concentration in thestations of Changsha Metro Line 1
    CHEN Donghui, ZHU Guozhen, LI Zhichun, PENG Junzhe, CAO Zhenwei, LONG Huijia, GE Liangquan, LI Xianjie
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  286-289. 
    Abstract ( 257 )   PDF (938KB) ( 175 )  
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    Abstract:In order to investigate the activity concentration level of radon in the stations of Changsha Metro Line 1, we have used typical sampling method and randomly selected 5 stations to measure and evaluated the radon activity concentration. With the aid of the track etched sheet, we have used accumulation method to investigate the radon activity concentration of the vehicle control room, platform and customer service center in the stations. The results showed that the activity concentration of radon in the stations of Changsha Metro Line 1 was in the range of 22.5-53.0 Bq/m3, with a mean value of 35.3 Bq/m3, which is only 5.6% deviation from the average radon activity concentration (37.4 Bq/m3) in Changsha city. The radon activity concentration was far below the restriction of Standard for controlling radon and its progenies in underground space, GBZ 116—2002 (Equilibrium Equivalent Radon Concentration 400 Bq/m3); The average dose of the staff and public caused by radon activity concentration in stations was 0.28 mSv and 0.08 mSv respectively. The average dose of the staff and public caused by radon concentration was at the background level, and meeting the requirements of the Basic Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the safety of radiation sources, GB 18871—2002.
    Numerical simulation study on the effect of thermal stratificationon the flow field around buildings
    GUO Dongpeng, WANG Ran, ZHAO Peng, LI Yunpeng, YAO Rentai, LIU Yao
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  290-300. 
    Abstract ( 134 )   PDF (9784KB) ( 62 )  
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    The RNG k-ε turbulence model was used to simulate the effect of thermal stratification on the flow field around buildings. The simulation results were validated by corresponding wind-tunnel experiment. The results showed that the CFD simulation results were consistent with the Yassin’s wind-tunnel experiment results. It is found that the velocity and turbulent kinetic energy in the building wake is the smaller under the stable stratification. Through the analysis of the simulation results under stable, neutral and unstable stratification, the influence of thermal stratification on the flow in the regular buildings matrix was studied. The results showed that the thermal stratification has a significant effect on the vortex intensity and the vertical distribution of longitudinal velocity in the street canyon. In particular, when the atmosphere is stable stratification, the attenuation effect of the building on the velocity is obvious.
    Study on the development and performance of heat-resistant radiation shielding composites
    SUN Chao, MENG Xianfang, QIN Peizhong, ZHANG Long, WANG Liancai, ZENG Xinmiao
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  301-307. 
    Abstract ( 167 )   PDF (2306KB) ( 243 )  
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    Background: In order to meet the requirements in performance of heat-resistant, thermal stability, radiation resistance etc of radiation shielding materials used in nuclear power plant and spent fuel storage. Purpose: AGA heat-resistant shielding composites were developed. Methods: The thermal stability of the matrix material was analyzed by using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Dynamic Thermomechanical Analysis (DMA) was used to analyze the glass transition temperature of AGA composites. Irradiation resistance test was carried out under 60Co sources and its shielding performance was tested with a 252Cf neutron source. The Results: From the TG curves, the initial decomposition temperature was 353.5 ℃. And after the constant temperature storage at 200 ℃ for 170 h, the weightloss of the matrix material was 1.22%. DMA showed that the glass transition temperature of the shielding composites moved to the higher temperature area and the peak type widens as the W content increases. The impact strength of the AGA heat-resistant shielding composite was optimal with a W content of 10.5 wt% and a B4C content of 3 wt%. When 3 wt% B4C was added, the fast neutron transmission of the AGA-4 heat-resistant shielding composite with 2 cm thick was 50.00%. Conclusions: AGA heat-resistant shielding composites has certain heat-resistant and irradiation resistance, and low density.
    Application of bio-reduction and immobilization technology inseepage pollution control for uranium tailings
    SUN Juan, AN Yifu, LIAN Guoxi, GAO Yang, YANG Bing
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  308-315. 
    Abstract ( 160 )   PDF (1041KB) ( 565 )  
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    In order to avoid the problems of acid regurgitation and continuous dissolution due to lime neutralization reaction, a bio-reduction and immobilization technology to source controlling of seepage pollution from uranium tailings is suggested, based on analysis of seepage discharge treatment of uranium tailings in China. According to the investigation on research status of properties of uranium, mechanism and influencing factors of microorganism and uranium, the feasibility of microbial technology in seepage treatment of uranium tailings is determined. The demand of the pollution control of uranium tailings is clarified with the application prospect of bio-reduction technologies and difficulty analysis on maintaining and maximizing microbial function in a given environment and optimizing the engineering program of microbial injection, which are key factors of long term stability of the technology.
    Investigation on solubility and speciation of valence-variable radionuclides in Beishan underground water
    CHENG Xi, KANG Mingliang, YANG Guangze, MA Yue, WANG Ju
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  316-324. 
    Abstract ( 180 )   PDF (5178KB) ( 228 )  
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    The borehole 28 (BS28) at Beishan is adjacent to the site of the proposed first underground laboratory of high-level radioactive waste repository in China. By combination of on-site continuous measurements and examination of the dissolved iron content in the groundwater and the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios in the surrounding rock, we proposed recently a redox potential (Eh) range of -56 to 98 mV with a temperature of 18.4 ℃ and pH of 8.1±0.2 for BS28 groundwater at 365-690 m depth. Based on the above conditions, the speciation and solubility of U, 99Tc, 79Se and Np are calculated by PHREEQC using thermodynamic data containing ternary complexes of uranyl and carbonate with Mg, Ca and Sr. When the pH of groundwater is 8.1, and Eh is between -56 mV and 98 mV, the solubility of U, Tc and Se range from 10-9 to 10-6 mol/L, 10-14 to 10-4 mol/L and 10-14 to 10-7 mol/L, respectively, while the solubility of Np remains below 10-15 mol/L. In the above conditions, dissolved U, Se and Tc mainly exist in the forms of Ca2UO2(CO3)3, CaUO2(CO3)32-, HSeO3-, SeO32- and TcO4-. On the condition of an invariable partial pressure of oxygen, we also investigated the influence of pH in the range of 5-11 assuming an Eh of -56 mV (minimum value), 21 mV (middle value) and 98 mV (maximum value) at pH 8.1. It is worth emphasizing that this work only simulates the homogeneous solution system, further studies on reductive immobilization of radionuclides are necessary in representative underground water-rock system, as the surrounding rock of Beishan granite is rich in ferrous iron.
    Preliminary safety assessment of deep borehole disposal for spent fuel (SF)
    LI Xingyu, WANG Xuhong, YANG Qiuyu, LV Tao, LI Chang, ZHAO Huanmei, WANG Xin, XIA Jiaguo
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  325-330. 
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF (3305KB) ( 267 )  
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    In this article, a preliminary safety assessment calculation is taken to discuss the safety of deep borehole disposal of SF. The calculation work is based on existing conceptual design with input source term chosen from a specific SF’s radionuclides. For the radionuclide migration pathway, drinking water though well above the disposal borehole is selected under conservative assumption. Calculation result shows that the maximum individual radiation dose is 0.045 mSv/a, arising in the 8 200 year after closure of the disposal borehole, which was mainly caused by I-129. This result can provide a good reference for R&D work of deep borehole disposal in China.
    Current situation of clinical nuclear medicine in China and exploration of radiological protection for relevant staff
    WANG Xinmiao, WANG Junping, RAN Xinze
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  331-339. 
    Abstract ( 356 )   PDF (1046KB) ( 468 )  
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    With the continuous development of nuclear medicine diagnosis and treatment technology, its application increases gradually in China. But the public awareness on which is far from enough, and the corresponding management and preventive measures are not followed up in time. In order to raise public awareness of the development of nuclear medicine branch, we reviewed the current situation of nuclear medicine in China and discussed the measures to enhance radiation protection, especially the layout and management requirements of nuclear medicine branch, as well as the technical staff and patients who undergo radionuclide diagnosis and treatment, with the hope to provide reference for the management and radiation protection measures for the future development of nuclear medicine.
    The status of knowledge-attitude-practice of radiation protection amongdifferentiated thyroid cancer patients treated with 131I
    YI Yupin, HU Fengqiong
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  340-345. 
    Abstract ( 158 )   PDF (1304KB) ( 107 )  
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    To understand the knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) status and influencing factors of radiation protection among differentiated thyroid cancer patients treated with 131I, a self-designed questionnaire on KAP of radiation protection was used to investigate 330 thyroid cancer patients treated with 131I in the Nuclear medicine department of a third-grade class-A hospital from March 2018 to June 2018. The mean percentage scores of knowledge, attitude and practice were 58±17.88, 90.28±7.48 and 72.13±7.83 respectively. And knowledge, attitude and behavior were positively correlated. The educational background was the independent factor affecting the level of knowledge about radiation protection. The radiation protection attitude of thyroid cancer patients treated with 131I was positive, but the knowledge and practice was inadequate. We should pay attention to the guidance of radiation protection measures to the patients after discharged and to the patients with less education.
    Review on the mechanism, prevention and treatments of radiation brain injury
    YANG Haiyu, GUO Jiao, SUN Yuanming, LONG Wei
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  346-352. 
    Abstract ( 252 )   PDF (1027KB) ( 187 )  
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    When patients with primary or metastatic brain malignant tumor receive radiotherapy, it usually causes changes to brain tissue function and morphology, leading to radiation brain injury. As a result, patients show a series of complications and that even lead to deaths. In this paper, we reviewed the mechanisms of radiation brain injury, its prevention and treatment strategies proposed in recent years, hoping to provide theoretical basis for clinical treatment.
    Discussion on supervision of consumer products containingradioactive substances in China
    XIAO Jun, ZOU Bing
    RADIATION PROTECTION. 2020, 40(4):  353-363. 
    Abstract ( 143 )   PDF (1716KB) ( 277 )  
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    In view of the present situation regarding the supervision of consumer products containing radioactive substances, this paper analyzed and interpreted the current relevant laws and standards in China, and made a study on the consumption. The problems existing in the legitimacy, exemption management, regulatory responsibilities, regulations and standards, monitoring and evaluation of products were discussed. Suggestions for improving the supervision and management of radiation safety of such consumer goods were put forward.