辐射防护 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 217-223.

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薛向明, 武晓燕, 杨雪, 古晓娜, 战景明   

  1. 中国辐射防护研究院,太原 030006
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-21 出版日期:2024-05-20 发布日期:2024-05-24
  • 作者简介:薛向明(1986—),男,2010年毕业于成都理工大学,获核工程与核技术专业学士学位;2013年毕业于成都理工大学,获辐射防护与环境保护专业硕士学位。副研究员。E-mail:464186440@qq.com

Status and enlightenment of eye lens dose monitoring for radioactive workers in foreign nuclear facilities

XUE Xiangming, WU Xiaoyan, YANG Xue, Gu Xiaona, ZHAN Jingming   

  1. China Institute for Radiation Protection,Taiyuan 030006
  • Received:2023-12-21 Online:2024-05-20 Published:2024-05-24

摘要: 国际社会对眼晶体职业剂量限值修订已有10余年,其间已有多个国家将新的眼晶体职业剂量限值纳入法律规定。国外资料显示核设施部分岗位眼晶体剂量可能较高,一些国家提出了眼晶体剂量监测的具体方案,但国内相关信息缺乏。本文在对国外核设施职业人群眼晶体剂量水平梳理基础上,对国外机构提出的眼晶体剂量监测对象、监测剂量水平要求及采用的监测方法等进行了综述,以期为我国核设施单位眼晶体剂量限值修订及相关工作的开展提供借鉴。

关键词: 核设施, 放射工作人员, 眼晶体, 剂量监测

Abstract: International community has revised the eye lens dose limit for more than 10 years, during which several countries have integrated the new eye lens dose limit into their national law. Data from abroad show that the eye lens dose of some job in nuclear facilities may be high. Some countries have put forward specific monitoring programs, but relevant domestic information is lacking. On the basis of sorting out the dose levels of eye lens among occupational populations in foreign nuclear facilities, this article reviews the monitoring objects, requirements for monitoring dose levels, and monitoring methods proposed by foreign institutions, in order to provide reference for the revision of eye lens dose limits and related work in China’s nuclear facilities.

Key words: nuclear facilities, radioactive worker, eye lens, dose monitoring


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