辐射防护 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (S1): 99-105.

• 放射性废物管理 • 上一篇    下一篇


王雅霄, 李卓然, 王炳衡, 王晓霞, 高桂玲   

  1. 中国核电工程有限公司,北京 100840
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-26 出版日期:2023-08-15 发布日期:2023-09-14
  • 作者简介:王雅霄(1987—),女,2010年本科毕业于南京航空航天大学,2015年博士毕业于中国科学院大学,高级工程师。E-mail:wangyxd@cnpe.cc.

Research on key issues of radiation protection design for low-level radioactive waste disposal sites

WANG Yaxiao, LI Zhuoran, WANG Bingheng, WANG Xiaoxia, GAO Guiling   

  1. China Nuclear Power Engineering Co. Ltd., Beijing 100840
  • Received:2022-11-26 Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-09-14

摘要: 低放废物处置场辐射防护设计一般主要涉及废物处置单元和废物接收厂房。废物处置单元根据处置场接收准则、废物码放处置方案等进行辐射防护设计,废物接收厂房的辐射防护设计主要关注废物装卸区、开箱倒装区、无损检测区等。本文主要介绍了低放废物处置场辐射分区准则的制定,辐射防护设计原则的考虑,废物处置单元及废物接收厂房辐射防护设计等方面的内容。重点关注了废物处置单元废物分层、分隔断码放处置情景,不同分隔码放方式所允许码放处置的放射性废物表面剂量率限值,码放层数限制,处置单元侧墙直接照射、处置单元天空散射、水泥砂浆及封顶的辐射防护设计考虑,以及废物接收厂房开箱倒装区的辐射防护设计关键问题。介绍了低放废物近地表处置场辐射防护设计相关的问题处理及经验,为相关设施辐射防护设计提供了参考。

关键词: 低放废物处置场, 辐射防护设计, 处置码放方案, 屏蔽设计

Abstract: The radiation protection design of low-level radioactive waste disposal sites generally involves waste disposal cells and waste receiving plant. The radiation shielding structure of waste disposal cell correlates highly with the acceptance criteria of the disposal site and the waste stacking and disposal plan. There are waste loading places, waste unpacking places and nondestructive examination places in the waste reception plant. This paper mainly introduces the formulation of radiation zoning criteria for low-level radioactive waste disposal sites, the consideration of radiation protection design principles, and the radiation protection design of waste disposal cells and waste receiving plants. The waste stratification and separation strategy in waste disposal cells, the limit of the surface dose rate of radioactive waste and limit layers allowed in different separation and stacking methods were studied. The direct irradiation of the side walls of the disposal unit and the sky scattering of the disposal unit, as well as radiation protection design considerations for cement mortar and capping were considered. Key issues about radiation protection design in the unpacking area of the waste receiving plant were studied, too. The problems and experience related to the radiation protection design of low-level radioactive waste near-surface disposal sites are introduced, which provides a reference for the radiation protection design of related facilities.

Key words: low-level radioactive waste disposal sites, Radiation protection, waste stacking and disposal plan, Shielding design of disposal sites


  • TL942+.213