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26 June 2009, Volume 35 Issue 3
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  • 专家约稿
    Safe Retreat Trajectory Design for Rendezvous behind a Keep-out-Zone
    XIE Yongchun 1,2 ,CHEN Changqing 1,2
    2009, 35(3):  1-5. 
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    A design method of safe retreat trajectory for rendezvous behind a keep-out-zone is investigated. Two safe retreat modes are provided for a rectangular keep-out-zone around the target spacecraft, and characteristics of those possible points intersectant to the keep-out zone are analyzed. Two theorems on sufficient and necessary conditions about safety of the free-flying trajectories of two retreat modes are presented and proved. Finally a retreat scheme is designed based on practical engineering, and two simulation examples are given to demonstrate validity of the retreat method and feasibility of the retreat scheme.

    Survey of Autonomous Navigation and Control for
    Deep Space Exploration

    WANG Dayi 1,2, HUANG Xiangyu 1,2
    2009, 35(3):  6-12. 
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    The deep space autonomous navigation and control is a key technique for the successful implementation of deep space exploration. Based on the urgent need for developing the deep space autonomous navigation and control, the development of deep space autonomous navigation and control is reviewed and analyzed. The emphasis on requirements for deep space autonomous navigation and control and its development trend in the world is analyzed, and the critical techniques of deep space autonomous navigation and control are presented. Finally, the recommendation for the development of deep space autonomous navigation and control is presented on the basis of the analysis.
    Glidescope Orbit Design Based on the Differential Equation Approach in Near-Range Autonomous Rendezvous Mission
    LIU Luhua1, HAN Hongwei2
    2009, 35(3):  13-17. 
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    Considering constraints of energy, time and line-of-sight angle, a near-range autonomous rendezvous glidescope orbit design method is studied based on the differential equation method. The glidescope equations of approach and retreat operations are deduced, the power function between the relative distance and velocity are designed, and the parameter determination method considering the energy consumption as the optimal index is put forward. Additionally, the approach reducing the line-of-sight angle is studied. Under the given constraints, the efficiency of differential equation method is validated by simulation.
    Dual-Axis Antenna Trajectory Planning of the CE-1 Satellite
    WANG Shuyi 1,2, ZONG Hong 1,2, LI Tieshou 1,2
    2009, 35(3):  18-22. 
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    A gimbal angle calculation method of the dual-axis antenna on the CE-1 satellite is presented for requirements for the earth-point antenna. The range of the dual-axis antenna autonomous tracking to the earth is confirmed according to the condition of the satellite access to the earth and the limits to the rotational angle and angular velocity of the dual-axis antenna. Finally, flight verification results show the validity of the method.
    An Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter Based Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Algorithm
    FAN Wei 1,2, LI Yong3
    2009, 35(3):  23-28. 
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    A new approach called as adaptive unscented Kalman filter (AUKF) for nonlinear filtering systems is presented in this paper. This method combines nonlinear Sage-Husa noise statistics estimator with unscented Kalman filter (UKF). Then AUKF is applied to the spacecraft autonomous navigation. The computer simulation results demonstrate that the navigation accuracy using AUKF is much better than using EKF. And a new algorithm to improve measurement bias estimate precision by using periodic information of the measurement bias is proposed. The autonomous navigation system simulation results show that with a little more computing time the improved AUKF using the new measurement bias estimate algorithm is more accurate than AUKF.
    Effect of Thickness Nonuniformity of Resonator on the HRG Accuracy
    CHEN Xue, REN Shunqing, ZHAO Hongbo, QI Jiayi
    2009, 35(3):  29-33. 
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    For the HRG’s technology fabrication deviation, effect of the resonator’s thickness nonuniformity on the gyro accuracy is studied. The error model is established and the error mechanism is analyzed. First, the strains of an arbitrary point on the resonator is analyzed, then a thin shell element is chosen to make a force analysis, the dynamics equation is established according to the force and torque equilibrium equation. According to the dynamics equation, the HRG error caused by the resonator’s thickness nonuniformity is obtained. The results show that the first to third order harmonic terms of the nonuniformity have no impact on the error of angular rate, while the fourth order harmonic terms has impact on the error of angular rate .In order to improve HRG accuracy , some methods are adopted to balance the thinckness nonuniformity.
    Fault Estimation Based on PI Strong Tracking Filter
    WANG Hao , HUANG Xianlong
    2009, 35(3):  34-38. 
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    A method for estimating actuator and sensor faults in linear dynamical systems is presented in this paper. The method is based on the use of proportional integral (PI) observer which can simultaneously estimate the actuator and sensor faults as well as the states of the system. In this paper, we use PI observer incorporated with strong tracking filter (STF) to estimate the states and faults. When faults arise in the control systems, PI Strong Tracking filter can detect, locate and estimate the faults at the same time. This method is used to estimate the thrusters and gyroscopes faults of a satellite. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.
    Star Sensor Test Oriented Design of Digital Star Simulator System
    SHI Yinghai, WANG Zhifeng, HUANG Xin, CHEN Zhaohui
    2009, 35(3):  39-43. 
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    Functions of star sensor and digital star simulator system are analyzed in this paper. The function requirement for a digital star simulator system is described, and the design method of digital star simulator system is proposed. The digital star simulator system is composed of the star-map component and the communication component. Based on the digital star simulator system, the experiments of dynamic star-map and static star-map are implemented for the star sensor software test. The process and data of the experiments are described and analyzed. The experiment results show the validity and effectiveness of the digital star simulator system and its design method.
    Effect of Ambient Pressure on Droplet’s Spray Process in Colloid Thruster
    QIN Chaojin,TANG Haibin,ZI Zhenpeng,WANG Haixing
    2009, 35(3):  44-48. 
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    Modeling study of droplet’s in colloid thruster is conducted in this paper. Motion of droplets is investigated by using the Lagrange tracking method. Velocity distribution and spatial distribution of droplets are obtained. The effect of ambient pressure on spray angle,axial velocity distribution of droplets and performance of the thruster are analyzed. It is shown that the axial velocity of droplets and performance of the thruster increase and spray angle is less influenced with the decrease of the ambient pressure. While ambient pressure is less than the threshold pressure, the effect of ambient pressure on the spray process, velocity distribution of droplets and performance of the thruster can be ignored.
    Characteristic Model-Based Fast Attitude Maneuver for Flexible Spacecrafts
    RAO Weidong 1,2
    2009, 35(3):  49-52. 
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    The quaternion feedback control method can be used to the maneuver controlling of flexible satellites, but the attitude ability is beyond satisfactory level. Situation becomes worse, especially when the coupling between rigid body and flexible body is large. Once the vibration of flexible modes is stimulated, it is a hard task to attenuate the vibration. In this paper, a characteristic model –based golden section method is designed to control the maneuver. This method stimulates the vibration of flexible modes much less during the maneuver. Moreover, Simulation results of this control method show a better accuracy than the one of quaternion feedback method.
    Feedback Perturbation Based Normal Matrix Approach for Spacecraft Attitude Control
    ZHU Hongyu
    2009, 35(3):  53-57. 
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    The problem of robust attitude control for three-axial-stabilized flexible spacecraft is considered. The inverse transfer function matrix of attitude dynamics is derived from the hybrid coordinates equations, and its normality is analyzed. Based on the results, a normal matrix design approach for spacecraft attitude control systems is developed by using a feedback perturbation description for system uncertainties. The results show that the inverse transfer function matrix is a normal matrix, and this fact is independent of the spacecraft dynamical parameters. Based on the normality nature, the normal matrix design approach for spacecraft attitude control is developed. With the proposed method, the robust control of spacecraft attitude can be achieved by a parameter constraint on the three-axis control loops of attitudes, thus the attention can be focused on the performance promotion and therefore the proposed method is more practical. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
    The Autonomous Navigation for CBERS-02B Satellite Based on Star Sensor and
    Scanning Infrared Earth Sensors
    LI Mingqun 1,2, WEI Chunling 1,2, MEI Zhiwu1, YAO Ning1,
    WU Yanpeng1, WANG Zhe1,YUAN Jun1
    2009, 35(3):  58-60. 
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    The principle of autonomous navigation using star sensors and scanning infrared earth sensors is studied. Based on star sensors and scanning infrared earth sensors of CBERS-02B satellite, this paper take a experimentation of autonomous navigation. The experimentation shows that the method of autonomous navigation is valid.
    A Method of Fault Tolerant Design for Memory
    ZHAO Yunfu, HUA Gengxin
    2009, 35(3):  61-64. 
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    Single Event Upsets (SEU) often occur when a memory works in the space radiation environment. An Hsiao code-based Error Detect and Correct (EDAC) circuit is designed. By reusing the encode and decode circuit, occupied circuit area is decrease further. Compared with the Extended Hamming Code, the area is decreased by nearly 50 percent and the speed is improved by nearly 20 percent in my design. A novelty method to complete auto write-back function for single error is adopted in this paper. A Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) design for control registers is used to guarantee correct operation of a memory. Simulation results illustrate feasibility and superiority of the proposed design.