
Table of Content

    20 December 2023 Volume 43 Issue 6
    Research Progress on the Application of Biological Samples Collection in Radionuclide Internal-Contamination Dose Monitoring
    Guo Shanshan, Liu Liu, Hou Bei, Zhu Lei, Gao Yan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(6):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 73 )   PDF (1728KB) ( 62 )  
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    Biological sample collection can be used to monitor the internal radiation dose of radionuclides. Through the collection of urine, feces, nasal secretions, blood and other biological samples, in order to analyze the radioactivity level and know about the retention amount and dynamic change of radionuclides in the body. The method of urine sample collection is convenient and easy to obtain samples and preserve, which is the first choice for measuring the internal exposure level after nuclear accident; Fecal analysis is often used for relatively insoluble forms of radionuclides inhaled in the body; Nasopharyngeal swabs can be used for the detection of radionuclide deposits formed by aerosol particles, which is a rapid method for the detection of internal irradiation α/β particles produced by human body. Different biological sample collection mrthod has advantages and disadvantages in radionuclide internal contamination dose detection. This review paper aims to provide new ideas for the application of biological sample collection in clinical practice and the study of internal irradiation dose.
    Total α and Total β Radioactivity Levels of Atmospheric Aerosols in Taishan Area
    Chen Rirong, Zhu Zhiru, Zhang Jiajun, Liang Guoshuai
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(6):  6-12. 
    Abstract ( 53 )   PDF (7962KB) ( 27 )  
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    Based on the monitoring data of total α and total β radioactivity levels of atmospheric aerosols in Taishan area from 2018 to 2022, there is no obvious correlation between the total α and total β in aerosols and the operation of Taishan nuclear power plant. The activity concentration of total α and total β in aerosols is related to dust weight. The greater the dust weight, the higher the activity concentration of total α and total β. The activity concentrations of total α and total β have obvious seasonal characteristics, which are high in winter and low in summer. The total β to total α ratio of aerosol is high in summer.
    Design Concept of an Intelligent Ground Contamination Monitoring Robot for Radiation Control Areas
    Wang Wei
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(6):  13-18. 
    Abstract ( 46 )   PDF (672KB) ( 97 )  
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    This article introduces the design concept of an intelligent robot that can be applied to ground contamination level monitoring in radiation control areas of nuclear power plants. By analyzing the problems existing in ground contamination monitoring in current nuclear power plants, combined with the development of intelligent robot technology and the improvement of radiation control area management requirements, a design concept for a new intelligent ground contamination monitoring robot is proposed, which covers the aspects such as applicability, spatial modeling, selection of sensing and navigation systems, probe selection, communication requirements, and measurement technology requirements. The new design concept can provide reference for the development of intelligent ground contamination monitoring robots for future nuclear power plants.
    Analysis on Occupational Health Status of Radiation Workers in Nanjing City in 2021
    Wang Xin, Shen Yang
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(6):  19-24. 
    Abstract ( 48 )   PDF (684KB) ( 29 )  
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    A total of 4 258 radiation workers who participated in occupational health examination in Nanjing Prevention and Treatment Center for Occupational Diseases in 2021 were selected as the study objects. Relevant data and information were collected, and the results of occupational health examination were analyzed for different occupational groups. The results are showed as follows: (1) There was no statistically significant difference in the detection rate of abnormal routine blood, lens and renal function among different age groups. There were statistically significant differences in the detection rates of thyroid function, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, chest film, blood glucose and liver function abnormalities. (2) There were statistically significant differences in the detection rates of routine blood, blood pressure, chestradiography, electrocardiogram, blood glucose and liver function abnormalities among different radiological working time groups; Compared with the radiological working time group of 1~<5 years, the detection rate of abnormal routine blood in the radiological working time group of 5~<10 years was significantly increased. (3) There were statistically significant differences in the detection rates of abnormal routine blood, thyroid function, blood pressure, chest radiography, blood glucose and liver function among different occupational groups. Among them , the detection rate of abnormal routine blood was the highest in radiotherapy group (10.7%) , the detection rate of abnormal thyroid function and liver function was the highest in nuclear medicine group (12.8% and 23.4%), and the detection rate of abnormal blood pressure, chest film and blood sugar was the highest in logging group. (4) The detection rate of abnormal routine blood and thyroid function of female radiation workers was significantly higher than that of male, and the detection rate of abnormal blood pressure, electrocardiogram, chest film, blood sugar and liver function in male was significantly higher than that of female; The detection rates of abnormal WBC and Hb in females were significantly higher than those in males, and PLT and RBC were not significantly different from those in males. (5) There was no statistically significant difference between the examination results of radiological workers during and after work. It is concluded that the long-term exposure to low dose ionizing radiation may cause body damage , and the health effects of low dose ionizing radiation on related workers need to be cared for. Strengthening protective supervision and regular occupational health examination can help protect the health of radiation workers.
    Accurate Measurement and Uncertainty Evaluation of 226Ra Based on Emanation Scintillation Method
    Lv Hongzhen, Xie Lingtao, Liu Yang, Li Qing, Bian Baoli, Chen Shiheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2023, 43(6):  25-30. 
    Abstract ( 51 )   PDF (4765KB) ( 51 )  
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    The detection of radium content plays an important role in uranium exploration, radioactive environment monitoring and evaluation. Therefore accurate detection of radium is of great significance. Based on the emenation scintillation method, a radium pre-concentration device in water and a radium radon detection instrument were developed. An acurate concentration measurement system of radium-226 was established. The problems such as inaccuracy of flow control, incomplete radon collection and difficult to detect system pressure in traditional experimental methods are solved. The results show that the proposed system has good measurement accuracy and stability, and the measured recovery rate is 87.5%-101%, which is 4.79%-8.39% higher than that of the traditional experimental method.