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    20 June 2016 Volume 36 Issue 3
    Reflection of Three Catastrophic Accidents in the History of World Nuclear Power Development
    Zheng Junzheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  1-9. 
    Abstract ( 120 )   PDF (3073KB) ( 75 )  
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    In the history of world nuclear powerdevelopment three catastrophic nuclear accidents unfolded, i.e., the Three MileIsland nuclear accident (USA, 1979), the Chernobyl nuclear accident (former Soviet Union, 1986) and the Fukushima nuclear accident(Japan, 2011). As we look to the future, we can learn from our past, lessons and beneficial inspirations mustbe learned from these accidents. This will accordingly strengthen the nuclear safety, so as to benefit the people via nuclear power development.
    The Radiological Protection Evaluation of a Newly Built Digitized X-Ray Photography System Room at a Hospital
    Xu Wei, Wu Xiaoyan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  10-12. 
    Abstract ( 33 )   PDF (848KB) ( 38 )  
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    State Nuclear Power Plant Service Company, Shanghai, 200233
    The Comparison of Exposure Buildup Factors between Cylindrical and Point Sourc
    Yang Bin, Wang Pu, Gao Li, Li Hongyu, He Bingxi, Wang Qiyun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  13-18. 
    Abstract ( 51 )   PDF (1105KB) ( 16 )  
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    The buildup factor will be used whilethe dose rate calculation is done according to cylindrical source formula in Handbook of Radiation Protection. There is not, however, too much description of the buildup factor caused by scattering effect of photon inside a cylinder in thehandbook. The factor is obtained with software simulation in this paper. A comparison is furthermore made between it and that of point source with slab shieldsof a thickness equivalent to the cylinder radius. And the approximate mathematical relationship between them is then provided.
    Analysis of 3H level in the Surrounding Environment of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Base
    Chen Zhidong, Lin Qing, Lin Shuqian
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  19-24. 
    Abstract ( 40 )   PDF (2728KB) ( 15 )  
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    The trend of 3H concentration over the years since Daya Bay Nuclear Power Base runs was analyzed for ambient air, drinking water, reservoir water and sea water around the base and groundwaterin the base sector. It turns out that, in the prevailing direction of radioactive gaseous discharge, 3H concertration in ambient air at monitoring pointswas slightly increased with the radioactive gaseous discharge of the base increased. And with the distance from the base increased, a downward trend is exhibited. The 3H concentrations in drinking water and reservoir water around thebase are currently in background levels. For seawater around the base's outfall,3H concentration is slightly higher than the background level. However, no accumulative trend was observed for all monitoring points over the years. Currently the discharge of 3H from the base had no impact on the environment and public.
    A Preliminary Analysis of UF6 Leakage Accident for a UraniumConversion Plant
    Hu Kaiguang, Hao Leisheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  25-30. 
    Abstract ( 46 )   PDF (1406KB) ( 17 )  
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    The analysis of UF6 leakage is key to the accident analysis of a Uranium conversion plant. With the method of Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), UF6 leakage accidents are identified and analyzedwith respect to the location, leakage state, and the severity of consequence inthis paper. And the preventive and emergency measures are put forward.
    Optimization Design of Decontaminating Refuel Pool for Radiation Protection at Sanmen Nuclear Power Plant
    Jin Xi, Chen Rui
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  31-34. 
    Abstract ( 38 )   PDF (1073KB) ( 57 )  
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    Decontamination of refuel pool is a job in the heavy repair of nuclear power plant in order to protect repair men from radiation hurt. The character of pool decontaminating is analyzed and the deficiency for radiation protection is found. The optimization design of decontaminating refuel pool for radiation protection is showed in this paper, which make use of γ-ray image devices, wireless electronic personal dosimeters and other new type devices. The designed system can monitor the radioactivity distribution in the refuel pool and the situation of worker in real time. The radiation dose of worker will be controlled, and the risk ofradioactivity contamination will be reduced, and decontaminating efficiency will be increased.
    Application of Fluoride Lithium Crystal Dosimeter in NPP Environmental Dose Monitoring in China
    Huang Xing, Li jinlin, Ma Weijiang, Ge Ying
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  35-37. 
    Abstract ( 36 )   PDF (753KB) ( 41 )  
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    The effect of radiological protectionof a newly built digitized X-ray photography system room at a hospital is evaluated according to the relevant national standards. The effective dose is workedout to be 1.60×10-6-3.65×10-5 mSv/a from the actual dose rate, which is in turn obtained via correcting measuring instrument readings for the response time and dose verification factor. It indicates that the radiological protection installation is in line with national standards, and able to protect occupational and public health and safety.
    The Duodenum Injury of Mice in Recovery Phase Induced by 8.0 Gy γ-Irradiation of 60Co
    Ren Yue, Dong Juancong, Zhang Zhongxin, Yuan Yayi, Wang Chao, Zuo Yahui, Li Youchen
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  38-41. 
    Abstract ( 39 )   PDF (1703KB) ( 48 )  
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    Gamma irradiation was given one-timewith a dose of 8.0 Gy from 60Co in mice peritoneal. On the 15th day after irradiation, the duodenum were taken out to observe the pathological changesand analyze the expression level of BCL-2 and TGF-β. The results show that:1)Compared with controls, the duodenum pathology of radiation group appear villiartophy, shorter or fall-off. For severe cases, intestinal mucosa epithelium extensive necrosis and desquamation is observed. 2) BCL-2 expression level drops, and TGF-β expression level rises, in radiation group. The experiment provesthat under the radiation situation, the duodenum radiation injury still exists in recovery phase.
    Exploration of Strippable film Technology in Radioactive Contamination Protection at Hongyanhe NPP
    Li Yuxin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(3):  42-44. 
    Abstract ( 46 )   PDF (762KB) ( 38 )  
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    To explore new type of radioactive contamination protection technology and find more efficient, environmentally sound,practical methods, radioactive contamination protection tests were conducted, with a strippable protective coating of Protectapeel E106 produced by Spraylat International Limited, UK, on walls, floors and equipment surfaces in the controlarea of AC radioactive maintenance workshop at Hongyanhe NPP. A method of manually pressure-regulating spraying was adopted with a small air gun, Model W-7-3S, manufactured by Iwata Corporation, Japan. The results show that, as a radioactive contamination protective medium, Protectapeel E106 strippable protective coating can play a better role in radioactive contamination protection of walls, floors and equipment surfaces.