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    20 April 2016 Volume 36 Issue 2
    Basics and Practical Experience of Radium Analyses in Environmental Samples
    Sha Lianmao
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(2):  1-16. 
    Abstract ( 161 )  
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    The elemental knowledge and practicalexperience of Radium analyses in environmental samples are discussed. The main contents include chemical properties and radiation characteristics of Radium, analytical methods for 226Ra, 228Ra and α radionuclides of Radium, and uncertainty estimation for the analytical results.
    An Introduction to CIRP's Towing Tank Simulation System
    Wang Zijian, Fan Dan, Yao Rentai
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(2):  17-22. 
    Abstract ( 226 )  
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    At present there are 3 main kinds of means for atmospheric environmental researches, i.e., experimental simulations, numerical simulations and field experiments. For experimental simulations, in addition to the wind tunnel experiment, the towing tank modeling study is keeping on development in recent years. To improve its experimental ability in this aspect, CIRP had erected a large environmental simulation towing tank and related test equipments. The structure of the tank simulation system, as well as its performance and features, are presented in this paper. A series of preliminary experiments have confirmed its effectiveness in the simulation of pollutant relocationdiffusion in atmospheric environment.
    The Methodology of Fire Scenario Frequency Analysis in Fire PSA for Nuclear Power Plants
    Zhao Qingnan, Li Xiaoming, Zhao Bo, Fu Xiaohua
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(2):  23-27. 
    Abstract ( 156 )  
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    The fire scenario frequency analysis is the core content of Fire Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA). Based on NRC and EPRI's study on Fire PSA Methodology for Nuclear Power Facilities, the methodology for the fire scenario frequency analysis and parameter uncertainty analysis during the process of fire PSA are introduced. A quantitative calculation of fire scenario frequency is conducted, with a cabinet fire in a room in Fuqing nuclear power plant taken as an example. It shows that the results are more accurate when the parameter uncertainty propagation of heat release rate is considered.
    Environmental Radiation Monitoring at Nuclear Facilities of State Regulatory Priority in Guangdong Province in the Year of 2007-2011
    Yang Lin, Lin qing, Lai Liming, Cheng Xiaobo, Lin Shuqian
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(2):  28-33. 
    Abstract ( 54 )  
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    Environmental radiation monitoring results in the year of 2007-2011 are presented for Daya Bay, Ling'ao NPPs and Beilong LILW repository in Guangdong Province, which are of state regulatory priority. They do not show significant variations.
    The Online Monitoring and Management System for Gansu Provincial Radioactive Waste Deposit
    Li Xiaofei, Wang Haishan, Zhang Xuedong, Ren Kunxian
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(2):  34-35. 
    Abstract ( 17 )  
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    The online monitoring and management system for Gansu provincial radioactive waste deposit is presented, in terms of equipment selection, data acquisition and transmission, radiation dose monitoring, information of spent radiation sources, video surveillance and so on. The situation of its operation is introduced.
    A Comparative Analysis of the Calculated and the Measured Ground Electric Field Strength Values around a Medium-Wave Broadcasting Station
    Chen Qiongxia
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(2):  36-38. 
    Abstract ( 87 )  
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    The ground Electric field strength wastheoretically estimated and measured, with respect to the 40 V/m contour standard method, for several medium-wave transmitting towers with different radiationpower run at the same time, with an 8-tower collocated medium-wave broadcasting station taken as an example. It shows that only two towers with power greaterthan 50 kW can be measured to 40 V/m contour, and the difference between the values and the results estimated with the national environmental industry standardmethod is about 30%.
    Determination of Trace Uranium in Sea Water with Sodium Polyphosphate as Fluorescence Intensifier
    Qin Lianjing, Li Meili
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(2):  39-42. 
    Abstract ( 114 )  
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    A novel method for determination of uranium in sea water with sodium polyphosphate as fluorescence intensifier was reported. It was found experimentally that quantitative determination of trace uranium was achievable with a 10-fold dilution by deionized water,the solution pHset to 2-3 and a concentration of sodium polyphosphate of 0.58%. The relative deviation of duplicate analysis is 4.3%-6.2%,and the recovery of standard addition is 95.0%-98.2%. Its detection limit is 0.16-0.22 μg/L.
    A Decommissioning Practice of Medical 60Co Source
    Chang Xuezhi, Gao Kai
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(2):  43-45. 
    Abstract ( 11 )  
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    There are certain operational risks and radiation safety risks for radioactive sources, which are related to environment safety, health and safety of the public and working staff. The decommissioning of a class-I medical source in the Friendship Hospital of Yili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, is presented, with respect to its planning and implementation.