
Table of Content

    20 February 2016 Volume 36 Issue 1
    Intercomparison of Environmental Gamma Radiation Dose Rate Measurements within the National Radiation Environmental Monitoring Network of China
    Wu Yucheng, Hu Dan, Zhao Shunping, Cheng Jianping, Song Jianfeng, Zeng Zhi, Ding Xun, Xu Bin, Hu Fei, Xu Hong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  1-9. 
    Abstract ( 149 )  
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    In December 2013, an intercomparison of environmental gamma radiation dose rate and cosmic ray response measurements within the national radiation environmental monitoring network was held in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, which was organized by RadiationMonitoring Technical Center of Ministry of Environment Protection. A total of 47 sets of instruments from 32 member units participated in the intercomparison measurements at 7 environmental measuring points. All the results are unified interms of absorbed dose rate in air. Results of different types of instruments are independently evaluated by Z score values. It is found that the data of scintillation counters have relatively wider dispersion than those of high pressure ionization chambers. Besides the cosmic ray response points, the results of both keep good linearity.
    Gamma Radiation Monitoring Alarm Threshold Determination for Nuclear Plant Main Control Room Intake Air
    Zeng Jun, Luo Run, Zhou Shiqing, Zhang Lingyan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  10-13. 
    Abstract ( 17 )  
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    The intake air gamma radiation monitoring alarm threshold of nuclear plant main control room was studied for both normal and accidental conditions. For two different layout schemes, gamma radiationdose rates of measuring points was calculated with the MCNP code for three typical accidents including S3, DBA-LOCA and LOCA. The results show that it is proper to keep original value of the detector alarm threshold for the main control room after improvement, which could provide effective radiation protection for indoor staff.
    Low-pH Value Cement Formulation Development for Geological Disposal
    Feng Wendong, Guo Xiliang, Yang Weibing, Liu Wei, Yang Zhongtian
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  14-17. 
    Abstract ( 145 )  
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    Formula studies on low-pH value cement for geological disposal were conducted with ordinary portland cement and silica fume employed. The key parameters thereof are also determined. Verification tests of cement and silica fume system were carried out. The results show that, for such a low-pH value cement, the major factor which effecting initial, final setting time and 28 d compressive strength is water/dry materials, while that for90 d pH is SiO2 content and Ca/Si, i.e., the content of Ca(OH)2 in products.
    Overview of Phytoremediation of Large Area Soil with Low Level Radioactive Contamination
    Cao Shaofei, Li Jianguo, Han Baohua, Ma Binghui, Wang Huijuan, Wang Aijun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  18-22. 
    Abstract ( 65 )  
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    Radioactive contamination is a difficult environmental problem. As a new technology, phytoremediation of large area soil contaminated with low level radioactivity is attracting more and more attention. The concept and the basic principle of phytoremediation are introduced. Theresearch progress with respect to contamination of 90Sr, 137Cs, U and Pu, obstacles of application and countermeasures, are highlighted. Some suggestions on further studies are put forward.
    Telomere Detection and Its Application in Radiation Damage Study
    Guo Yuefeng, Zhang Ruifeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  23-27. 
    Abstract ( 16 )  
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    The principle, forte and weakness of telomere length measurement methods such as TRF, Q-FISH, flow FISH, Q-PCR, STELA are reviewed. The telomere detection means used in radiation damage study, radiation epidemiological survey and clinical study are then introduced, along withthe improved Q-PCR in CIRP and its application.
    Prevention and Treatment of the Infection for Acute Radiation Sicknessfrom External Exposure
    Zheng Xu, Liu Yulong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  28-32. 
    Abstract ( 85 )  
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    The major cause of death of acute radiation sickness from external exposure is severe infection, prevention and control of which is the key to the treatment of acute radiation sickness. This paper introduces the current research status of the pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, prevention and treatment measures, and prognostic outcomes of acute radiationsickness from external exposure,considering its concurrent infection.
    The Effect of NaCl Additive on the Decontamination Ability ofNa3PO4 Electrolyte
    Hou Cunfeng, Wei Zenglin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  33-36. 
    Abstract ( 20 )  
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    Using Na3PO4 solution as electrolyte, effect of NaCl additive and its concentration on the decontamination abilityof an electrochemical process for radioactive contaminated stainless steel sheet was investigated. The results indicate that the decontaminate factor increaseswith the extension of time, and also with the addition of NaCl. The weight lossrate of stainless steel sheets with NaCl additive is always higher. While NaClconcentrations are 200 g/L and 250 g/L, the decontaminate factor and weight lossrate reach the max of 13.7 and 2.21% respectively. It shows that NaCl with a certain concentration can help improve the decontamination ability of Na3PO4 electrolyte.
    The Comparison of Elimination Methods for MIS in Nails
    Wang Hongli, Zhang Huifang, Ren Yue, Wang Jingjie, Zhang Zhongxin, Hu Bo
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  37-39. 
    Abstract ( 102 )  
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    Several methods including holding, soaking, brushing and paper binding are employed in experiments to eliminate mechanically induced signal (MIS) in nail slices. The resulted EPR spectrums are thencompared to determine the appropriate MIS elimination method, with operation time taken into account at the same time. Paper binding, which could eliminate MISwith a simple operation, is proven to be more suitable. This informs the application of Nail-EPR in dosimetry.
    Radioactive Spent TBP Treatment Technologies
    Yang Lili
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2016, 36(1):  40-44. 
    Abstract ( 105 )  
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    Three high-temperature treatment technologies for spent TBP, including pyrolysis-incineration, steam reforming and super critical water oxidation, are introduced. Steam reforming has the advantages of compact facility, low cost, little secondary waste, high decomposing ratio,and is considered as a technology of superiority. Its development in China is therefore proposed.