
Table of Content

    20 October 2018 Volume 38 Issue 5
    Rapid Methods for Analysis of Actinides in Environmental Samples and Their Applications in Radiation Protection
    Wu Yang, Xing Shan, Dai Xiongxin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(5):  1-11. 
    Abstract ( 75 )   PDF (2895KB) ( 163 )  
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    Rapid and sensitive methods for analysis of low level actinides in complicated sample matrices are very much needed. Depending on sample types and chemical properties of actinides, different analytical methods have been developed. In this paper, sensitive, accurate and rapid methods for analysis of actinides in environmental and biological samples are reviewed. Various radiochemical separation techniques for sample preparation, including sample dissolution, preconcentration, purification, and preparation of counting source, are summarized and compared. Details about sample pre-treatment, selection of radiotracer, radiochemical separation and purification methods (e.g., co-precipitation, solvent extraction, column chromatographic separation) are also discussed. Rapid batch processing methods with short turnaround time and high sample analysis throughput are emphasized. In addition, the state of the art analytical techniques for low level measurement of actinides in environmental and biological samples, including radiometric(α spectrometry and liquid scintillation counting) and mass spectrometric analysis (ICP-MS, TIMS and AMS), have been reviewed. The major applications in radiation protection and related fields are covered, with particular focuses on personnel monitoring for internal dosimetry, environmental radioactivity monitoring, environmental tracing, radiological and nuclear emergency and nuclear forensicanalysis.
    Medical Certification of NPP Operators Applying for Practice Licenses
    Liu Chang, Wang Rensheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(5):  12-21. 
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (2697KB) ( 44 )  
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    A reactor operator and/or senior operator of NPP must meet physical and mental health requirements when applying for a license. The progress of medical certification of conditions, inspection methods, and continuous monitoring methods thatneeds to be met in terms of health, for qualification licensees and licensed operators, is presented.
    The Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment of Radiation Induced Xerostomia
    Wang Guowei, Wang Xiaojing, Zhao Baodong, Ma Dexun, Wang Songlei, Liu Shufeng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(5):  22-27. 
    Abstract ( 53 )   PDF (1570KB) ( 33 )  
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    Radiation-induced xerostomia is one of the most common complications of radiotherapy for head and neck tumors, which could lead to environmental disorders in the oral cavity and seriously affect the life quality of patients with cancer. Thepathogenesis, prevention and treatment of xerostomia of this type are presented.
    Submarine Nuclear Accident Medical Emergency Rescue
    Liu Chang, Wang Rensheng
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(5):  28-31. 
    Abstract ( 74 )   PDF (1070KB) ( 263 )  
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    Based on the characteristics and patterns of submarine nuclear accidents, the key points of the internal and external medical emergency rescue and radiation protection work of nuclear submarines in the event of a nuclear accident are highlighted, and the psychological problems of the relevant group are also concerned.
    Total α and β Radioactivity Monitoring of Centralized Drinking Water Sources in Hainan Province
    Shi Shujing, Chen Yishi, Yang Xiaoxiu
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(5):  32-34. 
    Abstract ( 50 )   PDF (628KB) ( 72 )  
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    Centralized drinking water sources in 29 cities/towns in Hainan Province were monitored of total α and β radioactivity levels. The results showed that their concentration are (23.1±19.0) mBq/L (α) and (72.7±40.4) mBq/L (β) respectively, which meet the water quality requirements in relevant standards.