
Table of Content

    20 June 2018 Volume 38 Issue 3
    MCNP Method for Calculating Leakage Dose of a Revolving Blood Irradiator
    Wang Qiyun, Li Jianjun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 57 )   PDF (965KB) ( 248 )  
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    Due to its special design, there are some gaps between the fixed and rotating shielding components of a rotary blood irradiator. In the EIA process of programs of such kind, the leakage dose resulted from this defect is often paid more attention. The Monte Carlo method was employed to calculate the dose. It's confirmed that, in the case of a 2 mm wide slit, the contact dose rate meet requirements of pharmaceutical industry standards.
    Investigation of Environmental Radioactivity Levels of Southern Ion-absorbed Rare Earth Separation Plants
    Liao Yanqing, Lu Dexiong, Xu Mingfa, Peng Chong, Zhou Hualong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  6-11. 
    Abstract ( 58 )   PDF (1411KB) ( 74 )  
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    The environmental radioactivity levels of two rare earth separation plants usingSouthern ion-adsorbed rare earth concentrates as raw materials in Guangxiwere investigated. The main indicators include the γ-radiation air absorbed dose rate, the concentration of radon in the air, as well as radioactivity levels in liquid effluents, surface water, ground water, surrounding soil and monitoring sections of sediment in receiving rivers. The results show that the levelsare within the normal range.
    Comparison of Radiation Monitoring System for the third Generation PWR NPP
    Chen Wuxing, Zhang Duofei, Wu Rongjun, Jia Jingxuan, Zou Tao, Li Wenbo
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  12-16. 
    Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (1309KB) ( 200 )  
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    With reactor types of CPR1000 at Fangchenggang NPP-I, CEPR at Taishan NPP and AP1000 at Sanmen NPP taken as examples, the structure, function and characteristics of the third generation PWR NPP radiation monitoring system are compared and analyzed. The development trend the system is analyzed and discussed.
    Standard Radiation Monitoring Program for Sanmen NPP
    Zhang Nandi
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  17-20. 
    Abstract ( 63 )   PDF (772KB) ( 73 )  
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    With EPRI and EDF's standard radiationmeasurement method integrated, and AP1000 nuclear power unit design feature combined, a standard radiation monitoring program for Sanmen NPP is proposed to monitor the formation and variation of radiation field, and to provide basic data for radiation source term control, material selection, operation control and so on.
    Improvement of on-site Test Method for HEPA Filter of Ventilation System in NPP
    Lü Yang, Xu Yangyang, Lü Jieshuai, Kang Kaiqiang, Ma Tutu
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  21-23. 
    Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (686KB) ( 57 )  
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    Sodium fluorescein method is one of on-site test methods for efficiency of HEPA filter of ventilation system in NPP, and some parts of the system are unavailable in the process of test. Based on analysis and verification of the method, improvement measures are proposed to shorten the unavailable state duration by increasing the aerosol mass flow and sampling flow of fluorescein sodium generator.
    The Continuous Improvement And Analysis of Radiation Protection Management Based on PDCA Cycle in the Radiotherapy Department
    Wang Jiping, Yang Zhiyong, Yuan Hong, Chen Chuanxi
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  24-28. 
    Abstract ( 62 )   PDF (1254KB) ( 27 )  
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    Objective: To explore the implementation and effect analysis in the continuous improvement of radiological protection management by PDCA cycle in my department.Methods: According to using the PDCA cycle, we establish the Radioactive safety management team, analyzing the workers wear personal dosimeter rate, treatment technicians equipped with the dose alarming device, the new employee with the radiation training, radiology staff training rate, the situation marked with radiological protection warning and the purchase of the protective equipment before andafter the special rectification of radiation protection of June 2016 (before rectification) and September 2017 (after rectification) was compared. Results: Afterusing the PDCA cycle, the rate which the workers wear personal dosimeter increases from 85.71% to 100% and treatment technicians equipped with the dose alarming device range from 50% to 100.0%.The new employee rate with the radiation training goes from 90% to 95.7%, and the situation marked with radiological protectionwarning increase 2.Not only the number of Training increase from 3 to 7, but also the number of protective equipment configuration increases 6. Conclusion: Theexperience from PDCA cycle mode involving in my radiological protection management system can promote my radiological staff to strengthen their own protection, improving the level of radiological protection and the quality of medical treatment.
    Personal Dose Monitoring of Staff during the Construction and Commissioning of China Spallation Neutron Source from 2014 to 2017
    Ye Rong, Wang Qingbin, Wu Qingbiao, Wang Huaibao, Wang Yufei
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  29-32. 
    Abstract ( 67 )   PDF (925KB) ( 54 )  
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    The situation of personal dose monitoring for workers involved in the construction and commissioning of China spallation neutron source from 2014 to 2017 is presented. The routine monitoring method, with the OSL 4 component badge-type personal dosimeter employed, was used. Theaverage effective doses obtained are 0.11, 0.11, 0.15, 0.15 mSv/a respectively, with the corresponding maximum of 0.9, 0.27, 0.62, 0.65 mSv/a. It showsthat the annual effective dose per capita is much smaller than the facility's management target (10 mSv/a).
    Pre-operational Monitoring (2016/06-2017/12) of Gross α & β level in Aerosols around Taishan NPP
    Liao Liufeng, Zhang Jiajun
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  33-35. 
    Abstract ( 80 )   PDF (623KB) ( 57 )  
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    The results of monitoring the total α and β radioactivity levels in the ambient aerosols before the operation (2016/06-2017/12) of Taishan NPP, in GuangdongProvince, were reported. The total α level in the three monitoring points within 10 km of Taishan NPP is 0.01-0.57 mBq/m3, and that for total β radioactivity is 0.07-2.30 mBq/m3, with seasonal changes for both.
    Sampling Survey of
    X-CT Equipment and its Medical Exposure Application Frequency in
    Medical Institutions in Jiangxi Province in the Year of 2016
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  36-39. 
    Abstract ( 60 )   PDF (767KB) ( 68 )  
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    The status of X-CT equipment and its medical exposure application frequency in medical institutions were investigated, with the typical sampling method employed, in Jiangxi Province in 2016. The results showed that the larger types of examination were respectively: 1) chest ( 32.76%), brain (20.57% ) and abdomen (17.39%) for male; chest (29.81%), skull (23.67%) and abdomen (19.62% ) for female; 2) brain (25.32%), chest (21.14%) and abdomen (20.68%) for the age group of 0-15; 3) chest (26.11%), abdomen (21.29%) and brain (19.95%) for the age group of 16-40; 4) chest (34.49%), brain (21.92%) and abdomen (16.96%) for the age group of over 40.
    Monitoring of 3H and 14C Levels in Ambient Atmospheric and Biological Samples from Yangjiang NPP, from 2015 to 2017
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(3):  40-42. 
    Abstract ( 64 )   PDF (653KB) ( 77 )  
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    The results of 3H and 14C levels in ambient atmospheric and biological samples from Yangjiang NPP, Guangdong Province, from 2015 to 2017 are presented. It turns out that the corresponding levels fluctuate within the background.