
Table of Content

    20 April 2018 Volume 38 Issue 2
    Quality Control of Continuous Monitoring ofγ Air Absorbed Dose Rate at Yangjiang NPP, from 2014 to 2017
    Guo Jie, Zhang Hua, Xu Runlong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 11 )   PDF (1117KB) ( 11 )  
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    The monitoring equipment and operational quality control measures for continuousmonitoring of γ air absorption dose rate at Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Guangdong Province, from 2014 to 2017, are presented. The accuracy of resultsis ensured by means such as monthly inspection, instrument comparison, and source testing.
    Pressure Blocking Plate Installation/Dismantling and RadiationProtection forCPR 1000 Nuclear Power Unit Steam Generator
    Zhang Zhiqiang, Xie Shiyu
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  6-10. 
    Abstract ( 66 )   PDF (1277KB) ( 29 )  
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    It is an important work outrage of PWRNPPs to install/dismantle the blocking board in the first side water chamber ofsteam generator, which is of higher radiation risk. The related work is introduced. Practices for collective dose reduction, such as analyzing radiation risk, optimizing staffing, strengthening simulation training and implementing experience feedback, are reviewed. It is expected to learn lessons, and provide improvement suggestions for other units to carry out the same work in the future.
    Fingernail EPR in Vivo Measurement
    Tian Ye, Wu Ke
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  11-15. 
    Abstract ( 201 )   PDF (1314KB) ( 64 )  
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    Following X-ray and γ-ray irradiation, new free radicals are generated in nails. These signals can be detected by the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique and form a spectrum. The EPR spectral characteristic of nails is introduced. The characteristic of in vitro and in vivo measurement methods is then compared, with which in vivo methods and their application advantages in dose estimation are highlighted.
    Protection of Internal Exposure by Radioactive Aerosol in Sanmen NPP
    Zhang Hongmin
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  16-19. 
    Abstract ( 71 )   PDF (1000KB) ( 119 )  
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    The analysis of potential radioactiveaerosol sources in Sanmen NPP is provided, along with the corresponding monitorplan and method. After monitoring the level of aerosol contamination in the workplace and assessing the amount of radioactive substances that the personnel might intake, some protective measures and suggestions for internal exposure by radioactive aerosol are put forward.
    Radioactivity Investigation in Liyang City, Jiangsu Province
    Lin Jingyong, Wang Xiao
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  20-25. 
    Abstract ( 65 )   PDF (1400KB) ( 23 )  
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    The measurement results of surface gamma radiation dose rate, atmospheric radonconcentration, and natural radionuclide contents in soils/rocks and water in Liyang City, Jiangsu Province, are presented. It indicates that the surface gamma radiation dose rate averages 78 nGy/h, and is above normal in Liyang volcanic basin periphery and the outer reaches of Miaoxi granite contact zone, with a maximum of 800 nGy/h. The mean concentration of atmospheric radon is 14.5 Bq/m3. Theaverage content of natural radionuclide contents in soils/rocks is 40K>226Ra>238U>232Th, and 6, 0.085, 17.1 and 212mBq/L in water, respectively. The total α, total β level in water is 0.028 and0.146 Bq/L. The public dose arising from natural background is 1.175 mSv/aper capita in the region.
    Overall Structure Optimization Process and Improvement Scheme ofNPP Radiation Monitoring System
    Liang Yanjie
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  26-30. 
    Abstract ( 50 )   PDF (997KB) ( 35 )  
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    The radiation monitoring system of a NPP is use for its main processes, effluents and workplaces, to ensure its safe operation and protection of worker and public health. The development of computerhas created a condition for realizing digitization of radiation monitoring system in NPPs. The overall structure of this system has changed dramatically, evidenced from the development of Ling'Ao nuclear power Phase I, II and Ningde NPP. The technical problems encountered in the optimization of nuclear power plant radiation monitoring system and the improvement scheme is analyzed and discussed.
    On-site Radiation Environment Supervisory Monitoring SystemSub-station Operation and Maintenance atYangjiang and Taishan NPP, Guangdong Province
    Xu Runlong, Guo Jie, Zhang Hua, Lin Weiwei, Huang Zhengxuan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  31-36. 
    Abstract ( 73 )   PDF (1534KB) ( 86 )  
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    The operation and maintenance of sub-stations of radiation environment monitoring system at Yangjiang and Taishan NPP, by Guangdong Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center, is presented. Relevant issues are put forward, as well as some suggestions on sub-station siting, construction, upgrading and reconstruction.
    Monitoring of Gross α & β level inFallout around Qinshan nuclear power base, from 2011 to 2015
    Lu Yueping, Chen Bin, Shao Liang, Cao Zhonggang
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  37-40. 
    Abstract ( 61 )   PDF (711KB) ( 69 )  
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    The monitoring of gross α&β level infallout around Qinshan nuclear power base from 2011 to 2015 is presented. The results show that the gross α activity concentration is 0.07-0.92 Bq/m2·d, with an average of 0.28 Bq/m2·d, while those for gross β is 0.24-1.70, 0.58 Bq/m2·d respectively. The range of gross α/β is 0.26-0.83. It's at the same level as the control point in Hangzhou city.
    Continuous Monitoring of γ Air Absorbed Dose Rateat Yangjiang NPP, Guangdong Province, from 2014 to 2017
    Zhang Hua, Xu Runlong, Lin Weiwei
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2018, 38(2):  41-43. 
    Abstract ( 56 )   PDF (659KB) ( 61 )  
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    The results of continuous monitoring of γ air absorbed dose rate in Yangjiang NPP periphery, Guangdong Province, from 2014 to 2017 are presented. It turns outthat the dose rate fluctuates within the background, and no abnormality is found. It is seasonally affected by the weather conditions, and rainfall has a significant impact on it.