RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 8-13.
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Li Qiaoqin, Zhang Yanjin, Deng Fei, Jiang Lan, Feng Yingsi, Lin Qing
Abstract: According to the monitoring results ofambient air aerosol in the surrounding area of nuclear power plants, uranium mining areas, control areas without large-scale release of radioactive materials,statistical analyses were carried out for gross α, gross β and 7Be in aerosol samples from around Daya Bay NPP, Yangjiang NPP, Taishan NPP (not running), uranium mining areas, Guangzhou City, Maoming City and Shaoguan City. The changes of aerosol radioactivity levels before and after the operation of nuclear facilities, and those for Fukushima nuclear accident, were compared.
Key words: Aerosol, Radioactive level, Gross α, Gross β, 7Be
CLC Number:
Li Qiaoqin, Zhang Yanjin, Deng Fei, Jiang Lan, Feng Yingsi, Lin Qing. A Statistical Analysis of Atmospheric Aerosol Radioactivity in Guangdong Province[J].RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN, 2017, 37(1): 8-13.
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