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20 November 2016 Volume 36 Issue 6
Protection in emergency exposure situation
Zhang Jiangang, Tang Rongyao, Li Guoqiang, Xu Xiaoxiao, Yang Yapeng, Feng Zongyang, Jia Linsheng
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 337-343.
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On the basis of the recommendations in ICRP Publication 103, IAEA has completed the revision of
Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources-International Basic Safety Standards
(IBSS) and issued it in 2014. The protection system of practice and prevention has changed to planned, emergency and existing exposure situations. The requirements for emergency exposure situation mainly include: emergency plans, emergency procedures and emergency arrangements shall be in accordance with the nature and magnitude of the radiation risks associated with the sources; reference levels are used for optimization of protection and safety in emergency exposure situations; the government shall ensure that an integrated and coordinated emergency management system is established and maintained; for public exposure, the government shall ensure that protection strategies are developed, justified and optimized at the planning stage, and that emergency response is undertaken by their timely implementation; the government shall establish a programme for managing, controlling and recording the dose received in an emergency by first responders. Based on the IBSS and GS-R-2(2002), GSR part 7
Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency
has been revised and issued, and the changes of requirements, terminology and concepts were introduced. The present standard
Chinese National Standard: Basic standards for protection against ionizing radiation and the safety of radiation sources
has adopted the IBSS 1996 version equivalently. Since the reference level, public protection action criteria and exposure control of first responders in the old version of IBSS are all different from those in the new IBSS, the present Chinese national standard needs to be revised in time.
Radiation environmental impact and environmental risk control of inland nuclear power plant on water body
Zhang Ailing, Pan Ziqiang, Liu Xinhua, Zhou Ruming
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 344-349.
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The discharge of liquid effluents is one of the important environmental issues for the operation of inland nuclear power plants. In this article, the framework of management system and specific regulations about controlling the discharge of liquid effluents from nuclear power plants in China are described. Based on the analysis of actual monitoring data of discharges from domestic and oversea nuclear power plants, radiation environmental impact on the receiving water body during normal operation of inland nuclear power plants and potential environmental risk under accidental conditions are discussed, respectively. Finally, some suggestions about the measures for radiation environmental risk control are proposed.
Study on qualification methods and technologies of sampling representativeness of airborne effluents from the stacks of nuclear facilities
Jiang Jing, He Wei, Xu Chunyan, Wu Hao, Liu Xinhua, Li Hang, Huang Yanjun, Xu Jincai
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 350-357.
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Nuclear facilities are equipped with continuous sampling and on-line monitoring systems for measuring airborne radioactivity discharged from the stacks to determine if airborne effluent emissions would meet the regulatory requirements. These systems are also used for timely detection and alarm of abnormal releases. However, measurement accuracy would be directly affected by the representativeness of sampling from airborne effluents. Both the ISO standard ISO 2899—2010 and ANSI/HPS N13.1—2011 standard have established specific quantitative criteria on the performance of sampling and monitoring systems for airborne effluents from nuclear facilities. In this paper, technical background for the preparation of the above standards and the relevant work conducted both at home and abroad are reviewed. The quantitative criteria and validation methods recommended in these standards are analyzed. This can provide guidance for demonstration and implementation of sampling representativeness of airborne effluents. Meanwhile, the study can also provide references for the design of vents and sampling systems of airborne effluents in nuclear facilities.
Research on basic elements of the nuclear safety regulatory effectiveness
Yang Lili, Qi Yuan, Zhang Wei, Tian Dongqing, Zhang Qiaoe
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 358-363.
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The basic concept of nuclear regulatory effectiveness was explained. The history and the importance of regulatory effectiveness were briefly reviewed and discussed. Research and practices of international community on regulatory effectiveness were analyzed, and external interferences on regulatory effectiveness were discussed. Basic elements of regulatory effectiveness were obtained, including regulatory independence, scope and mission, rules, resources, processes and competence. The main problems in nuclear safety supervision in China were analyzed, and the suggestions for enhancing regulatory effectiveness were proposed.
Size adjustment and calculation of full-energy peak efficiency for the LaBr
scintillation detector
Cao Qinjian, Xia Sanqiang, Liu Liye, Xiao Yunshi, Wang Yu, Li Hua
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 364-367.
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The technique of virtual calibration has been widely applied to field of calibration of the radiation detector. In this paper, the dimensions of the LaBr
detector were adjusted based on the point-source experiments with Monte Carlo method. A series of full-energy peak efficiency of the detector were then simulated in different positions. The results of the validation experiment showed that the relative deviations between calculated efficiencies and measurement values are within ±5% in the energy range of 121—1 332 keV.
Research on factors affecting detection limit of tritium with liquid scintillation counter
Li Xiaofeng
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 368-374.
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Factors that affect the detection limit of tritium measurement with liquid scintillation counter are identified, screened and analyzed quantitatively in this article. With adoption of electrolysis enrichment, an optimized solution to lowering detection limit is presented. Above influential factors are verified individually by well designed experiments. It shows that the detection limit could be reduced to 0.87 Bq/L by choosing counting channels, background water, material of vial, ratio of sample and cocktail adequately without increasing workload, and further to 38.5 mBq/L if electrolysis enrichment process is used.
Calculation of radionuclides migration at solid (ILRW) disposal field using stochastic simulation theories
Ma Liping
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 375-380.
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Stochastic simulation theories were used to calculate the radionuclide migration in groundwater at low and intermediate level solid radioactive waste(ILRW) disposal facility. To better understand about the dangers of public for radiation and the radionuclide migration in fractured rock masses at low and intermediate level solid radioactive waste disposal, the paper builds two dimensional stochastic seepage grid model to describe radionuclide migration in fractured rock masses, sets up a rigorous computer simulating system to simulate the law of migration in the disposal field of low and intermediate level solid radioactive wastes based on computing technology. Finally, To illustrate the precision and validity of this model that is built into the stochastic mathematical theories and computing technology, the simulation experiments are carried out to understand law of radionuclide migration in the disposal field of low and intermediate level solid radioactive wastes.
Analysis of severe collision accident for high temperature gas cooled reactor fuel transport package
Meng Dongyuan, Wang Renze, Zhuang Dajie, Li Guoqiang, Zhang Jiangang, Wang Xuexin, Sun Hongchao, Sun Shutang
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 381-386.
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A simulating calculation method for collision accident of high temperature gas cooled reactor fuel transport package was introduced. The scene for severe collision accident from real package structure and transport condition was determined. With finite element method calculating, the results of different attitudes, different velocities of the colliding for the package were analyzed. The damage of different parts of the package and fuel assemblies were given. On this basis, the critical coefficient was calculated.
Effects of microwave radiation on serum myocardial enzyme activity and hemodynamics in rabbit
Li Yan, Shen Nan, Zhu Wenhe, Zhong Xiuhong, Hou Jiancheng, Lv Shijie
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 387-392.
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Microwaves with a mean power density of 100 mW/cm
and 200 mW/cm
(HPM) were adopted to investigate the effects of microwave radiation on serum myocardial enzyme activity and hemodynamics in rabbits. Observations show that R and HR speed up after microwave irradiation for 5 min. BP and LVSP increased, +dp/dtm and -dp/dtm increased, LVDP and LVEDP decreased, T value decreased abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) waveform appear convulsions during 10—15 min in 100 mW/cm
irradiation. ECG wave abnormalities, repeated convulsions irradiated by 200 mW/cm
at 5 min. LVDP decreased significantly, T decreased, +dp/dtm and -dp/dtm increased significantly at 15—20 min after microwave irradiation. After irradiation, all rabbits hemodynamics changes immediately. R, HR decreased, BP decreased, LVSP decreased gradually, +dp/dtm and -dp/dtm were significantly decreased, LVDP and LVEDP increased, the T value increases after microwave irradiation of 6 h for dynamic observation. The serum myocardial enzymes were significantly increased after irradiation. These results demonstrate that high power microwave radiation has a significant effect on rabbit cardiac function, and the effect of injury is closely related to radiation intensity.
New progress in the field of radiological protection
Zheng Junzheng
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 393-407.
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Based on the evolution of new publications by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements(ICRU),the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation(UNSCEAR)and the International Commission on Radiological Protection(ICRP),this paper reveals new progress of the ionizing radiation quantity system,radiological biological effects and radiological protection system which form the basis of radiological protection discipline. Thus it can grasp the development trend of radiological protection field. The fourth part of this article reviews the new progress of medical exposure protection,and it is closely related to all the public in the field of radiological protection.
Designing,construction and engineering verification of a compact low level solid radioactive waste incinerator
Yang Lili, Wang Peiyi, Zheng Bowen, Li Xiaohai, Zhang Xiaobin, Yang Liguo, Li Chuanlian, Jia Chengming, Chu Haoran, Wang Xujin, Xu Wei, Ruan Jiasheng
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 408-412.
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The compact low level radioactive combustible solid waste incinerator, developed by the China Institute for Radiation Protection, is introduced in the paper. It can be use to treat small amount of slightly contaminated waste, featuring less land occupation and low investment. Through engineering verification, it is proved that the process is feasible, the system runs reliably and safely. All of the indexes (such as treatment capacity, volume reduction coefficient) meet the design requirements. The main pollutants of discharging-off gas meets environment protection emission standards.
Determination of thorium in environmental water by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Pan Jie, Liu Jianhua, Dong Chong, Tang Yingying
RADIATION PROTECTION. 2016, 36(6): 413-416.
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After the preconcentration of Magnesium Hydroxide, the content of thorium in environmental water was measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results showed that the linear correlation coefficient were 0.999 6, the recovery of standard addition was 82.5%—92.2%, the relative standard deviation of duplicate samples were about 5%, and the reliable quantitation limit of the method was 1.2 ng/L. The measurement results of environmental water at national and provincial controlling sties of Q3 2015 in Hubei Province were within the range of previous years’ measured values.
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