RADIATION PROTECTION ›› 2016, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 408-412.

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Designing,construction and engineering verification of a compact low level solid radioactive waste incinerator

Yang Lili, Wang Peiyi, Zheng Bowen, Li Xiaohai, Zhang Xiaobin, Yang Liguo, Li Chuanlian, Jia Chengming, Chu Haoran, Wang Xujin, Xu Wei, Ruan Jiasheng   

  1. China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan 030006
  • Received:2015-12-15 Online:2016-11-20 Published:2021-11-15

Abstract: The compact low level radioactive combustible solid waste incinerator, developed by the China Institute for Radiation Protection, is introduced in the paper. It can be use to treat small amount of slightly contaminated waste, featuring less land occupation and low investment. Through engineering verification, it is proved that the process is feasible, the system runs reliably and safely. All of the indexes (such as treatment capacity, volume reduction coefficient) meet the design requirements. The main pollutants of discharging-off gas meets environment protection emission standards.

Key words: compactness, incinerator, engineering verification

CLC Number: 

  • TL941+.32