RADIATION PROTECTION ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 281-287.

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Investigation on the Application Status of Interventional Radiology in Shanghai

Yao Jie1, Zheng Junzheng1,2, Gao Linfeng1, Zhuo Weihai2, Wang Bin1, Qian Aijun1, Ji Guiyi1, Xiao Hong1   

  1. 1. Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai 200336;
    2. Institute of Radiation Medicine, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032
  • Received:2013-04-24 Online:2014-09-20 Published:2025-01-06

Abstract: As the interventional radiology (IVR) operations usually require the aid of X-ray fluoroscopy guidance, the radiation exposures to patients and medical staffs are significantly higher than those in other X-ray diagnostic procedures. Therefore, the current application status on IVR was emphasized in the survey on medical exposure in Shanghai during the Eleventh Five-year Plan period. The basic information surveyed on the IVR includes the levels of hospitals, numbers of medical staff and equipment, and the number of procedures, etc. Based on the opinions collected from a large number of clinicians, the IVR procedures in this study were divided into 7 categories with 25 items for statistifying its application frequency and distribution, and the radiation doses were also monitored. In 2009, a total of 61 hospitals in Shanghai carried out the IVR, and there were 89 sets of X-ray machines for performing the IVR. The total procedure of IVR in Shanghai in 2009 was 163 308. Among them, the cardiovascular interventions accounted for 56.96%, and followed by the neural, tumor, peripheral and non-vascular interventions, accounting for 26.64%, 10.70%, 2.57% and 2.51%, respectively. While the diagnostic interventions only accounted for 0.76 %. The annual application frequency of IVR had reached 8.50 person·time for per 1 000 population in Shanghai. It indicates that the IVR has been widely performed in clinical, and the protection for patients and medical staffs is becoming one of prominent focus of the current medical exposure. This survey accumulates a valuable basis for further strengthening the effective protection of IVR.

Key words: interventional radiology, medical exposure, application frequency, distribution, Shanghai

CLC Number: 

  • R144