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    20 June 2024 Volume 44 Issue 3
    Development and application of occupational exposure WBC automation measurement system in NPP
    WANG Yue
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2024, 44(3):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 24 )   PDF (10523KB) ( 11 )  
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    Based on the requirements of occupational internal exposure monitoring technology in nuclear power plants, and combined with the actual work of a nuclear power plant, an automated measurement system for whole body counter (WBC) of occupational internal exposure has been developed for nuclear power plants. By partitioning the design of the monitoring laboratory and adding multiple systems such as self-service reservation system, access control system, automated measurement system, acoustic and visual signal guidance system on the traditional whole body counter measurement equipment, and interacting with the data from the personal dose management platform of nuclear power plant, a whole process of self-service operation for the measured personnel is realized. This innovation makes up for the shortcomings of manual operation in traditional equipment, which effectively reduces the manpower demand and risk of human error in monitoring personal internal exposure doses in nuclear power plants, and promotes the localization of measurement equipment.
    Improvement and practice of safety management and control for Na131I solution in a nuclear power plant
    ZHANG Wei, WEI Peng, WANG Gang, PAN Hongliang, ZHANG Chongwen, LI Yongguo
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2024, 44(3):  7-13. 
    Abstract ( 30 )   PDF (7828KB) ( 5 )  
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    A radioactive methyl iodine method is adopted to carry out the efficiency test of iodine adsorbers of ventilation systems for a nuclear power plant. Radioactive iodine source (Na131I) solution is used in the tests. During the operation and storage of the iodine source solution, an event that a small amount of 131I released into the ventilation system occurred and 131I was detected in periodic sampling of the exhaust stack. In order to prevent the problem before their occurring and to ensure safety, the cause analysis of this event was carried out and the results show that the main reason is the volatilization of 131I into the iodine source room when a small amount of Na131I solution attached to the inner wall of the syringe and the surface of the needle during the preparation of Na131I solution using a syringe in a glove box. The poor sealing of the bottle of Na131I solution stored in the iodine source cabinet is also a main reason for the volatilization of 131I. Therefore, some improvement measures are implemented with a good results in this nuclear power plant.
    Progress and commentary
    Current status, problems, and development trends of international cooperation in nuclear security
    ZHAN Jian, SHI Jianfeng, HOU Yongming
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2024, 44(3):  14-20. 
    Abstract ( 13 )   PDF (711KB) ( 6 )  
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    This paper introduced the current status of international cooperation in nuclear security under the cooperation framework among the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the European Union, NATO, and relevant international initiatives. The main characteristics and existing problems of current international cooperation in nuclear security are analyzed. Research shows that the international cooperation model led by the US in nuclear security would gradually fail in the post nuclear security summit era, and the enthusiasm of international cooperation in nuclear security has significantly decreased. The concept of a community with a shared future for human nuclear security advocated by China is an innovation in the concept of international cooperation in nuclear security, fully considering the demands of both nuclear and non nuclear countries and focusing on fundamentally solving the problems faced by nuclear security and the threat of nuclear terrorism, is conducive to the sustained and healthy development of international cooperation in nuclear security.
    A brief introduction to source term control and management optimization measures for a domestic nuclear power plant
    LIU Wenyuan, SONG Yan, GUO Fei, ZHANG Zequn, PU Lixing
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2024, 44(3):  21-25. 
    Abstract ( 21 )   PDF (3892KB) ( 9 )  
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    Radiation source term of nuclear power plant is affected by many factors, such as reactor type, number of loops, operation cycle, unit operation time, material of primary circuit equipment, chemical control process, purification unit capacity, and fuel state. The source term from different reactor type and different units of the same reactor type may have their own characteristics, which makes source term control a more complicated work.
    Analysis on the inter-comparison results of personal dose monitoring ability in a laboratory of Shanghai
    WANG Yanmei, JIANG Song, WANG Guimin, LI Yan
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2024, 44(3):  26-31. 
    Abstract ( 16 )   PDF (696KB) ( 7 )  
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    According to Testing criteria of personnel dosimetry performance for external exposure (GBZ 207—2016) and the assessment plan, to examine the irradiated blind samples and evaluate the uncertainty, to compare the data before screening the radiation types and radiation levels with the data after screening the radiation types and radiation levels, after correcting the scale factor. The inter-comparison result in 2019 showed that the single group performance deviation of 5 groups was -0.18 to 0.03, and the comprehensive performance deviation was 0.12≤0.30, which was determined as qualified. The inter-comparison results of individual dose monitoring system in 2020 showed that the single group performance deviation of five groups was -0.21 to 0.04, and the comprehensive performance deviation is 0.14≤0.30, which was also judged as qualified. After screening the radiation types and radiation levels, the performance and comprehensive performance of the single group met the requirements of excellent evaluation. The results of the comparison show that, the personal dose monitoring system of our laboratory runs well, and the monitoring technology meets the performance requirements of personal dose monitoring of external exposure.
    Application of metal air pre-filter in the AC building of a nuclear power plant
    DAI Yupu, LI Xiaotian, XU Jiehao, QIAO Taifei, LIANG Xuefei, LIU Yongsong, LI Yingkai, ZHANG Cailiang
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2024, 44(3):  32-35. 
    Abstract ( 13 )   PDF (2924KB) ( 3 )  
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    A reusable metal air pre-filter was designed based on the requirements and framework documents of the air supply system in the AC building of a nuclear power plant, and was compared with the installation scheme and operating pressure difference of the original air pre-filter in the nuclear power plant. The results showed that after running for the same time, the upstream and downstream pressure and pressure difference increase ratios of the metal air pre-filter are lower than those of the original air pre-filter, indicating that the metal air pre-filter operates more stably. When the final resistance is reached, the metal air pre-filter can be cleaned and reused, which will have good application prospects.
    Monitoring of environment γ cumulative dose in Shanghai during 2019-2023
    NIE Li
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2024, 44(3):  36-38. 
    Abstract ( 11 )   PDF (655KB) ( 5 )  
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    Thermoluminescence dosimeter was used to measure cumulative γ dose at five thermoluminescence monitoring points in Shanghai from 2019 to 2023. The range of TLD dose rate is 56.1-92.6 nGy/h,with an average value of 75.3 nGy/h.
    Standardization research and suggestions on docks for multi-modal spent fuel transportation
    GUI Zhong
    RADIATION PROTECTION BULLETIN. 2024, 44(3):  39-42. 
    Abstract ( 16 )   PDF (669KB) ( 5 )  
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    With the rapid development of nuclear power in China, the pressure of spent fuel storage increases gradually. The demand of spent fuel transportation grows rapidly. Presently, all coastal nuclear power plonts have their own docks, but the special demand of spent fuel transportation has not been properly considered. Most docks do not have the conditions for transporting spent fuel. Based on the existing technical conditions of nuclear power’ docks and combined with the experience of the docks that have already been renovated, this article proposes the technical and management conditions that could meet the requirements of spent fuel packages transportation. This research will provide reference for the construction, renovation, and expansion of other nuclear power plant docks in the future.