辐射防护通讯 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 21-25.

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刘文元, 宋岩, 郭飞, 张泽群, 蒲立星   

  1. 福建宁德核电有限公司, 福建 福鼎 355200
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-12 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-08-02
  • 作者简介:刘文元(1975—),男,1997年毕业于西安交通大学电厂热能与动力工程专业,工学学士; 高级工程师。 从事核电厂核安全独立监督与执照申请、职业安全、质保及环保领域的管理工作。E-mail:liuwenyuan@cgnpc.com.cn

A brief introduction to source term control and management optimization measures for a domestic nuclear power plant

LIU Wenyuan, SONG Yan, GUO Fei, ZHANG Zequn, PU Lixing   

  1. Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Co. Ltd., Fujian Fuding 355200
  • Received:2024-03-12 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-08-02

摘要: 核电厂辐射源项受堆型、环路数量、运行周期、机组运行时间、一回路设备材质、化学控制工艺、净化单元能力、燃料状态等诸多因素影响,不同堆型及同一堆型不同机组均有各自的源项特性。本文从放射性系统滤芯运行优化、合适窗口运行临停净化、标准化大修热点测量及冲洗、化学去污、阀腔吸尘等方面介绍我国某核电厂商业运行以来在沉积源项的控制与降低方面实施的多项管理优化措施。

关键词: 核电厂, 辐射源项, 控制, 优化

Abstract: Radiation source term of nuclear power plant is affected by many factors, such as reactor type, number of loops, operation cycle, unit operation time, material of primary circuit equipment, chemical control process, purification unit capacity, and fuel state. The source term from different reactor type and different units of the same reactor type may have their own characteristics, which makes source term control a more complicated work.

Key words: nuclear power plant, source term, control, optimization


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