辐射防护通讯 ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 15-20.

• 研究通报 • 上一篇    下一篇


张昌杰, 马占营, 李坤   

  1. 中国核电工程有限公司郑州分公司,郑州 450000
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-04 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-05-17
  • 作者简介:张昌杰(1983—),男,2005年毕业于华北电力大学机械设计与制造专业,2007年毕业于华中科技大学数字化设计与制造专业,获硕士学位,高级工程师。E-mail:114118139@qq.com

Study on material selection of endoscopic window glass in shielding enclosure

ZHANG Changjie, MA Zhanying, LI Kun   

  1. China Nuclear Power Engineering Co. Ltd., Zhengzhou Branch, Zhengzhou 450000
  • Received:2023-07-04 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-17

摘要: 传统屏蔽箱室的内窥视窗材质常选用耐辐照光学玻璃,但这种玻璃较脆,尺寸较大时破碎的风险高,需要从常用玻璃中选出更适合大尺寸内窥视窗的玻璃材质。对聚碳酸酯(PC)、有机玻璃和K509玻璃进行γ辐照和中子辐照试验,对比各材质的变色和透光率变化情况,分析γ辐照前后玻璃抗拉、抗弯和抗冲击性能,得出PC玻璃透光率高,韧性好,抗冲击性能优异,是更合适的大尺寸内窥视窗玻璃材质,可为今后类似的屏蔽箱室设计提供参考。

关键词: PC玻璃, 有机玻璃, K509玻璃, 中子辐照

Abstract: Traditional endoscopic windows of shielding enclosures are often made of radiation resistant optical glass. However, this type of glass is brittle and the breakage risk of large glass is high. Therefore, it is necessary to select glass that is more suitable for large endoscopic windows from commonly used glass. This article focuses on PC galss, PMMA and K509. γ irradiation and neutron irradiation tests were conducted to compare the changes in color and transmittance of various materials. The tensile, bending, and impact resistance of glass before and after γ irradiation were analyzed. It was found that PC glass possessed high transparency, good toughness, and excellent impact resistance, which was a more suitable material for large endoscopic windows. This study could provide reference for similar shielding enclosure designs in the future.

Key words: PC glass, PMMA, K509, neutron irradiation


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