


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (1): 55-62.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2021.01.008

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  • 出版日期:2021-02-25 发布日期:2021-03-11
  • 基金资助:

Phenomenon Analysis and Actual Observation of Spectrum/Orbit Occupation of Geosynchronous Communication Satellites

  • Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-03-11

摘要: 为了应对国际电信联盟对卫星频轨资源的相关规定,卫星运营商可能会选择将卫星送至另一个不同的轨位并连续保持 90 天来启用该位置的频率指配.这种变轨行为称作“占频保轨”,是一些同步通信卫星的常规操作.本文以国际通信组织的 INTELSAT 系列卫星为研究对象,基于双行根数 (TLE) 和SGP4/SDP4模型计算了67个INTELSAT (国际通信卫星) 的自发射以来的轨道数据,提出了基于密度和k最近邻的离群点检测来筛选数据野值的方法,提高了数据准确性;对这些卫星的占频保轨行为进行统计和分析,提出我国卫星运营商应充分利用国际规则,维护自身太空权益的建议.

关键词: 同步轨道, 通信卫星, 占频保轨

Abstract: According to the rules of satellite orbit resource of ITU, the satellite operator may move a satellite to another different orbit position and keep it for at least 90 days to enable the frequency assignment of the orbit slots. This kind of orbit maneuver is called “spectrum/orbit occupation” which is a common phenomenon of communication satellites. The INTELSAT series satellites are chosen as the research object via two line elements (TLE) and SGP4/SDP4 model to calculate 67 INTELSAT's orbital data. And the method based on density and knearest neighbor outlier detection is proposed to filter data outliers, which can improve the data accuracy. Counting and analyzing these satellites' spectrum/orbit occupation, it is proposed that Chinese satellite operators should take advantage of international rules to safeguard space rights.

Key words: geosynchronous orbit, communication satellite, spectrum/orbit occupation


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