


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 63-68.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.06.009

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  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2021-01-19

A Fast Star Extraction Algorithm Under Strong Scattered Stray Light

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-01-19

摘要: 火工品爆破法实现星箭分离时产生大量灰尘颗粒,星敏感器被强散射杂光干扰,导致上电初期,星敏感器长时间停留在全天球模式,无法实现姿态捕获.本文通过对散射杂光成像进行建模和分析,提出杂光条件下的星点图像与无杂光时的星点图像具有近似的能量分布特征,进而提出一种基于互相关系数的快速星点提取算法,可在强散射杂光条件下快速提取出有效的星点窗口图像,然后利用窗口提星算法提取出有效星点,最终实现快速姿态捕获.开展了不同杂光条件下的星点提取和姿态识别仿真,通过本文算法与原有算法做对比,验证了本文算法在不同工况下的星点提取能力和姿态捕获方面均具有优势.

关键词: 星敏感器, 强散射杂光, 星点提取, 姿态捕获

Abstract: Dust particles are generated with the satelliterocket separation by explosion of initiating devices. Star trackers are interfered by scattered stray light from the particles, resulting in attitude capture failures. In this paper, imaging with scattered stray light is modeled and analyzed, and the common feature of star energy distribution between star images with and without stray light is proposed. A fast star extraction algorithm based on crosscorrelation coefficient is presented, which is effective in conditions of strong scattered stray light. Based on the algorithm, the star points are extracted practically, and the attitude capture is realized rapidly. Simulations on star extraction and attitude capture with different stray light conditions are carried out. In comparison with the traditional algorithm, the proposed algorithm shows advantages on star extraction capability and attitude capture in different conditions.

Key words: star tracker, strong scattered stray light, star extraction, attitude capture


  • TP391