


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2015, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 33-37.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2015.03.007

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资源三号卫星高精度控制分系统地面 试验验证系统


  • 出版日期:2015-06-24 发布日期:2015-07-09

A Ground Testing Verification System for the High Precision Control System of the ZY3 Satellite

  • Online:2015-06-24 Published:2015-07-09

摘要:  针对资源三号(ZY3)卫星高精度控制分系统地面试验验证需求,设计一整套完备的验证系统,通过对控制分系统各外接口、部件级故障诊断和切换、系统功能、姿态控制精度指标实现情况及在轨故障预案的试验验证等几个方面完成地面试验验证.ZY3卫星发射后,控制分系统在轨稳定运行且姿态控制精度和时统精度满足整星指标要求.

关键词: 资源三号卫星, 高精度, 控制分系统, 验证系统

Abstract: To satisfy the ground verification request of the ZY3 satellite’s high precision control subsystem, a whole set of verification system is designed. The system can ensure the complicated verification under the test status, including the control subsystem’s outer interface, equipmentrelated trouble check and switch, system function, implement of attitude control performance, and inorbit fault prevention plan. After the launch of ZY3 satellite, the control subsystem works stably in orbit. Moreover, the attitude control precision and the time precision both satisfy the satellite index.

Key words: ZY3 satellite, high precision, control system, testing technology

