


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2015, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 38-41.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2015.03.008

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  • 出版日期:2015-06-24 发布日期:2015-07-09

Autonomous Navigation Algorithm during the Phase of Approaching Mars Based on LightofSight Vector Measurement

  • Online:2015-06-24 Published:2015-07-09

摘要: 为了实现中国首次火星探测接近段的自主导航,设计一种基于视线矢量测量的自主导航算法,以测量火星视线单位矢量为唯一观测量,在轨道动力学及星火间几何关系的基础上,详细推导出了探测器位置矢量模的表达式,并进一步推导出探测器位置及速度矢量的表达式,建立自主导航算法.通过仿真验证,分别对闭合轨道和双曲线轨道下基于三视线测量自主导航算法的表现进行比较分析.

关键词: 三视线测量, 自主导航, 双曲线轨道

Abstract: Based on lightofsight (LOS) vector measurement, an autonomous navigation algorithm is developed to realize the first autonomous navigation mission of China during the phase of approaching Mars. On the basis of orbital dynamics and the geometric relationship between Mars and the spacecraft, the equation with respect to the norm of the position vector is derived in detail, with the Mars LOS serving as the only measurement. The equations of position vector and velocity vector are further developed. Finally, simulations and comparative analysis on the autonomous navigation algorithm are directed under orbits of ellipse and hyperbola respectively.

Key words: 3lightofsight vector measurement, autonomous navigation, hyperbolic orbit


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