


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2014, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 31-35.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2014.05.006

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2014-10-23 发布日期:2014-10-28

racking Guidance Design Using Feedback Linearization Method for the Lunar Return Vehicle with Consideration of the Rotation of the Earth

  • Online:2014-10-23 Published:2014-10-28

摘要: 研究考虑地球自转的探月返回跳跃式再入的纵向制导问题.通过对制导动力学进行详细分析,给出了地球自转对制导精度产生影响的原因.在此基础上,针对探月返回跳跃式再入的纵向制导问题,研究了考虑地球自转的反馈线性化跟踪制导律的设计问题.当考虑地球自转时, 制导动力学十分复杂, 如果直接按照非线性系统反馈线性化控制理论进行制导律设计, 所需测量量较多,制导律难以实现. 设计了一种简化的反馈线性化跟踪制导律, 并分析了设计机理. 最后进行了数学仿真,与航天飞机反馈线性化跟踪制导律进行了比较, 所设计的制导律在一定不确定下制导精度更高.

关键词: 探月返回, 跳跃式再入, 制导, 地球自转, 反馈线性化

Abstract: The problem of tracking the longitudinal skip reentry trajectory is considered for the lunar return vehicle with the rotation of the Earth. First, the influence of the Earth rotation on the guidance is given via the detailed analysis of guidance dynamics. Considering this problem, the guidance for lunar return vehicle is studied based on feedback linearization method with the consideration of the Earth rotation. The reentry dynamics equations are very complicated with the Earth rotation. If the guidance is designed using the exact feedback linearization method, too many states should be measured, and the guidance would be too complex to implement. A simplified guidance is designed in the paper, and the design principle is analyzed. It is concluded that with some uncertainties the proposed guidance has higher precision by comparison with shuttle entry guidance.

Key words: lunar return, skip reentry, guidance, the rotation of the Earth, feedback linearization

