


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2016, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 24-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.04.005

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2016-08-24 发布日期:2016-09-08

Trajectory Planning of Robotic Arm in Cartesian Space

  • Online:2016-08-24 Published:2016-09-08

摘要: 为了消除机器手臂空间轨迹规划中采用一般插补法产生的尖角,且让机器手臂在非匀速运动状态下,能够具有连续的速度和加速度.结合空间直线插补和圆弧插补算法,提出一种新的圆弧连接均值直线插补法,并在此基础上进行二次插值,从而使得该算法在加速和减速时也可以获得很好的平滑性,在MATLAB环境下对算法进行了仿真.通过该算法以及对拟合度的调整可以获得最优规划路径.该算法在机器手臂轨迹规划当中具有较好的可行性.

关键词: 二次插补, 机器手臂, 轨迹规划, MATLAB仿真

Abstract: Sharp corners may appear in robotic arm’s trajectory planning by using general interpolation method. In order to eliminate the sharp edges and make the machine arm have a continuous velocity and acceleration under non uniform motion state, a new circularconnectionmean linear interpolation method is proposed. Then, a quadratic interpolation is performed, under which the acceleration and deceleration have good smoothness. A simulation about the algorithm is made under the environment of MATLAB. The optimal planning path can be obtained via performing the algorithm and selecting the adjustment fitting degree. Finally, the good feasibility of the algorithm is confirmed in the robot arm’s trajectory planning.

Key words: two interpolation, robotic arm, trajectory planning, MATLAB simulation


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