


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2014, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 1-7.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2014.05.001

• 专家约稿 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2014-10-23 发布日期:2014-10-28

Microvibration Characteristics of Flywheels and Its Vibration Control Approaches

  • Online:2014-10-23 Published:2014-10-28

摘要: 航天器高精度稳定平台要求飞轮在工作转速范围内的干扰力尽可能低,因此需要对飞轮本身固有的扰振力进行有效抑制,一般对机械飞轮采用被动振动隔离方法,而对磁悬浮飞轮采用主动振动控制方法.分别介绍机械飞轮和磁悬浮飞轮的微振动特性,分析其扰振产生的原因,阐述振动隔离以及振动控制原理,并通过测试系统对现阶段振动抑制效果进行了说明.

关键词: 飞轮, 微振动, 被动振动隔离, 主动振动控制

Abstract: Spacecrafts with high accuracy and stabilization are required to reduce the disturbing forces produced by flywheels during the operation as low as possible, so the microvibrations need to be reduced effectively in the transmission path from flywheels themselves to the installation surfaces on the spacecraft. In general, passive vibration isolation approaches are commonly applied in mechanical flywheels while active vibration control approaches are used in magnetically suspended flywheels. In this paper, the microvibration characteristics of mechanical flywheels and magnetically suspended flywheels are introduced separately, and microvibration sources are analyzed. Moreover, the principle of passive vibration isolation and active vibration control are presented. The effects of vibration control based on the recent tests are illustrated.

Key words: flywheel, microvibration, passive vibration isolation, active vibration control


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