辐射防护通讯 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 15-20.

• 研究通报 • 上一篇    下一篇


窦志娟, 李佐有, 赵德才, 杨秀龙, 叶敏生   

  1. 宁夏核地质调查院,宁夏 银川, 750021
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-30 出版日期:2023-02-20 发布日期:2023-04-17
  • 作者简介:窦志娟(1989—),女,2012年7月毕业于长安大学地质学专业,学士;2015年7月毕业于中国地质科学院矿物学、岩石学、矿床学专业,硕士,工程师。E-mail:1035066778@qq.com

Contents of Radionuclides in Corn and Rice and their Annual Effective Doses in Shizuishan of Ningxia

Dou Zhijuan, Li Zuoyou, Zhao Decai, Yang Xiulong, Ye Mingsheng   

  1. Nuclear Geological Survey Institute of Ningxia,Yingchuan 750021
  • Received:2022-08-30 Online:2023-02-20 Published:2023-04-17

摘要: 目的 了解研究区玉米和水稻中的放射性核素含量及其所致居民年有效剂量,为提高食品安全、保障群众健康提供科学依据。方法 依据相关标准在调查区域内采集玉米和水稻共30个样品进行238U、226Ra和232Th检测,对检测结果进行处理与分析。结果 玉米中238U、226Ra、232Th活度浓度均值分别为0.003 5、0.063和0.004 Bq/kg;水稻中238U、226Ra、232Th活度浓度均值分别为0.108 8、0.751和0.135 Bq/kg。计算得到天然放射性核素通过食入途径所致成年城镇和乡村居民年有效剂量分别为 0.021 3和0.019 6 mSv/a。结论 天然放射性核素主要通过水稻的食入进入人体,且食入后不会对居民的健康造成影响。

关键词: 放射性核素含量, 玉米, 水稻, 年有效剂量, 宁夏石嘴山

Abstract: Objective In order to know the levels of radionuclides in corn and rice in the studied area, and their annual effective dose to the local residents caused by different crops, so as to provide a scientific basis for improving food safety and protecting people’s health. Methods According to the methods specified in the national standards, the three natural radionuclides of 238U, 226Ra, and 232Th were measured in 30 corn and rice samples, and the results were processed and analyzed. Results The average activity concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, and 232Th in corn were 0.003 5, 0.063, and 0.004 Bq/kg respectively; the average activity concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, and 232Th in rice were 0.108 8, 0.751, and 0.135 Bq/kg respectively. Conclusion Rice is easier to accumulate natural radionuclides than corn. Activity concentration of radioactive substances in corn and rice samples in the studied area is much lower than the limit specified in the national standard and the world average. The internal radiation dose of residents caused by ingestion is much lower than the personal dose guidelines for food-induced exposure under existing exposure conditions, and it will not affect the health of residents after ingestion.

Key words: Radionuclide content, Corn, Rice, Annual effective dose, Shizuishan, Ningxia


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