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25 October 2020, Volume 46 Issue 5
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  • Vibration Measurement and Iterative Learning Control of Flexible Hinged Plate
    QIU Zhicheng, HUANG Ziqian
    2020, 46(5):  1-9.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.001
    Abstract ( 160 )   PDF (6665KB) ( 195 )   Save
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     Large flexible platetype structures are widely used in aerospace field, though the structures are too easy to cause low frequency vibration. To solve this problem, the flexible hinged plate is selected as the research object so as to explore the vibration characteristics under external excitation in bending mode. An experimental platform for measuring and controlling the vibration of the flexible plate is set up. A stereo vision and a PZT sensor are used to detect the vibration information of the flexible plate, respectively. Based on the vibration information, the iterative learning control method with a variable forgetting factor is adopted to actively control the vibration of the flexible hinged plate, and the experimental results under PD control are used as a reference. The experimental results show that the iterative learning control is superior to PD control in both rapid attenuation of large amplitude and residual vibration suppression of small amplitude.
    A Dual Arm Coordinated Control and Obstacles Avoidance
    FENG Jun, KONG Jianshou, WANG Gang
    2020, 46(5):  10-17.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.002
    Abstract ( 242 )   PDF (3627KB) ( 177 )   Save
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    According to the application requirements of flexible space manipulator in orbit service, a cooperative control method of space dual arm robot is proposed based on the coupling of rigid body motion and flexible vibration. Firstly, the concept of space pose variable is introduced. The Jacobian matrix for cooperative control target is constructed. The rigid flexible coupling dynamic model of flexible space robot system is established. The inverse kinematics solution is obtained based on the specified minimum distance. And the Jacobian matrix of the system is obtained according to the conservation relationship of momentum moment of the system and the movement speed of the end of the manipulator. Then the joint angle is obtained by using the damped least square method so that the flexible space robot can effectively complete the task of cooperative control and space obstacle avoidance. And the correctness of the algorithm is verified based on the software environment of RecurDyn v7r5. Finally, based on the virtual prototype of SolidWorks and Adams, a threedimensional CAD model of the flexible space robot system is established. And the simulation is carried out in combination with the space on orbit transportation task. The simulation results of the joint operation and motion trajectory of the flexible space robot verify the effectiveness of the algorithm in this paper.
    Review of Spacecraft Motion Control Using Electromagnetic Force and Torque
    QIN Yan, DONG Wenbo, ZHAO Liping
    2020, 46(5):  18-26.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.003
    Abstract ( 173 )   PDF (2236KB) ( 428 )   Save
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    Electromagnetic forces and torques are a kind of noncontacting interaction forces and torques. Electrified coils or magnets would be affected by electromagnetic forces and torques in magnetic fields. When electrified coils or magnets interact with each other, the coils or magnets will be imposed with forces or torques in the magnetic field produced by the interaction. As a type of noncontacting forces and torques, the electromagnetic forces and torques have been widely used in spacecraft relative position control and attitude control. This paper mainly introduces the current progress about the application of the electromagnetic forces and torques in geomagnetic fields for spacecraft attitude control. The application of electromagnetic mechanisms mounted on multiple spacecraft for relative position and attitude control is presented as well.
    Decoupled Dual Channel Based Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Trajectory Tracking of a Continuum Manipulator
    ZHANG Yueling, XIANG Guofei, SHUI Yi, DIAN Songyi
    2020, 46(5):  27-35.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.004
    Abstract ( 126 )   PDF (4227KB) ( 163 )   Save
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    Focused on the trajectory tracking problem of continuum manipulator with multisource uncertainties is A linear active disturbance rejection control based on decoupled dualchannel is proposed to suppress the negative impact of uncertainty on tracking performance. Firstly, the decoupling of system is achieved via virtual control variable, and a dualchannel LADRC is designed for both the known and unknown decoupling rate. The linear extended state observer (LESO) is used to compensate for the system uncertainty in real time, and the parameter tuning method of LESO is given. The convergence is proved based on the Lyapunov stability theorem. When designing the simulation, the unknown decoupling rate, unmodeled dynamics, and unknown external interference are considered comprehensively. The results verify the effectiveness of the control method proposed in this article. Further comparing it to computed torque control (CTC), the results show that LADRC can handle a larger range of uncertainties and has stronger robustness, which provides a new idea for highprecision trajectory tracking of continuum manipulator.
    Solar Sail and Coulomb Hybrid Propulsion Spacecraft Formation Around the Displaced Solar Orbit
    ZUO Chenyi, YUAN Changqing, GONG Shengping, HE Jingjiu
    2020, 46(5):  36-41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.005
    Abstract ( 108 )   PDF (1482KB) ( 145 )   Save
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    The problem of maintaining control is investigated for the hybrid propulsion spacecraft formation around the displaced solar orbit. Firstly, the equation of the formation around the displaced solar orbit for relative motion is derived. Since the changing of the displacement between two different spacecrafts is small and the displacement between two different spacecrafts is very small compared with the displacement from the spacecrafts to the sun, the equation of motion is linearized around the displaced solar orbit. Based on the linear equation, the linear quadratic regular (LQR) is designed. This control method which responds fast and is easier to control can change or maintain the formation configuration by adjusting the attitude of the solar sail and the Coulomb force between the spacecrafts. Simulations are given based on the linear equation. The results show that the strategies can realize the formation around the displaced solar orbit.

    Robust Method for Short Arc Correlation of Low Orbit Objects

    JIANG Ping, ZHANG Yasheng, TAO Xuefeng, LI Zhi, XU Can, FANG Yuqiang, WANG Hao
    2020, 46(5):  42-50.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.006
    Abstract ( 134 )   PDF (6815KB) ( 205 )   Save
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    The deployment of a large number of loworbit constellations that will complete in the future has higher requirements for traditional space surveillance. The wideangle optical telescope system can monitor a wide area and observe more objects at the same time. However, most of the observation sequences are “short arc” observations, and a single sequence cannot determine the initial orbit of a space object. The current effective solution is to accurately correlate the optical observation arcs and fuse multiple observations for initial orbit determination. The orbits of two short arcs are optimized based on the admissible region method and the chisquare test is combined to determine the correlation between different observations. Secondly, the illposed problems are described for loworbit satellites in detail when anglesonly observations is used for correlation. Finally, given the high error rate of the loworbit object shortarc correlation, a method is proposed for identifying the wrong correlation based on the angular error characteristics.

    Acceleration Estimation of a Maneuvering Target Using Interacting Multiple Model Robust Filter

    PENG Yiyang, XI Yong, CHEN Hui, SUN Xun, ZHONG Kewei
    2020, 46(5):  51-58.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.007
    Abstract ( 103 )   PDF (6420KB) ( 147 )   Save
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    To cope with the problem of the radar seeker measurement contains glint noise, interacting multiple model and robust filter application in the acceleration estimation of maneuvering target are studied. A novel algorithm named Highdegree Cubature Robust filter is proposed, in which HuberBased filter theory is used to develop Highdegree Cubature Kalman filter. Singer Model, Current Statistical Model, and Constant Acceleration Model are selected as mobile model of target. And the radar seeker measurement model is established. The target acceleration estimation filter is designed, which combines the High degree cubature robust filter with the interactive multiple model algorithm framework. The Monte Carlo simulation results show that the algorithm presented in this paper has a stronger robustness, and better accuracy in comparison with the Gaussian filter for the case of glint noise.

    Interval Parameterization Method for Spacecraft Attitude Control

    WANG Yang, GONG Wei, ZHANG Jiangwei, YU Qi, ZHU Bofan
    2020, 46(5):  59-64.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.008
    Abstract ( 138 )   PDF (3592KB) ( 182 )   Save
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     The spacecraft attitude optimal control problem is considered, and the optimal attitude control problem is transformed into an optimal parameter selection problem by means of control parameterization and constrained transcription. A new interval time transformation method is proposed to solve the calculation of switching time for optimal parameter selection problem. The switching time is divided into a series of subsets in order, and the time domain width of each set is optimized as the decision variable. The switching time points in each subset change linearly with the decision variable. Thus, the control values distribute in several dense or sparse intervals, instead of being represented by evenly divided piecewise constant functions. Compared with the fulltime node optimization technique, this method effectively reduces the number of calculated decision variables and increases the execution efficiency of the algorithm.

    Gyroscope Noise Reduction Method Based on Deep Circulation Neural Networks 

    JING Xiaohao, YUN Weiguo, HAN Shipeng
    2020, 46(5):  65-72.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.009
    Abstract ( 69 )   PDF (3592KB) ( 77 )   Save
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    The inherent random errors of gyroscopes accumulate more and more over time. Recurrent neural networks are widely used as an effective algorithm for processing time series signals. However, the traditional recurrent neural network (RNN) can not solve the longterm dependence in dealing with the random errors generated by the gyroscope, and it is prone to the problems of gradient disappearance and gradient explosion. In order to obtain accurate gyroscope signals, a denoising algorithm for gyroscope signals is proposed based on a variant of Long short term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU).And the two networks are innovatively combined to verify. The random error of the original gyroscope is firstly analyzed through Allan variance, and then the output signal of the gyroscope is compensated based on the combination of LSTM and GRU. The results show that LSTM combined with GRU can significantly improve the random error processing of the gyroscope. X, Y, Zaxis gyroscope’s quantization noise, angle random walk, zerobias instability, angular velocity walk and speed ramp performance have been improved to varying degrees.

    Friction Torque Characteristics of Control Moment Gyros Bearing Unit
    CUI Yufei, DENG Sier, DENG Kaiwen, ZHANG Wenhu, CUI Yongcun
    2020, 46(5):  73-80.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.05.010
    Abstract ( 155 )   PDF (4851KB) ( 211 )   Save
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    Control moment gyros bearing unit is a core component of spacecraft attitude control system. Its performance directly affects the control accuracy and life of spacecraft attitude control system, even endangers the safety of spacecraft. The friction torque and its fluctuation are the key performance indexes of the bearing for control moment gyros bearing unit. Based on the tribology and dynamics of rolling bearing, the nonlinear dynamic differential equations of the control moment gyros bearing unit with six degrees of freedom are established. GSTIFF (gear stiff) integration algorithm with variable step is used to solve the dynamic differential equations. The influences of different working environment that with/without gravity, working conditions that revolution and rotation, the axial preload and cage pocket clearance on the amplitude and fluctuation of bearing friction torque are analyzed. The analysis results show that: the preload has a significant effect on the friction torque of flywheel bearing unit, too large or too small preload is not conducive to reducing the friction torque and its fluctuation. For the flywheel bearing unit analyzed in this paper, the optimal preload is 50~55N; the cage stability is significantly affected by gravity, and the cage is more stable under the condition without gravity; too small pocket clearance will increase the friction torque, and too large pocket clearance will increase the friction torque fluctuation. For the flywheel bearing unit analyzed in this paper, the clearance ratio should be controlled between 0.6 and 0.8.