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25 December 2019, Volume 44 Issue 6
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  • EarthOriented Attitude Recovery Control Method of Satellites with Geocentric Vector Measurements Only
    2018, 44(6):  1-7.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2018.06.001
    Abstract ( 32 )   PDF (1018KB) ( 41 )   Save
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    Abstract: For the earthorienting satellite attitude anomaly with large angular rates without gyro measurement, the problem of the attitude rapid recovery only utilizing geocentricvector measurements is investigated. Firstly, a scale pendulum angle and its corresponding vector are defined based on the geocentric vector measurement, and a novel earthoriented attitude recovery control method is proposed integrating the scale pendulum angle magnitude inhibiting with energydissipating. Furthermore, all equilibria are obtained for the momentumbiased closedloop nonlinear system via applying the geometric approach, and equilibrium characteristic analysis indicates that the desired earthorienting stabilizing attitude state is to be the unique stable equilibrium with suitable parameter selection. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by numerical simulations.