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23 June 2016, Volume 42 Issue 3
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  • Research and Development of Numerical Simulation Techniques for Spacecraft GNC System
    HU Hai-Xia, TANG Liang, SHI Heng, DONG Wen-Qiang
    2016, 42(3):  1-8.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.001
    Abstract ( 479 )   PDF (1579KB) ( 291 )   Save
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    Abstract:A survey on the research and development state of numerical simulation techniques for spacecraft GNC system is presented. Four essential abilities of numerical simulation are proposed: complex simulation system modeling, multidiscipline simulation, high performance computing and simulation platform. Future prospects on the numerical simulation techniques are highlighted based on the four aspects.  
    PhotogrammetryBased onOrbit Modal Identification of Solar Arrays
    WU Xiao-You, LI Wen-Bo, ZHANG Guo-Qi, GUAN Xin, GUO Sheng, LIU Yi
    2016, 42(3):  9-14.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.002
    Abstract ( 434 )   PDF (1962KB) ( 293 )   Save
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    Abstract:Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional contact vibration measurement, an onorbit modal parameters identification method is presented based on photogrammetry for solar arrays. The specific process includes camera calibration, marking point detection, 3D coordinate calculation and modal identification. A binocular stereo vision measurement system made of two cameras and a computer are used for the ground test. The vibration displacement response of measuring points on solar array is obtained. ERA algorithm is used to identify the two main modal parameters of solar array. By comparing with the results measured by laser vibrometer, the effectiveness of the scheme is verified. The experiment shows that the photogrammetry is an ideal method in vibration measurement, which has high flexibility and requires for simple devices.
    Application of Impedance Control for a Robotic Manipulator Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
    ZHOU Xiao-Dong, REN Tian-Zhu, ZHANG Ji-Yang, ZHOU Rui
    2016, 42(3):  15-20.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.003
    Abstract ( 395 )   PDF (1303KB) ( 232 )   Save
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    Abstract:Impedance control strategy is one of the most important methods for the force and compliance control of robotic manipulators. However, it is difficult to obtain impedance parameters due to the absence of versatile algorithms. According to the structure of Cartesian impedance control based on force feedback, Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is employed to determine and optimize the impedance parameters via taking advantage of its concision, feasibility and robustness. In addition, the PSO algorithm is improved to some extent in the characteristics of impedance control. Finally, the robustness performance of the optimized impedance control strategy is verified via simulation of compliance control of a 7 DOF (degreeoffreedom) robotic arm.  
    Relative Navigation Algorithm for GEO Noncooperative Satellites Based on LineofSight Measurement and Orbit Prediction
    ZHANG Yang, WANG Dian-Jun, ZHU Zhi-Bin, GAO En-Yu
    2016, 42(3):  21-26.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.004
    Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (1279KB) ( 246 )   Save
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    Abstract:For noncooperative objectives, with limited measuring method, only angle measurement information can be achieved for the midlong distance satellites. The lineofsightmeasurement relative navigation algorithm has low precision and observability for GEO satellites. Based on the combination of lineofsight intersatellitemeasurement and orbit forecast information of groundmeasurement, a method of relative navigation algorithm for GEO noncooperative satellites is presented. The system state equation based on the intersatellite relative motion model is established. The measurement equation is established based on LOS and orbit forecast information. EKF(extended Kalman filter) and UKF(unscented Kalman filter) methods are adopted. The effects of orbit forecast information measurement accuracy and filtering methods on the navigation accuracy are illuminated via the simulation and analysis.
    Design on Configuration Schemes of Satellite/Pseudolite Integrated Navigation System
    WANG Wei, GUO Hui-Jie, MENG Yue
    2016, 42(3):  27-32.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.005
    Abstract ( 392 )   PDF (858KB) ( 350 )   Save
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    Abstract:The positioning accuracy of satellite/pseudolite integrated navigation system has close relationship with the geometric configuration of the pseudolites. The layout of the pseudolites on the aircraft carrier is studied in order to improve the positioning accuracy of the system. First, eight points are selected that can be distributed on the aircraft carrier according to the characteristics of the pseudolites and aircraft structure. Then, the simulation model of carrier landing process is built and the flight paths of carrier and aircraft are constructed. At the same time, the ship motion model is introduced into the simulation model in order to be close to the real environment. Finally, the configuration scheme of the pseudolites on the aircraft carrier is proposed after the analysis of the influence of the pseudolites on the positioning accuracy by using the dilution of precision. The results show that the proposed scheme can reduce the dilution of precision, especially the vertical dilution of precision, and improve the positioning accuracy.
    Solar Height Angle Analysis and Attitude Maneuver Design of InclinedOrbit Small Satellite
    FENG Bao-Min, CHEN Zhan-Sheng, YE Li-Jun, JI Cheng-Sheng, ZHU Hong
    2016, 42(3):  33-37.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.006
    Abstract ( 379 )   PDF (888KB) ( 337 )   Save
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    Abstract:Considering the optic attitude sensor of inclinedorbit small satellite interfered by sunlight, the variation law of solar height angle is analyzed. For computing and analyzing easily, a handy experience formula of solar height angle is proposed. Based on the formula, a yawaxis attitude maneuver scheme is presented, which can avoid sunlight interferer and make thermal control design and solar array drive law design conveniently.
    Spaceborne T/R Module Accelerated Life Testing Method
    YANG Peng, MAO Rui-Jie, YANG Li, LIANG Ping
    2016, 42(3):  38-43.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.007
    Abstract ( 258 )   PDF (1128KB) ( 335 )   Save
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    Abstract:As a key component of phased array antenna, T/R module has the characteristics of complicated structure, miniaturization and high integration. The reliability of T/R module is the main factor influencing the phased array antenna’s life. Domestic spaceborne millimeterwave phased array antenna lacks of longterm onorbit working experience. Meanwhile there is no T/R module accelerated life testing method. So it is necessary to research into the testing method of T/R module accelerated life for the reliability design and life evaluation of phased array antenna. The principle and failure mechanism of T/R module are presented. Combined with the status of accelerated life testing, the flow of T/R module accelerated life testing is suggested. The activation energy testing method, reliability prediction testing method and multiplestress testing method are compared. The testing flow, testing method and determination of parameters can guide for the accelerated life testing of spaceborne millimeterwave phased array antenna T/R module.
    Experiment of Liquid Sloshing Performance in Bulky Propellant Tank
    HU Qi, LI Yong, YAO Can, LIU Jin-Tao
    2016, 42(3):  44-48.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.008
    Abstract ( 338 )   PDF (1006KB) ( 330 )   Save
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    Abstract:Aiming at the bulky propellant tank with propellant management device (PMD), experiment research on liquid sloshing performance is carried out. The liquid sloshing tests in a tank without PMD are developed under different liquid filling ratios. Based on the equivalent mechanical model, the theoretical result of liquid sloshing is calculated. The results of tests and calculation are analyzed and compared. The results are consistent, both the reliability of test system and the validity of theoretical model are well verified. Then the liquid sloshing tests in the tank with PMD are developed under different liquid filling ratios, and the test results indicate that the structure of inner PMD significantly affects the performance of liquid sloshing in the tank. All the experiment research results provide an important reference and data support for designing and optimizing the attitude and orbit control system of rocket and spacecraft.
    Field Calibration for Static Array Infrared Earth Sensor
    WANG Wei-Hua, DENG Lou-Lou, TAN Min-Tao, HUANG Lan
    2016, 42(3):  49-52.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.009
    Abstract ( 306 )   PDF (4365KB) ( 332 )   Save
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    Abstract:Based on planar target with regular holes, a field calibration method for static array infrared earth sensor  is proposed. The planar target is placed in front of the surface blackbody, and the target plane is parallel to the surface of the blackbody. In the vision field of static array infrared earth sensor, the infrared earth sensor is placed for several pose. Infrared light spot images of target with different position and attitude are obtained. The infrared spot center location is extracted accurately via a contour least square ellipse fitting algorithm. Feature point coordinate is acquired. Finally, the focal length and principal point coordinate of the static array infrared earth sensor is calculated by using infrared target images and image feature points. Experiment results verify that the proposed method operation is simple and flexible, and easy to test. The proposed method is put into the practice of the research of static array infrared earth sensor.
    The Attitude Control of Flexible LiquidFilled Satellite Based on Characteristic Model
    ZHANG Tao
    2016, 42(3):  53-57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.010
    Abstract ( 227 )   PDF (690KB) ( 381 )   Save
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    Abstract:This paper proposes an improved characteristic model based golden section adaptive control method for the problem of the attitude control of the satellite with flexible appendages and sloshing liquid during apogee maneuver. Firstly, the characteristic model of the satellite is derived from its dynamic equations. Then, the angular velocity measurements are introduced to construct the improved golden section adaptive control scheme. Finally, the method is verified by numerical simulations. The results show that a better control performance can be achieved by this method than the traditional PID method despite the same fuel consumption.
    A Nominal Trajectory Method Combined with PD Control in TAEM Phase
    CHEN Yang
    2016, 42(3):  58-62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2016.03.011
    Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (637KB) ( 227 )   Save
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    Abstract:In order to enhance the precision and the flexibility of the guidance law, considering the flight characters of the reentry vehicle with large lift drag ratio during the terminal area energy management (TAEM) phase, a guidance law of planning the trajectory is given. This method is composed of two parts, the nominal control orders and the PD control orders. The nominal control orders are built realtime based on the geometrical characters of the nominal trajectory that are gained offline and by the current status of the vehicle at the same time, while the PD control orders are calculated according to the error signals between the current status and the excepted status. After simulating and verifying, the effect and the advantage of this method can be shown.