›› 2017, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 14-21.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2017.05.003

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An Attitude Pointing Design Applied to Venus Spacecraft

 MA  Yue-Chen, XU  Ming   

  1. (Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China)
  • Received:2017-03-07 Online:2017-10-20 Published:2018-01-03

Abstract: Abstract:Venus detection requires ultralongdistance transmission at lowbitrate, so Venus spacecraft need to keep digital antennas pointing to the earth. Compared with the earth spacecraft, Venus spacecraft are closer to the sun. So the fixed radiator is needed to maintain the temperature inside the spacecraft. Based on the antenna irregularly placed on the spacecraft, a design is provided to ensure that the data is transferred from Venus to the earth and that the heat dissipation surface is maintained away from the sun. Unlike other Venus spacecraft such as Venus Express and AKATSUKI equipped with two or more antennas to transmit data, this design is aimed to reduce the number of digital antennas to only one, meanwhile the two fixed plane is designed as a cooling surface. Two detailed strategies are also provided  to drive the attitude maneuver to ensure that the digital antenna always points to the earth while switching the cooling surface in a particular node.    

Key words: Keywords:Venus exploration, placing the antenna irregularly, fixed radiator

CLC Number: 

  • V476.4