


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2017, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 68-72.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2017.04.012

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  • 出版日期:2017-08-26 发布日期:2017-09-07

An Optimal Design of Star Tracker Baffle Based on Bipod Structure

  • Online:2017-08-26 Published:2017-09-07

摘要:  星敏感器是航天器中常用的姿态确定仪器,其测量精度较高,且受外界环境因素、尤其是温度因素影响显著.星敏感器的热稳定性对其精度有着重要的影响,为改善星敏感器的热稳定性,提出一种基于Bipod结构的星敏感器遮光罩安装结构优化设计.通过仿真分析,此设计极大的改善了星敏感器结构的热稳定性,提高了星敏感器在轨工作时光轴指向精度的稳定性,且星敏感器的强度与刚度条件均能满足安全设计要求.

关键词: 星敏感器, Bipod结构, 优化设计

Abstract: Star tracker (ST) is a sensor with high accuracy, which is wildly applied to measure the attitude of spacecraft. The accuracy of a ST can be easily influenced by the outer environment, especially by the temperature environment. Since the heat stability is important for the accuracy of ST, an optimal design method for the baffle based on Bipod structure is presented to improve the heat stability. Through FEA simulation, this design is proved to be effective in intensity and rigidity, and greatly improved the heat stability, and enhances the stability of optical axis directing accuracy while the ST is working in orbit.

Key words: star tracker, Bipod structure, optimum design

