


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2017, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 7-14.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2017.03.002

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2017-06-26 发布日期:2017-07-03

Formation Keeping and Reconfiguration for Solar Sail Spacecraft

  • Online:2017-06-26 Published:2017-07-03

摘要: 针对高面质比航天器可以利用太阳光压进行轨道控制的特点,本文提出一种太阳帆航天器编队构型维持和重构的方法.该方法通过控制主从航天器太阳帆姿态角和反射系数,调整主从航天器之间的光压差,产生抵消编队成员间相对运动受到摄动差或进行轨道机动时所需的连续小推力,从而实现编队构型的维持和重构.仿真结果表明,在主航天器太阳帆的姿态角和反射系数相对固定的条件下,对于太阳同步轨道上的高面质比太阳帆航天器编队,使用滑模控制方法,能够调整编队中从航天器太阳帆的姿态角和反射系数产生推力抵消摄动力影响,达到长期维持太阳帆航天器编队构型的目的;通过开环控制方法,能够调整编队中从航天器太阳帆的姿态角和反射系数产生连续小推力,在较长时间周期内实现编队重构.

关键词: 太阳光压, 太阳帆航天器, 姿态角, 反射系数, 编队维持, 编队重构

Abstract: In this paper, a new method for maintaining and reconfiguring the solar sail spacecraft formation is proposed, based on the fact that the orbit of the high areatomass ratio spacecraft can be controlled via solar radiation pressure. The difference of solar radiation pressure on the formation members can be adjusted by controlling attitude angles and reflection coefficient of the chief and deputy solar sail spacecraft, and the continuous low thrust can be produced for counteracting the perturbation difference in relative motion of formation constellation members or orbital maneuvers, thus achieving the purpose of formation configuration maintenance and formation reconfiguration. Under the condition that attitude angles and the reflection coefficient of the chief solar sail spacecraft are relatively fixed, the simulation results show that the purpose of longterm formation keeping of solar sail spacecraft formations in Sunsynchronous orbit can be achieved by sliding mode control, which is able to counteract the perturbation difference in relative motion of formation constellation members by controlling attitude angles and reflection coefficient of the deputy solar sail spacecraft. And in the same way, formation reconfiguration can be achieved by using openloop control after long period.

Key words: solar radiation pressure, solar sail spacecraft, attitude angle, reflection coefficient, formation keeping, formation reconfiguration

