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25 October 2013, Volume 39 Issue 5
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  • On the Development of Nuclear Electric Propulsion Technology
    ZHOU Cheng, ZHANG Du-Zhou, LI Yong, TANG Zhang-Yang, YU Yang, TANG Yu-Hua
    2013, 39(5):  1-6.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.001
    Abstract ( 721 )   PDF (1197KB) ( 1401 )   Save
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    Nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) is the key propulsion technology for future deep space exploration. The development of nuclear electric propulsion system, nuclear fission reactor, and high power electric propulsion are introduced based on the investigation of nuclear electric propulsion space application. Then the achievements and the key technologies of nuclear electric propulsion system are summarized. Finally several suggestions are proposed for China’s nuclear electric propulsion technology development.
    On Heuristic Algorithm for Reconfigurability Allocation
    XIANG Chang-Yi, YANG Hao, CHENG Yue-Hua, JIANG Bin, LIU Cheng-Rui
    2013, 39(5):  7-12.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.002
    Abstract ( 614 )   PDF (690KB) ( 712 )   Save
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    The paper aims to find a reasonable solution to the problem of reconfigurability allocation for the series system with constrains. The concept and the computing method of reconfigurable degree for the reconfigurable system are proposed, which consider the component failure. Combining the theory of optimal redundancy allocation and the definition of reconfigurability, maximum reconfigurable degree model modelare proposed. A new heuristic algorithm is presented, which can solve the problem of resources optimization allocation with constraint conditions. The maximum of reconfigurable degree can be achieved by the method. The proposed heuristic algorithm is compared with the representative optimal redundancy allocation method, i.e., the direct search method. The simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the heuristic algorithm.
    A Composite Control Method for Flexible Space Manipulators with RigidBody Motion and Flexible Vibration
    GE Dong-Ming, SHI Ji-Xin, ZOU Yuan-Jie
    2013, 39(5):  13-18.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.003
    Abstract ( 653 )   PDF (947KB) ( 738 )   Save
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    For the rigidbody motion control and vibration suppressing of flexible space manipulators, a control method combining feedback and feedforward schemes is presented. Firstly, for a flexible twolink manipulator, a feedback linearization controller is designed to cancel the nonlinear effects and realize the control of largescale rigidbody motion. Secondly, based on the vibration properties of closedloop responses, an inputshaping feedforward controller is designed to preshape the commands. As a result, the modal responses that have significant contributions to structural vibrations can be suppressed. Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the feedback linearization approach and the inputshapingbased method can achieve precise position control, and suppress the residual vibrations of the manipulator effectively.
    Attitude Control for NonCooperative Target Tracking Based on Nonlinear Observer
    LIU Zhi-Yong, HE Ying-Zi, CAI Biao, CHENG Ying-Kun
    2013, 39(5):  19-23.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.004
    Abstract ( 680 )   PDF (1054KB) ( 628 )   Save
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    With the unknown angular velocity and angular acceleration of the noncooperative target, it is challenging to design the attitude control of onorbit autonomous servicing (OOAS) for noncooperative target tracking. The nonlinear observer is designed to obtain the states of the noncooperative target. Based on the nonlinear observer, the attitude tracking controller is designed. Moreover, the stability of the closedloop system is proved. The methods are verified by using computer simulations.
    Analysis of the Influence of Orbital Position Errors on EarthPointing Precision Based on Star Sensor Measurement
    LIN Bo, WU Yun-Li, SHEN Sha-Sha, LIU Xiao-Xiang
    2013, 39(5):  24-28.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.005
    Abstract ( 562 )   PDF (929KB) ( 684 )   Save
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    The factors that influence the Earthpointing precision by using the star tracker are analyzed. The analytical expressions of pointing errors are given, which are affected by orbital parameters in the directions of both the longitude and latitude. Simulation results show that the analytical results are consistent with the computational results.
    On the Electrical Signal Source of SwingScanning Earth Sensor
    SI Zhu-Hua, FENG Ping, ZHU Lian-Zhi
    2013, 39(5):  29-33.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.006
    Abstract ( 660 )   PDF (732KB) ( 698 )   Save
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    Electrical signal source is often used to excite swingscanning earth sensor during the ground test of satellite.In order to reveal sensor’s actual characteristics and reduce the electrical source error, measurement model and scanning equation of sensor are deduced in this paper.The electrical source error is analyzed theoretically, and then an improved method is introduced. This method has clear concept and little computational requirement. Test results demonstrate that the high precision of sensor electrical source can be achieved with this algorithm.
    Work Mechanism and Application Prospect of Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster
    CHENG Jiao, TANG Hai-Bin, LIU Bing
    2013, 39(5):  34-38.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.007
    Abstract ( 744 )   PDF (1496KB) ( 625 )   Save
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    Magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters are accelerating devices with highpower,which are potentially useful in deep space exploration missions for the significant advantages such as high specific impulse, thrust density and efficiency. Detailed analysis is given on the thruster working mechanism and application prospect in this paper. The thruster energy input, propellant ionization, plasmas acceleration and energy conversion mechanisms are mainly studied, and the application prospects of magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters in space propulsion missions are also analyzed. The study shows that the magnetoplasmadynamic thruster mainly applies electromagnetic forces and energy conversion effect of magnetic nozzle to accelerate plasmas. This acceleration mode can produce large thrust, and additionally it is high efficient and has long work time. This class of thruster can be widely used in the highpower orbit vehicles for deep space exploration missions.
    Design for OrbitTransfer Based on Ion Propulsion
    YU Kai, XU Ming, JIA Ying-Hong, XU Shi-Jie
    2013, 39(5):  39-42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.008
    Abstract ( 602 )   PDF (951KB) ( 786 )   Save
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    Solar energy ion thruster is applied to achieve satellite orbittransfer from the earth synchronous transfer orbit (GTO) to geosynchronous orbit (GEO). The control strategy is designed via the feedback of latitude amplitude, and the ion thruster on/off time is optimized. The genetic algorithm (GA) based on graphic processing unit (GPU) is applied to optimize the transfer orbit. The results show that the closedloop controller completes the orbittransfer task. The fuel consumption of solar energy ion thruster is fairly less than that of the chemical fuel. Genetic algorithm based on GPU can greatly shorten the operating time.
    DoubleImpulsive FlyAround Problem Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
    LIANG Jing-Jing, JIE Yong-Chun
    2013, 39(5):  43-47.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.009
    Abstract ( 583 )   PDF (1329KB) ( 681 )   Save
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    Based on the Hill equation, the article studies the optimization problem of doubleimpulsive flyaround process. At first, the optimization model of doubleimpulsive flyaround is given and the variables which need to be optimized are analyzed. The article proposes a performance index function, which is the weighted sum between the time and the consumption of the fuel, as well as considering the constraint of trajectory safety. In addition, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is designed. Finally, the designed particle swarm optimization algorithm is examined to be effective by the simulations of successful and safe flyaround mission between -Vbar and +Vbar, +Rbar as well as +Hbar. The results are consistent with the traditional optimization algorithm, which proves the validity of the PSO.
    Attitude and Orbit Control System Design and Onorbit Test of VRSS1 Satellite
    ZENG Chun-Ping, LIU Qi-Rui, DONG Jun
    2013, 39(5):  48-52.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.010
    Abstract ( 735 )   PDF (876KB) ( 905 )   Save
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    The attitude and orbit control system of VRSS1 satellite is introduced, including main functions, required specifications, system composition, work modes, control strategy design and main failure diagnosis logic. According to operation data of the satellite on orbit, some operation results and the performance are presented. Furthermore,the attitude and orbit control system scheme is demonstrated on orbit.
    On Thermal Decomposition and Path of Combustion Reaction for ANDbased Nontoxic Aerospace Propellant
    YAO Zhao-Pu, WANG Meng, CHEN Jun
    2013, 39(5):  53-57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.011
    Abstract ( 727 )   PDF (1828KB) ( 646 )   Save
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    Ammonium dinitramide (ADN) is a new chemical propellant with highperforming, nontoxic, and storable characteristics. It represents a new trend in chemical propulsion technology. The thermal decomposition and combustion process of ADN show obviously staged combustion characteristics. For a better understanding of the corresponding mechanisms, in this paper, the new achievement is reviewed. And the possible reaction paths of ADN thermal decomposition and combustion are given. Based on the minimum Gibbs energy method, the adiabatic combustion temperature and product of ADN combustion are calculated by two possible reaction paths. The calculation results of the second reaction path have a good agreement with the literature value. The results are also beneficial to the development of green aerospace propulsion techniques.
    Design and Implementation of Automatic Data Discrimination System for Satellite Control System
    CAO Yong-Mei, ZHOU Jian-Min, PAN Li-Xin
    2013, 39(5):  58-62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.05.012
    Abstract ( 682 )   PDF (1082KB) ( 710 )   Save
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    Considering the mass data and complex types of test data of satellite control system, we design an automatic data discrimination system. This system not only discriminates data according to the configured rules but also records test problems. Besides, it can make report automatically after the testing. Thus this system improves the test efficiency and the discrimination veracity.