1. 李少朋,张涛. 深度学习在视觉SLAM中应用综述[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(2): 1-10.
LI S P,ZHANG T. A survey of deep learning application in visual SLAM [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(2): 1-10.
2. 张承钰,袁利,王立,等. 空间光学敏感器像素位置精确测量技术发展现状[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(2):11-17.
ZHANG C Y,YUAN L,WANG L,et al. Current situation of pixel position accurate measurement technique for spatial optical sensor [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(2): 11-17.
3. 陈严波,韩笑冬,姜斌,等. 集群航天器球形边界控制[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(2): 28-34.
CHEN Y B,HAN X D,JIANG B,et al.Spherical boundary control of cluster spacecraft [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(2): 28-34.
4. 卢纯青,刘兴潭,武延鹏,等. 飞行时间成像系统的数字仿真技术[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(2): 56-66.
LU C Q,LIU X T,WU Y P,et al. Computer simulation technology of time of flight imaging system [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(2): 56-66.
5. 郝仁剑,汤亮,关新. 基于观测器的超静卫星平台关节-任务空间鲁棒控制方法[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(3): 8-16.
HAO R J,TANG L,GUAN X. Observer-based robust control for the hexapod platform on the ultra-quiet spacecraft in the joint-task space [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(3): 8-16.
6. 吴宏鑫,常亚菲. 智能控制系统简述及研究构想[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(4): 1-6.
WU H X, CHANG Y F. Brief introduction and research conception of intelligent control system [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(4): 1-6.
7. 袁利,黄煌.空间飞行器智能自主控制技术现状与发展思考[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(4): 7-18.
YUAN L,HUANG H. Current trends of spacecraft intelligent autonomous control [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(4): 7-18.
8. 王立,顾营迎. 基于特征建模的空间非合作目标姿态智能测量方法[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(4): 19-24.
WANG L,GU Y Y. An intelligent pose measurement method for spatial non-cooperative targets based on character modeling [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(4): 19-24.
9. 解永春,王勇,陈奥,等. 基于学习的空间机器人在轨服务操作技术[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(4): 25-37.
XIE Y C ,WANG Y,CHEN A,et al. Leaning based on-orbit servicing manipulation technology of space robot [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(4): 25-37.
10. 张锡联,段海滨. 一种基于Gabor深度学习的无人机目标检测算法[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(4): 38-46.
ZHANG X L,DUAN H B. A target detection algorithm for UAV based on Gabor deep learning [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(4): 38-46.
11. 穆朝絮,张勇,余瑶,等. 基于自适应动态规划的航空航天飞行器鲁棒控制研究综述[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(4): 71-79.
MU C X,ZHANG Y,YU Y,et al. An overview on robust control of aviation and aerospace aircraft based on adaptive dynamic programming [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(4): 71-79.
12. 李永,刘旭辉,汪旭东,等. 空间极小推力宽范围可调推进技术研究进展[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(6): 1-12.
LI Y,LIU X H,WANG X D,et al. Review and prospect on the large-range thrust throttling technology with extremely small thrust [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(6): 1-12.
13. 熊凯,魏春岭. 基于中微子探测的测姿和定位方法研究[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2019,45(6): 13-19.
XIONG K,WEI C L. Attitude measurement and position determination based on neutrino detection [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2019,45(6): 13-19.
14. 李宜鹏,解永春. 基于点云位姿平均的非合作目标三维重构[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2020,46(1): 1-7.
LI Y P,XIE Y C. 3D reconstruction of non-cooperative target using pose averaging on point clouds[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2020,46(1): 1-7.
15. 翟华,来林,武登云,等. 控制力矩陀螺发展与应用研究[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2020,46(2): 1-7.
ZHAI H , LAI L ,WU D Y,et al. Development and application of control moment gyroscope[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2020,46(2): 1-7.
16. 赵明,顾斌,钟睿明,等. 航天控制软件知识图谱构建方法研究[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2020,46(2): 49-55.
ZHAO M,GU B,ZHONG R M,et al. Construction method of aerospace control software knowledge graph[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2020,46(2): 49-55.
17. 李杨阳,万波,梁森,等. 人工智能技术在嵌入式代码审查中的应用与展望[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2020,46(3): 1-10.
LI Y Y,WAN B,LIANG S,et al. Application and prospect of artificial intelligence technology in embedded code review[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2020,46(3): 1-10.
18. 徐张凡,潘松,陈雷,等. 柔性隔振结构影响下控制力矩陀螺的动力学建模与仿真[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2020,46(4): 1-6.
XU Z F,PAN S,CHEN L,et al. Dynamic modeling and analysis of the CMG considering the influence of the vibration isolator[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2020,46(4): 1-6.
19. 秦琰,董文博,赵黎平. 基于电磁力与力矩的航天器运动控制的研究进展[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2020,46(5): 18-26.
QIN Y,DONG W B,ZHAO L P. Review of spacecraft motion control using electromagnetic force and torque[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2020,46(5): 18-26.
20. 信思博,顾强,郑艺裕,等. 火星环绕器环火轨道的角动量管理方法[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(1): 8-14.
XIN S B,GU Q,ZHENG Y Y,et al. Angular momentum management method for Mars rover on Mars orbit [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(1), 8-14.
21. 鲁明,梁柱林,徐张凡. 柔性支撑控制力矩陀螺动力学建模与控制[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(1): 40-46.
LU M,LIANG Z L,XU Z F. Dynamic modeling and control of flexible support control moment gyroscope [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(1):40-46.
22. 陈睿,于婷婷,贾春鹏,等. 航天嵌入式软件数组越界缺陷特征研究[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(2): 1-9.
CHEN R,YU T T,JIA C P,et al. Out of bounds array access bug characteristics in aerospace embedded software [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(2): 1-9.
23. 黄宇嵩,田栋,李洪珏,等. 一种翻滚非合作航天器抵近绕飞避障轨迹规划和跟踪控制方法[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(3): 1-8.
HUANG Y S,TIAN D,LI H J,et al. A trajectory planning and tracking algorithm for the tumbling non-cooperative spacecraft approach,flying-around and obstacle avoidance [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(3): 1-8.
24. 高婉莹,李克行. 基于人工势场的星群松散编队控制[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(3): 33-39.
GAO W Y,LI K H. Loose formation control of satellite clusters based on artificial potential field [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(3): 33-39.
25. 张文辉,陈浩文,闻志,等. 面向未知目标的柔性关节空间机器人滑模控制[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(3): 49-56.
ZHANG W H,CHEN H W,WEN Z,et al. Sliding mode control of flexible joint space robot for unknown target [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(3):49-56.
26. 唐艺璠,窦立谦,季春惠,等. 基于深度迁移学习的航天器故障诊断[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(3): 57-63.
TANG Y F,DOU L Q,JI C H,et al. Deep transfer learningbased fault diagnosis of spacecraft attitude system [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(3):57-63.
27. 刘晓丹,虞育松,李永,等. 卫星闭环姿控下的双组元四贮箱液体晃动联合仿真研究[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(4): 48-55.
LIU X D,YU Y S,LI Y,et al. Joint simulation study of liquid sloshing of bipropellant four-tank under closed-loop attitude control of a satellite [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(4):48-55.
28. 谢军,王平. 北斗导航卫星姿态与轨道控制技术发展与贡献[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(5): 1-8.
XIE J,WANG P. Development and contributions of BeiDou navigation satellite attitude and orbit control technologies [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(5):1-8.
29. 李果,刘新彦. 地球同步轨道光学遥感卫星高精度高稳定度控制技术[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(5): 24-32.
LI G,LIU X Y. Highprecision and highstability control technology for geostationary Earth orbit optical telemetry satellite[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(5):24-32.
30. 邢琰,魏春岭,汤亮,等. 地外巡视探测无人系统自主感知与操控技术发展综述[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(6): 1-8.
XING Y,WEI C L,TANG L,et al. Development of autonomous sensing and control technology for extraterrestrial mobile exploration unmanned systems[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(6):1-8.
31. 宋俊男,朱世强,原崧育,等. 地外探测设备多传感器硬件时间同步方法研究[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2021,47(6): 19-26.
SONG J N,ZHU S Q,YUAN S Y,et al. Multi-sensor hardware time synchronization method for extraterrestrial detection device[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2021,47(6):19-26.
32. 文闻,周元子,周晓东,等. 基于深度强化学习的空间机械臂柔顺捕获控制方法研究[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(1): 1-8.
WEN W,ZHOU Y Z,ZHOU X D,et al. On compliant capture control method by space manipulator based on deep reinforcement learning [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(1):1-8.
33. 宁之成,刘潇翔,王淑一. 机理与数据融合的航天器控制系统数字孪生建模方法 [J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(2): 1-7.
NING Z C,LIU X X,WANG S Y. A digital twin modeling approach for aerospace control systems with mechanism and data fusion[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(2):1-7.
34. 李林峰,王勇,解永春,等. 多视角视觉目标生成的空间机器人操作学习[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(2): 18-28.
LI L F,WANG Y,XIE Y C,et al. Learning space robotic manipulation via multi-view visual goal generation[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(2): 18-28.
35. 李超,何英姿,胡勇. 基于特征模型的挠性航天器接触消旋控制 [J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(2): 54-61.
LI C,HE Y Z,HU Y. Contact detumbling control of flexible spacecraft based on characteristic model[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(2): 54-61.
36. 邹奎,宁宇,吕楠,等. 空间安全飞行器GNC技术研究进展[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(3): 11-21.
ZOU K ,NING Y,LYU N,et al. Research progress of spacecraft GNC technology in space security[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(1):11-21.
37. 刘付成,叶立军. 基于多星编队的GEO目标巡视策略[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(3): 29-38.
LIU F C,YE L J. Patrol strategy of the GEO targets based on muti-satellite formation [J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(3):29-38.
38. 韩铭麟,胡军. 一种跳跃式再入鲁棒轨迹规划方法[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(4): 1-8.
HAN M L,HU J. A robust trajectory planning method for skip reentry[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(4):1-8.
39. 邢琰,姜甜甜,贾永,等. 面向地外天体表面智能感知与操控研究的多源数据集[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(4): 9-16.
XING Y,JIANG T T,JIA Y,et al. Multisource dataset for intelligent precise perception and manipulation of extraterrestrial object surface[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(4):9-16.
40. 张聪,袁利,王云鹏,等. 基于智能聚类的遥感卫星成像任务自主聚合方法[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(5): 47-55.
ZHANG C,YUAN L,WANG Y P,et al. Autonomous aggregation method for imaging tasks of observation satellite based on intelligent clustering[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(5):47-55.
41. 邢晓宇,王淑一,刘文静,等. 考虑语义和位置信息的航天器知识图谱关系预测方法[J]. 空间控制技术与应用,2022,48(6): 32-39.
XING X Y,WANG S Y,LIU W J,et al. Relational reasoning using DNN based on semantic information and location[J]. Aerospace Control and Application,2022,48(6):32-39