


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 42-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2020.03.006

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  • 出版日期:2020-06-22 发布日期:2020-07-10

Design and Application of Satellite Autonomous Control #br# Software Based on Model Configuration#br#

  • Online:2020-06-22 Published:2020-07-10

摘要: 卫星互联网正成为一种空间基础设施展开建设,大规模卫星发射的需求与地面运控管理任务指数型增长之间的矛盾日益突出,特别是对于低轨长期处于测控不可见弧段运行,其自主生存需求更为急迫,而星务自主控制功能是实现自主运行和生存的重要组成.本文通过参数装订、逻辑子层和数据交互模块的架构设计,提出一种基于模型化配置的自主管理软件系统框架,并针对核心逻辑子层,建立遥控主动模型、遥测主动模型以及数据融合交互控制模型,实现星务自主管理软件的快速研制,解决自主运行功能常会随设计深入和试验验证不断功能扩展的问题,提高星务自主控制软件的灵活性.通过卫星故障检测和恢复(FDIR)自主管理功能的设计进行了验证.结果表明该软件系统设计框架能够满足星务自主控制功能设计,具备可扩展能力,为进一步提升卫星的智能化水平奠定基础.

关键词: 模型化配置, 自主控制软件, 设计

Abstract: Satellite Internet is becoming a kind of space infrastructure construction. The contradiction between the demand of largescale satellite launch and the exponential growth of ground operation and control management tasks is increasingly prominent. In this paper, through the architecture design of parameter binding, logic sublayer and data interaction module, a framework of autonomous management software system based on model configuration is proposed. Aiming at the core logic sublayer, the active remote command model, telemetry active model and data fusion interactive control model are established to realize the rapid development of autonomous management software for satellite, the problem of continuous function expansion in design and test verification is discussed. Finally, the design of satellite FDIR autonomous management function is verified. The results show that the software system design framework can meet the requirements of satellite autonomous control function design, improve the efficiency of software development, and further improve the intelligence level of satellite lay the foundation.